
Emerelda was shocked to hear; 'Prize weapon.'

She frowns and forced her mind to listen more carefully. She knew forcing wouldn't be such a good idea, but it was the only way to answer the questions she had. She thought back on when Emmett sat with her on the couch in front of the fire place.

"Breathe in and out." He said.

She crossed her arms, "I do that every day." He gave her a cold look. She took a big breath in and one out, "Alright, now what?"

"When you need to listen, focus. Construct your mind in order to be able to hear one thought loud without filter."

She nods, "As loud as if they were to speak in person."

He raised an eyebrow, "So is that how you hear it? Then yes, just as loud as if they are to speak in person." His eyebrows furred, "Don't push yourself too hard, your mind is still fragile. We won't know what would happen in a current situation."

And they did this every night.

Emerelda didn't push hard but only until it felt as if his thoughts were talking over Emmett's voice.

'There is no way, how does he know?'

'Locked up…they came for him. I can't have them take him.'

'I'll answer his questions. He probably just wants to know the inside of the Judas Group...Fool.'

'I'm not even accepted yet. However, when I show them my prize weapon…I'll reign over the Judas Group.'

"I'm part of it," Mr. Chester admits with a lie a little too calmly.

That made Emmett looked back at Emerelda. He took the pipe from his mouth and stuffed it into Mr. Chester's mouth. Emerelda tip toes towards him, and the floor creaked. Mr. Chester's head turned to the sound, he was anxious.

"Stay where you are!" Emmett mouths.

Emerelda points at Mr. Chester, "Prize weapon!"

"What?" he mouths.

"Pri-ze. Wea-pon" she mouths slowly.

'Prize weapon?'

She smiled and gave thumbs up. He took the pipe from Mr. Chester's mouth. Mr. Chester's mind was screaming, 'No, no, he knows. He knows where he is!'

Emerelda went back to the desk. She saw a paper listed with meetings. She leans to it as it was under a lamp. She looked through and there were times held in balls, bars, and at certain manors. She glares as she saw names and manors of about two apostles of the king. All the dates listed this month…she saw a meeting that was in three days from now.

"What are you hiding Mr. Chester? Is it you're…weapon?" Emmett asked.

Mr. Chester was shaking his head, "No, no, no. I have nothing, I promise you that! I'll tell you everything you want to know."

Emerelda's eyes found that the last meeting in the month was at the palace.

"The midnight assassin, do you know such thing?"

"Of-of course!"

Emmett took the pipe from his mouth, "Does he work with the Judas group?"

'Who is he? What does he want?'

"That's…that's hard to say…"

Emerelda saw a letter in the corner. She picked it up. The envelope was addressed for Mr. Chester. She slowly removes the thick yellow paper from the envelope that secured it. Her eyes ran through the hand written words, ink deep within the paper, the handwriting looking as if someone hurriedly wrote this. There was no signature.

"Oh please, don't lie. It's a yes or no question."

"They would come for you," Mr. Chester said in a weak voice, "The midnight assassin."

'They?' Emmett thought out loud. Emerelda turns to him at the same time with a worried look. Emmett stared back confused and shock. Mr. Chester sounded as if the Midnight Assassin was more than one.

But that didn't bother Emerelda.

Without a second thought, she walked towards the large bookshelf and starts looking through the spines of the books. Mr. Chester might have heard because he started loudly pleading.

"No! Stop, stop it! I told you, I do not have anything. I promised to answer all your questions. Please, stop. Stop-"

A thud from a wall.

Everyone in the room froze.

Then another thud.

It sounded as if it came behind from the bookshelf.

Emerelda looked back to Emmett but he was already at the end of the bookshelf, pushing it forward. Mr. Chester started screaming, and Emerelda walked towards him. She found the dagger on the ground, and picked it up to Mr. Chester's throat.

He didn't move. 'There are two of them' his mind thought frighten.' Emerelda dug the dagger deeper on his throat, her eyes watching as Emmett revealed a door behind the bookshelf.

"That little bitch!" Mr. Chester swore and Emerelda turned her attention back to him trying to figure out how to make him be quiet, "I swear if you take him, I'll…I'll expose you all! I know you're from the Judas group. You only came here to test my loyalty. Don't you dare-"

His head dropped to his chest. Emmett stood behind him with a thick book in his hands. Emerelda stepped back but sighed in relief, "Finally his quiet."

"Help me find the key." Emmett said a little too serious and upset. He threw the finished pipe out of the window.

Emerelda didn't move. She carefully slid her fingers into Mr. Chester's coat. She opened the flap of the coat on the side and found the key. She took it pleased and hand it out to Emmett who was watching with a blank face.

"It was too obvious," she smiles.

Emmett disappeared. Emerelda felt a cold small breeze and realized Emmett used his speed. She turned back to the door and Emmett sticks the key into the doorknob. He turned the key, and the sound of a 'click' echoed into the night.

He turns the knob and Mr. Chester screams a "No!"

Emerelda turns back shock. Mr. Chester was rocking back and forth. He was yelling, screaming words which didn't make sense. Emerelda stood staring unsure on what to do. She didn't want to hurt him.

He did work with those who killed the Prince. He knew the Prince would die.

She threw a punch. Mr. Chester stopped, and before he could register, she threw another punch. Emmett yelled from behind for her to stop, but she didn't.

He worked with her Father. He was trusted. He and his group killed her brother.

Her vision blurred, and her arms moved. She didn't need to move them herself; they were filled with anger as she was. These were the hands that held on her dead brother. They were useless to her when she needed them the most.

But not tonight.

The blindfold fell from his eyes, and Mr. Chester brown eyes grew large. He thought, 'The Princess.' And he asked shocked, "Emerelda?"

Before she could throw another punch, his chair went flying to the side. Mr. Chester and his leathered, beautiful, chair fell crumbled on the ground in front of the wall. Wood surrounded Mr. Chester's unmoving body. Emmett's leg was raised right where Mr. Chester's chair was.

The outside wind flew in, and Emmett's hair ruffled with the breeze, his mask gone from his face. He dropped his leg and sighed turning to look at Emerelda.

Someone clapped behind them.