Six paths, Cash.

Once I got home sure enough sitting on my kitchen table was a bunch of scrolls. I mean it's not like konoha had great security or anything.

I grab the scrolls and enter my internal world. They are each marked individually.

I take out the scroll that contains bodies and unsealed one.

"So now then how is this supposed to work. Do I just stuff the chakra rod into it orrr..." Soon some memories hit me and I instinctively know how to make a path of pain.

A black rod pushes it's way out of my wrist creepily. Honestly anything sliding out of my flesh is eerie.

The next second a massive head with rinnegan and white hair pops out of the ground. I toss in the body and the chakra rods. The king of hell will convert and revive the body and install the chakra rods.

I can make adjustments to the looks of the bodies. I also have the Chakra control rods ground to dust and forced into the bloodstream for full control.

I have learned quite a few things over the years about my Rinnesharingan. One of them being I can't use the gedo statue. It's a special item apparently and I don't have access to it. Another thing was the animal path for summons. I have to provide my own animal summons which I haven't been able to do. I can't use the summons nagato used. Sucks if you ask me.

If I could summon the gedo statue I could probably cheese my way through this whole world like a breeze but I can't.

Another is that my mastery of elements and memorization are near perfect. I can learn pretty much and kind of jutsu with ease.

I feel a strange pressure on my mind asking which gifts to give the bodies. Surprisingly there are more than I initially thought. I can also give them sharingan and byakugan abilities. Since summoning is useless let's replace that with susanoo.

Soon 6 bodies are spit out of the hell kings mouth looking identical. All having my original body with Sandy Blonde hair but having the distinct rinnegan eyes. I also have field of vision for all of them and full control like they are my own body. I thought it would be awkward controlling 6 bodies but it's as simple as waving my hand.

I plan to use these bodies for specialized training. Medical Ninjutsu, Taijutsu, and maybe send some to go and hunt down bounties for cash.

I do a bit of testing. Apparently they can all use the inventory since they are all me. Which is great. They can also enter and leave the internal world no matter where they are except when they exit they will exit at the spot where they entered. This can be bypassed by having one of the bodies exit while grabbing a different body.

"Alright then 1 for medical studies and experimenting. 2 for combat practice learn to wield different weapons. The last three I want the king of hell, susanoo and soul extraction looking for bounties. Also we need disguises." I think for a moment on which outfit to let them wear then it clicks.

Mortal Kombat ninja outfits. Ermac, Subzero, Scorpion, Reptile, Rain, Smoke.


I also have other business that I need to attend to personally.

For one I need money for supplies that I can use. My accounts are actually monitored by the village council since I'm only a child. They can't use my money for anything unless I approve of it but it's really fucking annoying not having a decent chunk of cash I can actually use.

As soon as my paths are set up and exit the village I head towards the hokage office.

I walk up the the secretary. "Hello I would like to having a meeting with the third." I request politely.

"He is rather busy with paperwork but ill see if he can fit you in. Who may I ask are you?" I was still wearing normal clothes and goggles so I blended in with everyone else. Short black haired children were quite plentiful.

"Sasuke Uchiha."

She freezes for a second and I catch a glimmer of pity in her eyes. Honestly I don't really care about the slaughter of the clan as the memories don't effect me. I do care that they killed off children though. As a man I have some morals. No rape, No killing children.

"I'll inform him right away." She says walking towards the office.

A few minutes later she returns.

"The hokage is willing to see you please follow me."

She leads me to a large open room I feel 5 signatures in the room and I can make them out with my eyes. One in the shadows behind the hokage, the hokage himself, one in the bookshelf, one in the couch and one in the ceiling which has much better skills than the other 3 in hiding. I also pick up a few Chakra signatures which seem to be listening seals around the room.

"Ah young Sasuke what might you be here to see me for?" the third says happily.

Discretely I sign some messages to him that I had been taught by Minato for silent communication. 4 unknown in the office and 5 listening devices.

His eyes widen slightly.

"Ah I was actually here to discuss the Uchiha compounds current condition." I sign the location of all the person's in the room.

He gives a discrete nod before signaling his anbu. Which stab a couple of blade into the roof. There is a squelch as blood starts pouring down from the rafters and a dead body drops with a blank mask.

The old man surges his chakra for a second and some seals around the room fizzle out.

The old man looks pretty angry I expect the anbu to get a chewing out and he probably feels pretty bummed even he didn't sense the intruder. Looks like a root agent from Danzo judging by the blank mask.