The next day.....

At the Macallam's mansion.

The birthday party was already in full swing when Jared and Megan got to the house.

There were a lot of business officials, private individuals with wealthy status and celebrities in the party.

There was no doubt that the Macallam 's party was a place to be as it signify your status in the society and it was something to brag of outside. It was a party attended by elite of the elites.

Some stood in groups chatting and laughing with  glasses of expensive wine on their hands while others were sit just watching what was going on around them.

While others will do anything and everything just to be in this party the same can't be said of Megan as she detest every bit of it.

As the Macallam as always made a show of ridicule at her everytime they host a party this past months she married into the family.

As they walked up to where his dad the celebrant was, she could hear whispers around which is mostly and usually about her and she knows she didn't need to looks up at them to know they had a face of mockery as she was a form of entertainment to them.

" Hello Dad and happy birthday to you", Jared said with a smile as they got to him.

He was surrounded by his wife, daughter Melissa, his relatives and close friends.

"Welcome son and thank you so much", he said smiling , you could read the happiness in his eyes that today was a special day for him.

" Glad you could make it sweetheart", his mom said as she stood up and gave him a hug with a face full of smile.

While the rest of them at the table cooed their greetings.

They all admire and respect Jared alot and it shows from the way they treated him.

" Happy birthday Dad", Megan voice rang out suddenly which made the table go quiet as they anticipate the drama that was about to unfold.

" I have always told you that we are not your parents and that you should never address us as one cos I will never accept you as a daughter - in - law", Bridget told her angrily and what she didn't add was that Megan was a vixen who use her feminine wiles on her son who had done nothing but loves her.

She hated everything about Megan so much especially the pain she caused in her family.

"Please ma stop it", Jared said quietly to him Mom.

While stealing glances at Megan to see her reaction.

She didn't look like the one being spoken to in that tone. She looked calm and collected with a smile still gracing her face.


Megan was sitting at the edge of the fountain which is her favorite spot. She wondered why they needed her to be at the birthday party when they ended up not regarding her as family one bit.

They never see any need to make an exception even outsiders could see how they treated her.

She was just tired of everything and couldn't wait for the day to end so that she can go home.

" Meg! Meg! Where are you?", She heard Jared calling her and that brought are back to the present.

" I am here", she replied calmly and she stood and wave to him with a smile.

Once outside, they had to pretend to be a happy couple and involves everywhere.

As he walked towards her , Jared took in her outfit , her diamond paired earrings,  necklace and bracelet which looks so good on her with the gown that accentuate her shape.

He had to admit that Megan was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen but her actions made her look so ugly.

As he walked towards her, she wants surprised to notice the present of a longtime friend, Sharon. 

" Hi!", She said as they got to where she was.

"Hey! Stranger", Sharon called out, going so far as to hug her .

For her , it was awkward cos they were never close when they were in school and Sharon usually keeps a long distance from her as she had once profess her love to Jared who turned her down and she came back later to say it was a prank but she knows immediately she came into his life that Sharon has the hot for him.

" How have you been", Sharon had asked her.

" I am fine, never knew you are back", she told her as a matter of fact.

Sharon have been gone for the past eight years so she was surprised to see her there.

" Yes I am ", she responded with a smile as she watched Jared reach out his hands pull Megan close and wrapped his hands around her.

"Welcome back ", she said leaning onto Jared.

" Glad you guys got back together after everything", she said with a catlike grin on her face as she watched the way she was leaning so into him.

Megan felt Jared went stiff a bit when that Sharon finished her statement and she felt bad.

She had been enjoying just feeling his warmth even if it was for a little while before the statement .

" We are good , Sharon . Love conquers all", he responded smiling and pecking Megan cheeks still holding her.

" I need to head back inside then", Sharon said awkwardly as she shrugged and left.

They watched her go far before he moved away from her.

" I know I should not be saying anything to you right now but I am sorry Jared, I am sorry for everything", she said as she face him even though she has promised herself she won't say anything about wanting him again, just do what he wants but she can't help herself knowing in as much as he pretends he was still hurts about the past.

She finds it absurd that Sharon had to bring it up.

" Don't please ", he said with anger as he walked away.

She sighed softly as she went to sit down where she was before they both came to find her.