After we ate our Stan-cakes we started the party which continued till midnight. We were all dancing and singing, talking about what happened while we were apart. Of course I didn't tell them about Aiden because I think it's too early for that. And about my dreams.....I don't really want to tell anyone about them.
Mabel and Pacifica were almost the whole day together. The family knows Mabel likes her but she won't admit it.
After our friends left, the others went to bed. I, on the other hand, felt that urge again. Now it was even stronger than yesterday night, and out of my dream most of all. I wrote a message for Mabel in case I didn't come back on time and left the Shack with a flashlight in hand.
After I got to Bill I sat on my knees and stared at him for awhile. His outstretched hand was looking especially tempting for someone to just come and shake as if something was actually going to happen. And so, without giving it much of a thought I lifted my right arm and shook his hand as if we were making a deal of some sort. The urge I felt slowly disappeared. But then...
"Aaaghh!!!" I screamed, suddenly feeling strong, piercing pain in my arm. I took off my hoodie and saw a yellow glow, graving something in my forearm. Blood was gushing like a fountain and my clothes were now practically a dark shade of red.
I wasted no time and sprinted back to the Shack. Ten minutes later, I was dialing the code for the vending machine.
"Don't." I froze. "It will be over soon." The voice said. I had no idea why I could hear it out of my dream, but now I had bigger problems. I couldn't decide what to do – go in Ford's room and ask for help, or hide everything up. Then I run in the bathroom and took the first aid kit .
I chose to hide it.
When I looked at my arm, I saw practically nothing because of the blood but that glow was clearly visible and still graving my arm. Then I looked in the mirror and my jaw dropped to the ground.
My right eye was glowing yellow with a slit instead of a pupil and my left eye was like...glitching, flickering in yellow. Then I saw small glow under my hair. I quickly knocked my hat away, lifted my bangs and saw my birth mark was yellow too. I was staring at the mirror examining every inch of my face. I didn't even mind the pain anymore.
Then the glowing and the pain started slowly to disappear. My arm and clothes were all covered in blood. Felt damp and sticky. I washed the blood off my arm and saw that there were no open wounds or anything. There was only a big circle with a smaller one in it.
I took some bandages from the first aid kit and wrapped them around the engraving. It didn't hurt at all now, but I didn't want to make excuses of why I have two big tattooed circles on my arm.
The blood on my clothes was already dry, so I didn't have to worry of any more stains while cleaning the ones I already left on my way here.
After I was done cleaning, I put the first aid in its place and went to my room. I slowly opened the door to not wake up Mabel. I took the note that I left earlier and then got some clothes to change into. I took my blanket and got downstairs again to wash the old clothes. After I was done I put them outside to dry. I wasn't really sleepy so I stayed outside and laid on the couch on the porch.
-Next morning-
I was still laying on the couch with my blanket over me, listening to the sounds around me.
Stan came out with his coffee. "Good morning, Grunkle Stan." I chuckled after greeting him as he almost choked on his coffee. "Kid! What are you doing?! I almost choked here!"
"Sorry. I just wanted some fresh air." I said sighing lightly. "Did you sleep here?"
"Yeah." I didn't really sleep but that are just mere details.
"Okay kid, we gotta get in and start with the cleaning from the party. Will you wake up the others? I'll start with the breakfast." I small groan escaped my lips before I knew it. "Okay, Grunkle Stan." I said, lazily getting off the couch with the blanket still wrapped around me. "Hey Kid!" He sounded somewhat worried all of the sudden, so I turned around to face him "What's with your arm?"
"Oh, that...don't worry. It's nothing serious." I said, trying to cover it with the blanket, faking a smile, already sweating from nervousness. Luckily, he just shrugged and didn't ask any more questions.
The bad thing is that my hoodie is my only casual thing I took with me that has long sleeves. And it's still wet from yesterday, because at night it's cold outside. I really need to go and do some shopping.
I went to Ford's room first. "Glunkle Ford?"
"Yes?" He said sticking his head from the corner he got himself into while trying to clean his mess of a room. The way he looked, I would assume he didn't sleep at all either. "You need to come out and help with the cleaning from the party."
"I'll come in five minutes." He said and once again vanished from my sight hiding in the jumble I like to call 'junk'.
Then I went upstairs. I opened the door slowly and went in tiptoeing. I threw my blanket onto my bed and walked to the wardrobe to search for something with long sleeves. And of course, all I had were jackets that I would bake in if I wore.
When I gave up from my clothes I started rummaging through Mabel's. I found a dark blue sweater with a wolf howling in front of the moon and changed in it. I could only be grateful of the fact that Mabel often made me wear her sweaters, so this wasn't going to be weird.
When I put away my old clothes I walked to my still sleeping twin and shook her lightly.
"Mabel...Mabel, wake up. It's time to get up." I whispered trying not to scare her. "Stop shaking me Waddles. *yawn* Five more minutes Mom....zzzzzz."
"You asked for it." I said to myself. I walked over to the end of the bed and lifted a little of the blanket covering her feet and started to tickle her. Then she kicked me in the stomach.
"Okay *pant* Bad idea." Then I grabbed her for the legs and pulled her off the bed. "Nooo! Stop it Waddles!!" Unbelievable. She's still sleeping!!
"...Pacifica is here."
"Where?!!" She sprung off the floor, looking around. "...You're so cruel." She pouted while I was crying from laughter.
"Whatever you say sis. We have to get down to clean the place."
"Okay, I'll come in a minute" I left the room to let her get dressed and got downstairs. I saw Wendy, Soos and Melody were here earlier to help with the cleanup. Twenty minutes later, Pacifica and Gideon came too. I never thought I would see them so early. And on top of that to clean. They're really full of surprises.
After we were done Pacifica, Gideon and Mabel went to Town along with Waddles. Ford was in his room and everyone else was working as usual. I told them I'm going to search for something new for the journal and to not wait for me. Then I headed for the Woods with my back pack. I took with me some extra clothes along with my finally dry hoodie and some bandages.
I went straight away to Bill's statue. I don't really know why. I sat on the ground, leaning on a tree across Bill. I put my Headphones on and took my Notebook and Pencil out. I drew Bill in his stoned form. Then in his old, yellow one. Then when he's angry. Then with his blue flames. I drew him and me making a deal. And at some point I couldn't see what was I doing anymore. It got dark before I knew it.
I felt that urge again. I took out the flashlight and took the sweater off so I don't make a mess again. I sat on my knees before him and hesitantly reached for his hand. Then I screamed at the top of my lungs out of pain. I saw the yellow glow graving in my arm again
I don't know why I'm doing this, but there was no turning back now. I reached for my phone and looked at my face. My right eye was bright yellow again and my left was flickering. My birth mark was glowing as well.
I don't know why but I chuckled slightly at my looks, ignoring the non-stopping pain in my arm which was making me shudder all over. I actually liked the glowing.
Twenty minutes of suffering in the leaves and I finally could feel the pain going away. I took out a bottle of water and drank half of it. The rest I poured on my arm to clean the blood. I saw small and big triangles in a line. The small ones were around my arm right under the two circles. The bigger triangles were around my wrist.
I don't know why, but I smiled. "I really have lost my mind somewhere." I said chuckling. "And why is that?" There it is again. I didn't say anything this time. The voice stayed silent as well.
I bandaged my arm again, put on a shirt and my Hoodie and packed my stuff as I headed back to the Shack. I came just in time for Dinner. I abandoned my backpack next to the front door and sat down at the table in the kitchen. Next to me was Ford and Mabel across me. Stan just finished the cooking and put our plates down as he sat next to Mabel. Then she started.
"Dipper, where were you? You were gone all day." She exclaimed as immediately stuffed her mouth with forkful of her meal. "I was in the Woods searching for mysteries again." I said as I gobbled in my own food. "Did you find anything?" Stan asked. "Not really. Just lost my time. I'll try tomorrow again."
"No Dip-stick! You're coming with me and the Girls to the Mall! You need to be sociable!" Mabel said while still chewing, pointing at me with her fork.
"Mabel, you know I don't like being in crowded places. We can go somewhere else if you want, but I'm not going to the Mall." I stated. I never liked places like that. I get all nervous and sweaty and if someoone starts talking to me I start stuttering while trying to make out what I want to say.
"Hmmm. Then we can go to the Pool!!" She said excited as I almost choked. "The Mall it is then."
"....What? You said you don't like crowded places. And I know you love swimming. Why not go the pool??" She asked and stuffed her mouth angrily.
"Is it because of your arm?" And Stan just had to ask that.
"What about your arm?" Ford joined. I started to sweat. "Uh, It's nothing really. I just cut myself and dressed it." I lied. I can't just tell them the truth now, can I? They're for sure to freak out.
"Why didn't you say anything? Let me see." Ford said reaching to take my hand and I put it on my leg and continued eating with my left one. "Dipper, just let me see. It might be something serious." He insisted. Like always.
"Trust me, it's not." I was desperately trying to convince them. "Then just take your hoodie off. It's better if you let it breath."
I just stared at Mabel for a while and hesitantly stood up as there was no other way to satisfy them. I unzipped my hoodie and put it on my chair. As I sat back down I realized they were staring at my arm. "Dipper....I really need to see it." Ford said. Then Stan.
"This morning you had less gauze on." Mabel was just staring at me blankly. I could see only worry in her eyes .
"So you cut twice?!" Ford asked. "N-no, I didn't."
"Did you..." Mabel took a deep breath. "Did you do it on purpose...?" I was shocked she thought I would do something like that. (No offence was meant)
"W-what?! No, of course not!!"
"Then show us!" She snapped. I stared at her a couple of seconds and stood up. I took my Hoodie and backpack and went for the front door.