
Some time had past. Now was 10 am or time for me and Mabel to go back to Gravity Falls. Mom and Dad didn't want to let us go from their tight hug. Mom and Mabel were full of tears. Dad was on the verge too. But I wasn't really sad about leaving.

Of course, I'll miss my parents and Aiden, because they were the only things, except Mabel that were keeping me sane, while staying here. But I miss Gravity Falls so much, that I could've gone even without saying goodbye to whoever it was.

Finally we were in the Bus, and 10 minutes later, we were already asleep. When I opened my eyes again I was dreaming. I went right away to the Shack and saw it was closed for today. Wendy, Pacifica and Gideon were making a welcome back banner. Soos and Melody weren't there, and Stan and Ford were on their phones, running around, yelling and ordering stuff.

It was so fun watching them panicking over the party. Soos and Melody came at some point with lots of snacks and sweets. After they were done with everything, they all went outside for our arrival, and I just waited for Mabel to wake me up again.

After she woke me up, I saw her run with her stuff to the door, waiting for the bus to stop. We had like twenty minutes left before we got there.

As I got up, I suddenly was pushed back on my seat from something like strong power not letting me go any further. Seconds later I was again in the Shack. I tried waking up, but it didn't work. I started to panic.

-Mabel's POV-

I was at the door waiting the bus to stop, full of excitement. I waited a whole year for this moment! I missed everyone so much and finally we're back!

Suddenly, I heard something falling in the back of the bus. "You okay bro-bro?" Nothing. "Dipper?" Worried, I got closer and saw him lying on the floor. "Dipper!!" I run up to him and carefully put his head on my lap.

"Wh-what do I do? P-please wake up!" I pleaded, while petting him on the head watching how he struggled with his heavy breathing.

I felt tears running down my cheeks. I had no idea what should I do. Then the bus stopped and I heard everyone talking happily and waiting for us to get out.

"Help!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, my voice cracking. Stan and Ford came in rushing. They saw me crying my heart out over my unconscious brother. Stan came up to me trying to calm me down while Ford was lifting him up.

We all went into the Shack and up to the Attic. Wendy and Pacifica rushed in with towels and cold water, and Soos brought the first aid kit. Ford carefully put Dipper on his bed and removed his hoodie.

He has temperature. I don't understand a thing. He was okay minutes ago and now he's in this state.

Stan made me go downstairs with him. Pacifica, Soos and Wendy followed. Ford then joined us and said he'll be okay after a little rest.

-Dipper's POV-

I started to panic.

Then everyone came in and I saw Ford caring....Me?! Mabel was right behind him, crying her soul out, with non-stoppable wave of barely understandable questions. Ford laid me down in my bed and took off my hoodie. Wendy, Pacifica and Soos came in rushing with Towels, water and first aid kit. Then everyone left except for Ford. He put one towel on my forehead and one on my neck and then he left after the others.

"What are you going to do now?"

"Huh? W-who said that?!" I looked around me for the source of the faint voice.

"Where are you?!" I yelled. "That's not important now. Tell me... what are you going to do?"

"I-i'll keep trying to wake up!"

"Good idea...It's not going to work." He said with a faint chuckle at the end.

"Why not?" I have no idea what's going on. "Your body. It's too weak now."

"S-so....y-you mean I can only wait?" I asked not wanting to believe it. He didn't answer and I thought for a moment. "Can you tell me who you are?" Nothing. Guess he's gone.

I made my way downstairs and saw Mabel still crying. My Heart is tearing apart, seeing her so sad. It felt like time had stopped. Then I felt that urge again to go to Bill. This time it was stronger than before. I prefer to be there than here, seeing the people I love so sad.

-Half an Hour Skip-

It was already dark outside, but somehow I managed to find the statue. But now what? This terrible feeling got stronger with every step I took and I couldn't handle it anymore. I sat behind him and laid on his back. Then I fell asleep.

I dreamt about Bill. It wasn't that bad actually. I saw how we first met. I saw how we fought. Then how we killed him. And even if I hate him I really have to admit that, when he put me threw pain, blood and tears....it actually made me stronger which I'm grateful for.

And when we defeated him I really hoped I would see him again. But now, after seeing him like a harmless, little statue in the middle of nowhere, I don't really think it's possible for him to come back.

I woke up with that last thought still in my head. I felt a tear fall down my cheek. I can't believe that I actually miss him....and that I'm crying over him. "I must have lost my mind." I chuckled at the thought as I wiped the tear off my face.

Then I looked around and saw the sun rising. I guess I slept pretty well. As I got up I went before Bill and looked him in his stoned eye right before smiling a little. "Yeah....I totally lost it."

I went back in the Mystery Shack. Everyone was still sleeping, so I got upstairs. I saw Mabel sleeping on the edge of my Bed, holding my hand. I watched her for a while when she suddenly moved. She took off the towels, wet them and put them back on their original place.

I couldn't believe my eyes. She stayed up all night taking care of my, God knows why, exhausted body. For the second time this morning I was on the verge of tears. Strangely enough, not one made an attempt to wet my cheeks.

I don't know what is happening with me, but I don't like it.

Then Ford came in. He moved one of the towels and placed his palm on my Forehead. He smiled and fixed the towel.

"Is he better?" Mabel asked with brittle voice. "Yes, he is. He should wake up soon." As she heard that, she smiled wide and hugged Ford with all the strength left in her. Ford patted her back and kissed her on the head. "You should get some sleep." Ford told her just before closing the door behind him.

Mabel sighed relieved as she headed to her bed. I went to my own and took Yang who was sleeping next to my head till now. I sat on the floor, leaning against the bed frame falling asleep again.

-Two hours later-

I slowly opened my eyes. Instead of seeing Mabel's bed I saw the ceiling. That was the moment I realized I was finally back. I took off the towels and put them inside the water filled bucket. I stood up and tiptoed to Mabel's bed, as I didn't want to wake her up or the others. I leaned against the bed frame and awaited.

-Two and a half hours later-

I heard Mabel moving which meant she probably woke up. I turned my head and saw her rubbing her tired eyes. "Good morning sleepyhead." I chuckled happy to finally talk to her.

"Dipper, what ti-... Dipper!!" She yelled in realization, as she fell off the bed trying to hug me. Then the door burst open as everyone rushed their way in. Ford came in first with his gun in hand thinking something happened. "Grunkle Ford!! Put that down right now!" Mabel said still not letting me breath.

"Sorry kid!" He said putting the Gun away, as he came to us for a big hug. When we all let go, I stood up only to be tackled back to the ground, as everyone else came for a hug. Are they trying to suffocate me here? "G-guys! I can't b-breath...!" They all let go and Stan helped me up.

"Soooo.....what exactly happened with you?!" Pacifica shouted, looking for answers. She didn't notice how she startled everyone in the room. "I-I d-don't really k-know?" I said laughing nervously. "I actually would want to know myself." I added.

Then Ford stepped in pushing his glasses up. "It looks like you just fainted. For longer than I assumed, but the important thing now is that you are awake and okay." Everyone nodded in agreement as we headed down for breakfast.