
My Boyfriend's Back

In the early morning, Chente steps outside of his house and stands by his front door. He leans against the wall to pull out a box of cigarettes from his jean's pocket. He opens to box to reveal that he only has about seven cigarettes left. One of them is upside down, showing the tobacco end. He grabs one of them and reaches for his other pocket to grab a worn-out zippo lighter. He ignites the cigarette while he takes a deep drag from it, he smiles as the smoke enters his lungs. Then in a large cloud, he exhales, causing his body to relax.

"Does mom know her youngest son is a smoker?", questions a voice behind Tino's parked car. This scares Chente causing him to drop his cigarette from his mouth. "Fuck...", says Chente as he looks down to get his lit cigarette. The voice begins to cackle and Tino rises behind the car.

"I didn't know you were a smoker, Chente", says Tino with a smile on his face. "With the way you're smoking, has mom caught you?", asks Tino. "No. And I'm expecting you to not tell her either!", demands Chente.

While laughing Tino says,"Don't worry carnalito, I aint no fink. Then again, I need help cleaning my car. This dirt road is making my machine look like a fucking turn off. So help me and I won't tell mom."

"I'll help you some other time, I was planning to go see my old lady", says Chente. Blowing air through his nose Tino says, "Wow... so the smoker has a girlfriend". "Yeah that's right", Chente quickly says.

Tino stands up and looks at him, "Whatever go be lame."

As Chente goes for his bike and begins to walk his bike to the road, Tino looks at him and says, " Aw man, you're going in a fucking bike?!" Confused Chente says, "Yeah? What's wrong with my bike."

"What if she wants to go out to town or sumthin'. What are you going to do, put her in the basket" says Tino. "No she is going to ride behind me", replies Chente.

"No way my little brother is going to be an L7. Tell you what carnalito, you take my souped-up machine, take her to the local passion pit and play some back seat bingo with her. That's it, I don't want you doing any Mickey Mouse shit in my car", offers Tino.

"That's a nice gesture but I don't even have a license", says Chente. "Aye, neither do I carnalito but don't worry it's easy. Just don't be a fucking spaz, drive straight and you'll be cool", says Tino. Tino throws his car keys to Chente and he catches it. "Now you would want a set of clean wheels. So help me clean my car Smoker", says Tino.

"Good afternoon, you are tuned into 1010 AM KCH, this is Sammy Laboe. It's a beautiful Summer Saturday, with highs of 92 degrees and lows of 84 degrees. So for all those love birds, today will be a great night to take your girl out in the town. Here is "Little Darlin'" by the Diamonds."

Chente swerves over a hill while the music plays loudly. He holds on to the steering wheel trying to keep the car straight but he finds it difficult to drive fast without getting nervous. He begins to drive past the strawberry fields and in the distance he see's a slow moving truck carrying sheep approaching on the opposite lane. Even though the truck is going 10 miles per hour, Chente see's that bitch speeding towards him.

Chente speeds past the truck nearly hitting it. The truck blares its horn.

"Watch where're ya goin' fuckin' Wet Back!", shout the man driving. Chente yells out, "Sorry!"