
Emmett removed his hat and threw it on the small couch. He had also draped his coat on it. Emerelda looks back once more at the outside view of the setting sun that hung low in the sky. It made the sky looked as if a painter had moved his brush across the sky with streaks of red, yellow, pink, and blue color.

"Do close the door, it's getting quite chilly." Emmett calls.

Emerelda walked inside and closed the door behind her. She starts removing her coat and rolled the long sleeves of her shirt. Emmett stood leaning on the couch, the boxes he got from the shops sitting bellow him on the ground.

"That was lavishing, don't you think?"

She nods, not sure on what else to do next. She wasn't sure where she should put her coat either, it hung on her arm as she stood near the door staring at Emmett. Emmett had his eyes looking at the window in front of the table, a small smile on his lips.

"You seemed to enjoy the reactions of those around you."

"It was quite the laugh."

His eyes, gold like a tiger, glanced at her, "It soon grown depressing on you."

She didn't enjoy the fact he read her so well. She turned away, "I remembered the real reasons on why we were out." She didn't lie.

"Understandable. The whole city itself carried an aura of fear. It wasn't hard to miss it, anyone cold sense that no matter where you turn, danger would follow you."

She moved to the table to place her coat on the chair, "Precisely." She murmurs.

She watched him come behind her through the reflection, the sky now a deep dark blue, "We should start getting ready and review the plan." He said in a low voice.

She nods. She was fighting away tears.

Emerelda kept on adjusting her black mask and her cloaks hood as Emmett stood staring from the corner of the manor. He too wore a mask as well, a mask used for a masked gala. She'd only attend a gala once, and it wasn't quite pleasing.

She dug her boot into the dirt sighing, "How much longer?"

"Shhh!" He snapped turning back at her, "Must you speak so loudly?" he harshly said in a low voice.

She rolled her eyes, though he couldn't see it though the dark, "We got past the guards quite easily, and even managed to get to the west wing of this manor. Don't you think that was success?"

"The only success is for you to keep your mouth shut and get in."

She sighed again.

Finally he indicated with his hand to follow him. They crept into the shadows of Mr. Chester's manor, the guards ahead in front of the gates oblivious on what was happening behind them. Emerelda followed Emmett to a large window. He broke the glass with a stone and waited. When no one appeared, he pulled himself up with the ledge and went in.

Of course no one would hear the broken window. The west wing of the manor wasn't used. Mr. Chester was alone tonight, only a few maids and a butler would be around him. And that would be at the east wing.

Tonight he was supposed to do something secretive. His wife and children away visiting England, this was his and their opportunity.

No one else would know that, but Emmett did. He investigated the poor man, studying his schedules and habits. He was to contact what Emmett predicts the Midnight Assassin, or much more. Emerelda didn't know how to feel about it, though she knew it would be their advantage.

She looks back once more and placed her hands on the ledge. She pulled herself in and swung her short legs over. She slid down careful from the glass. Emmet was a silhouette in the darkness of the room. Emerelda looks at her surrounding, it looked like a bedroom.

Emmett opens the door and looked side to side, "All clear." He whispers.

Emerelda held in a remark and quietly followed Emmett out the room. He seemed to know where he was going, apparently having to been here as an invitation. That was all he said, an invitation which allowed him to explore the inside of the manor.

Finally they arrived to another bedroom upstairs at the east wing. Emmett threw open the windows and looked back, "This would have been better if I did it alone, using my gift to get my way in and out."

She crossed her arms, "I'm sorry that I slow you down. But you need me. Therefore I don't see why you choose the time right now to complain."

He heaved a sigh. The tree in front cast shadows from the silver of the moon. Emmett shadow stretched in front of him, making him look taller than he was. His hair was a pure onyx. And the gold in his eyes bright through the mask. "It's quite frustrating a little."

"Oh, I assume that the stairs to exsit the front door is near here." She turns around, "Maybe I'll ask a passing maid."

"Oh for God's sake, come along." Emerelda turns and he stood on top of the window. He looks back flashing a grin and jumped.

Emerelda heard a rustle of leaves. It was her turn. Slowly she got herself to stand on the window. She looks down, her hand holding onto the window. It was such a long way down, she could break many bones. She looked at the tree right in front and crouched.

She jumped.

The distance wasn't long, though it felt as if it lasted more than a split second. Her feet then landed on the branch, Emmett holding onto her waist before she could fall backwards. She stood amazed with fear as her heart hammered in her chest hard. She also realized she was clenching Emmett's shirt.

"I told you, it's easy, and I'll be here to hold onto you." He whispers close to her face.

He did, in fact he told her everything they were going to do tonight, from leaving the cottage, to entering it back. There was nothing she wasn't aware of that would happen tonight. Everything was to go according to the plan, nothing out of place.

Emerelda nods, and shifted under his hands that was grasping on her waist. He lets go of her and started to move along the tree to the next branch that struck out in front of the study of Mr. Chester. Emerelda found a branch above her, and held onto it as she slowly watched her step right behind Emmett.

Emmett stopped suddenly. Emerelda frowned and turned to see what he was looking at. Mr. Chester sitting on his desk, his back turned to them. She wanted to go back to the cottage. An unexpected emotion washed through her, she didn't know what it was, though it made her sick.

Emmett turned his head, his eyes giving her a look. She nodded despite the odd feeling within her.

Since Mr. Chester was in his study before them, Emmett would jump first as planned. He'll tap the window and of course Mr. Chester would turn, open the window, and Emmett would use his gift.

Which all happen, however, Emerelda missed the whole scene. She was too busy holding onto the tree trying not to slip. She almost lost her balance, and had to move her legs to another branch. By the time Emmett was done tying Mr. Chester up, she was now jumping onto the ledge of the window. Her stomach still back at the tree.

Emmett tied one good knot of his rope. She crawled down and watched Mr. Chester trying to yell through the fabric tied on his mouth, he also had another fabric covering his eyes. He wiggled hard on his leathered, beautiful, large, chair that was away from his desk. He wasn't going anywhere.

Emerelda stood behind him and took a deep breath. She looked up at Emmett who was waiting and she nods. He then removes the fabric on top of his eyes. For a minute Mr. Chester stared, and then the muffling yelling started again.

Emmett placed a finger on his lips, "Shh," he said softly, "Don't waste your voice." His voice was low, and daring. It sounded chilling almost.

Mr. Chester stops and started speaking. Emmett shook his head, "I can't have that Mr. Chester." He said in a disprovable tone, "We have to set some ruled before we begin."

In the meantime, Emerelda was remembering every exercise they have done. Be calm, focus. Don't push your mind too hard.

She peered in the mind of Mr. Chester.

His voice was loud as if he was speaking in person. He was worried, his mind kept thinking 'They are here for me, they are coming. The Judas group.'

She took a mental note of that.

"Rule one; no talking until I ask you a question. Or I would slice each of your fingers. Rule two; no yelling for help, you saw how fast I tied you up? It would be easy to slit the throat of the next person who enters the room. Rule three; if I catch you lying…" he chuckles, "Well its simple, your beautiful manor would all go down in flames. And you would be exposed. Understood?'' he asked a little too sweet.

'The midnight assassin,' Mr. Chester thought.

He nods quickly, and Emmett grins. He then slowly placed the fabric back on his eyes, and removed the fabric from his mouth.

"Thank you for your cooperation, Mr. Chester. It's an honor to be in your presences."

"Who-who are you?" he sputters, his voice trying to conceal his fear.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk." Emmett sighs revealing a dagger. Emerelda gave him a look and he gave her a look back to calm down. They had agreed not to kill anyone…yet. He placed the dagger on top of Mr. Chester's fingers, "I really don't want to do this."

Mr. Chester shudders. 'I'm going to die. I'll have to answer to him. He's either the midnight assassin, or the disciples of the Judas group.' He thought in his head.

Emerelda frowns. The what group?

She looks at Emmett and mouths, "Judas group."

He frowned, "What?" he mouth back.

She moved her lips wide to each word, "Judas group. Judas group. Disciples."

He made a face but nods understanding, "Tell me Mr. Chester," he said, "Who are the Judas Group, and the..." he looks at her, "Apples?" he mouths.

She rubbed her hand on her forehead, "Disciples." She mouths.


"DECIPLES!" She mouthed furiously.


She nods, and he smiled returning back to Mr. Chester, "And the disciples."

Mr. Chester's thoughts all began to change, 'Who is he then? Doe he not come from them? Is he not a part of them? How does he know I'm part of it?'

Emerelda was thankful he thought out loud. She points to Mr. Chester mouthing, "Part of it."

Emmett raised his eyebrows, 'Interesting, so his part of it?' She nodded to his thought.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Mr. Chester said between them.

They both rolled their eyes. Emmett stepped back, "I'm sure there's a lighter here. Don't try to deceive me, John Chester. I know all there is to know about you." He went to the desk and found a box next to stack of papers. Everyone in the room heard the small box opening.

"Okay, Okay!" Mr. Chester horridly gave in, "Their rebels. I'm sure you know that. The Rebels against the Royals,"

'And against those who follow the King.'

Emmett lit a pipe he found from within the box and Emerelda rolled her eyes disapproving. He smirked walking right in front of Mr. Chester. He took one puff then stuck the pipe into Mr. Chester mouth, "Relax, John. Have a smoke would you?"

Mr. Chester shivers but took in a breath. Emmett removed it from Mr. Chester's mouth to blow the smoke out. Emerelda, unable to stand the smell, walked to the desk to look at the papers.

"Rebels eh?" Emmett said with the pipe in his mouth, "What an awful name. What part do you have in this group Mr. Chester? Aren't you an apostle of the King?"

Emerelda lifts up one paper quietly. It looked like a telegram from England. She frowned, what on earth were the words gifts, future teller, and King on it? She turned to Emmett but he was too busy staring down at Mr. Chester.

"A little louder." He was saying.

"I have no part in it!" he said a little bit too loud.

Emmett's arm blurred and he was pointing a dagger on his throat, "Mr. Chester," he cooed, "Do you not know how to follow three simple rules?"

Emmett glanced at Emerelda with a pipe dangling from his mouth. Emerelda held up the telegram and Emmett frowns. 'Keep it.' He thought for her.

Emerelda stuck it inside the pocket of her trouser.

'His going to kill me, who is he? What does he want? No…not my prize weapon.'

Emerelda head snaps at Mr. Chester.

Prize weapon?