
My Cherie Amour

Luckily, Chente managed to get to Martha's house without crashing or getting a scratch on his brother's car. He pulls up slowly to her house and figures that there, awaits his biggest challenge thus far. Parallel parking. He takes a minute to look at his situation and begins to move the car. At first he goes in front first, very slowly. He hears the sound of scrapping metal.

"Shit! Shit!", says Chente afraid.

He pulls out and tries to park in the opposite direction, with his back. Again, he hears the sound scrapping metal. Chente's face turns white in fear, knowing that his brother told him to be careful with his car. He knows that his brother cares for the car, what other reason would he be awake so early washing the fucking thing.

Chente thinks to himself that he is just going to park the car on Martha's driveway. He parks right next to her father's car and takes a peek at what was causing that horrible noise. Tightening his jaw at the sight of his brother's car, he realizes that he had scratched his brother's skirt from the curb. Chente looks over to the curb and says,"What the hell, the curb isn't even that fucking high! How in the hell did it scratch the car?!"

Grabbing his shirt to try to see if he can rub off the scratch but it doesn't work. He knows that there is nothing he can do so Chente figures that he might as well walk up to the door and knock on it. Before he begins to knock on it, he realizes that the door has a door bell so he rings it and waits until someone approaches. While he waits, he takes a second to take a good look at Martha's home. It's almost as if Chente and her live in two different worlds.

Compared to his small house with a dirt driveway and like one window, Martha's home looks like a mansion. In his head, Chente thinks to himself that Martha's two-story home with a nice lawn and concrete driveway looks like it doesn't belong to a hispanic family but more like middle-class white family. Shit, maybe even a higher-class white family. He begins to wonder what does her father do. Just as this thought begins to cross his mind, a man opens the door.

"How can I help you?", questions the man. "Is Martha here?", asks Chente but he immediately turns red. In the middle of asking, his voice cracked. "And who are you? One of her friends?", aggressively asks the man.

"I um, her boyfriend", says Chente trying to clear his throat. "Boyfriend? Is that your car boyfriend?", he says pointing at Chente's brother car. "Um, yes?", says Chente feeling intimidated.

"What are you planning to do with my daughter, boyfriend?", ask the man. "Oh, you're her dad? I didn't know that. Im sorry I should introduce myself to you", says Chente. "No, it's ok. I'll go get her", says Martha's dad. He closes the door and leaves Chente outside.

Chente gets the idea to wait by the car to surprise Martha. He quickly walks to the car and tries to position himself in the coolest way possible. He tries to lean on the hood and with his elbow, real cool like, all in the name of impressing her. He waits and waits but the longer he waits, the more he thinks he looks stupid. So he figures that he'll just wait in the car for her.

Martha finally opens the door and looks for Chente. She sees that he is inside the car and with a smile on her face, she begins to walk to the car window.

"Where did you get this car, Vicente?", ask Martha. Chente takes a second to think of a response. "Oh this car? Well I um, stoled it." Martha gets an uncomfortable face, she thinks he is being serious. "Don't you want to take a ride with a bad boy?", asks Chente. "No, I can't. My dad told me to stay away from bad boys", says Martha with a smirk.

"No I'm just playing with you, I saved up money from working in the fields and bought this beast", says Chente. "Really? I didn't know that you were saving. Thats neato, I guessed it really payed off", says Martha.

"No Im just playing with you, it's my brother's car", says Chente with a smile. "Wow, thats awfully nice of him", cheerfully says Martha.

"Yeah it is huh, so would you like to go on a ride with me beautiful? Like to the movie theaters?", asks Chente. With a smile Martha replies in a happy tone, "yes."