
The old man gives me a couple of hand signs.

"No all the listening devices are gone." I say scanning the room.

He nods. "Thank you for the assistance if it wasn't for you I wouldn't have even known I was being spied upon. I'll register this as a mission that you can receive pay for after you graduate. S Rank."

"Thank you very much."

"Anbu clean up this mess. Sasuke please follow me to a different room to continue our discussions." the old man says getting up from behind his desk.

The anbu rush to clean the area as we head to a different room with a large table. It also has a few listening devices placed all over which are quickly disabled.

"Now then you wanted to discuss the Uchiha compound?" He ask sitting down at the head of the table.

"Yes I wish to sell the entire compound back to the village. Owning a massive portion of the village and just having it unused is not worth it to me. I also want access to the money not to have it given to the council." I tell him.

"Well as you are technically head of the Uchiha clan it is indeed within your power to sell the Uchiha grounds. I'll have some papers drawn up and the land value estimated. Would you be willing to take it in payments? I doubt the village would be able to fork out that amount of cash all at once." He asks.

"Sure that's fine with me. I would also like to sell the furniture, buildings and anything else in the compounds." I had already looted all the weapons and anything I thought was valuable along with the hidden stone monolith in one of the rooms that was a trap.

He nods. "What about yourself?"

"I plan to get an apartment in the village. Living in the place where my parents died makes me rather uncomfortable."

"Understandable. Now can you tell me how you found my anbu and those listening devices." He asks seriously.

"I can see Chakra."

"See it?"

I just nod.

"Very well thank you for your assistance once again. Now I do have quite a lot of paperwork to get back to. If you can come back tomorrow I should have it done."

"Why don't you just use shadow clones for your paperwork?" I question.

He raises his finger before his mouth drops open in shock. "Why can't I use shadow clones to do the paperwork? Son of a bitch! I've wasted so many years of my life on paperwork!" He cries out with tears in his eyes.

"Honestly I would have passed off all the tedious work to the council and only dealt with the important work. I mean it's not like you have to sign everything yourself. Isn't that what the council is for?" I add as he takes even more critical damage.

"I've wasted so much of my life when I could have been peep*Cough* Spending time with my family." He cries out.

I'll just ignore the peeping part. "Well hopefully you can give me a good deal on my family grounds."

He just nods happily before making 3 shadow clones who run off and start doing paperwork.

I just shrug it off before leaving the office before he asks more questions. I'll go and grab me some barbeque.

Gotta admit my younger years have pretty much killed Ramen for me. But BBQ meat and all you can eat? Delicious.

After a fantastic lunch I head back to the compound and already see people examining the houses. I've already got all my stuff packed up since I've been planning this for a while. I already have a small house built in my realm using wood jutsu. That is such an under rated technique. The ability to build houses in just a minute.

I'll head out and find a nice apartment for now. But seriously who let's an 8 year old child have his own apartment? Then again these guys sent children to war as cannon fodder so.

With the Uchiha accounts I'm easily able to find myself a nice apartment. A simple single room place but it's really nice.

The next day the old man already had the paperwork filled out and I was signed a check and would be getting a decent sum each month.

"I'm curious as to what happened to the Uchiha police force weapons." Hiruzen asked as I was signing papers.

"iw have them sealed away and some are used for training since I'm technically not allowed to buy weapons or anything from the ninja shops." I reply casually.

"Would you be interested in selling them?"

"Only if I can get access to the ninja stores. I'd like to be able to buy proper gear." I mean I have thousands of sets of equipment.

"I'll give permission. Since you seem to be able to use fuinjutsu you must already be able to make explosive seals. That is the main reason children aren't allowed to buy from the shops. Too many kids blowing themselves up." he explains before writing out a letter. "Just take the items you don't need to one of the shops and they will purchase them."

He hands me the permission slip and I tuck it in my pocket.

One of the reasons I want more money is to set up a decent lab in the internal world. Things like medical equipment and other objects are pretty expensive. I also need to start gathering up materials I'll be able to sell in different worlds. The cash in this world won't be able to transfer over. What can transfer to most world's is gold and silver.

I also want to grab myself some Chakra weapons for myself and my six paths.

I've just been using basic steel. Needless to say having a source of money to spend opens up quite as few opportunities. I'll make some more upgrades to the realm besides the basics. With orochimaru helping I'll be able to get decent items I usually wouldn't be able to get my hands on.