Scary. But hot.

The next morning when I went to grab breakfast there was something sitting on my kitchen table. It seemed like a package with a letter on top of it.

Picking up the package I read through it.

"Dearest Sasuke I have been watching you since the demise of your clan. I've taken a liking to you and can't wait to see what you are like when you are older. With you by my side we could both get our wishes granted. You can revive your clan and I can find a solution to eternal youth. If you wish to advance our relationship use the item inside." After that there's a purple kiss mark.

"I have an admirer? I'm only 8?" I'm both sickened and curious. Scaroused?

Opening the box there is a matching pair of skimpy underwear. Lacey and see through. Nice.

There is also a scroll i quickly unroll it and blanch for a second. It's the snake summoning scroll.

Down at the bottom is the name I was hoping not to see for a while. Orochimaru.

However something seems off? Eternal youth? Female underwear?

I quickly store the scroll before rushing off to the library.

It doesn't take me long to find what I was looking for.

Orochimaru the snake princess of konoha. Branded a traitor for kidnapping young women and experimenting on them to find a way to stay forever young.

"Oh thank god its a female or I would have been sick." I sigh in relief.

I tap my chin for a second before leaving the library. Having a crazy sannin on my side is a very good asset and I could even get some supplies from her. I could also use information. I haven't been able to use quite a few jutsu. I need bloodline jutsu scrolls that aren't available here. I was only able to get some wood jutsu that Minato remembered. I also need other items I can't get.

I head back to the compound and take out the scroll before signing my name. Due to having rinnesharingan I can summon without using hand signs.

I quickly write down a list of items I require. I need dead bodies 6 of them, Some lab equipment, Jutsu scrolls, various poisons. Also I'm curious about a couple of thing.

As soon as I'm done writing out my letter I press my hands on the table. A little black snake pops put and looks at my curiously.

"Pass this to orochimaru." the snake grabs up the scroll and swallows it before vanishing in a puff of smoke.

About 15 minutes later the snake pops back with a message saying I'll get what I need in 3 days.

Honestly having a sugar momma seems nice. I can't do a lot of things in the village and getting my hands on dead bodies is one of them.

I need them for the 6 paths of pain. Using Chakra control rods I can get perfect control of up to 6 bodies. Each of them would gain one of my abilities. Gravity control, weapons creation, chakra absorb, summoning, soul stealing, and the last one can summon the king of hell. The king of hell is apparently useful for interrogation if the person it is used on lies then the soul is taken however if they tell the truth then they are spared it also has the ability to absorb the other bodies and heal them back perfectly. It's like a mobile healing station for the other bodies.

Three days passes by in the blink of an eye. During this time I had a couple of sparring sessions with Hinata and Shino. I even taught them tree walking. Hinata has taken my advice and now puts forth 100% effort when sparring she is progressing by leaps and bounds when she isn't holding back and trying to improve.

"I see you've adjusted your gentle fist. This way is much better you aren't so stiff. Have you also been practicing the tree walling exercise? Once you master it more we can do water walking." I tell the little girl as I slap aside a palm strike.

She blushes slightly at the praise. "Yes however I still can't hit you."

Well I've had practice fighting against Minato who is leagues ahead of an 8 year old girl.

"I would suggest starting to practice wearing wrist weights. These will make your strikes faster. I also practice with weight seals." I explain as it was one of the first things I had kushina do was put on training seals.

"Mm I'll have father get me some today." She says throwing more strikes at me as fast as she can. I had already memorized the gentle fist style since I could also use it.

"Great. Don't make them too heavy at first. If you can get the ones that grow while using chakra those would be perfect."

She nods.

"Anyway I think that's enough for today. Good job, you are constantly getting better." I say with a smile pulling a scroll containing some snacks.

We sit down and have a light after work out snack. Being a ninja is a high calorie work out and you need to eat quite a bit.

Shino was having an implant of a new hive done on his body today so he couldn't make it to spar with us. Hiashi, Hinata's gather was thrilled that she was now taking her training seriously and was all for her training with me as much as possible. If this was for hopes of gaining my eye bloodline in his clan later on or just from being happy about his daughter taking things seriously I couldn't tell.

Noone had found out about my mutation yet or the fact that my eyes were already active. I'm pretty sure that would cause some problems when it was exposed but I didn't mind.

"Anyway same time tomorrow?" I ask the shy girl cleaning up the plates.

She just nods.

"Alright don't forget to look into those weights."