The Path Home

"It's dangerous to be walking alone at night." He chastened. His voice has a heavy accent, which I can't quite place. Yet for some reason, it sounds familiar,

"I know... but I don't live far from here... So I should be fine." I replied. My heart was racing from being alone with a stranger... I couldn't help hoping he would go away soon.

"You said your name was Akina right?... I will walk you home." I looked up at him in surprise... How does he know my name? Maybe he isn't a stranger after all?

"No... that's okay, I'd rather go home alone," I stated dismissively.

"I said I will walk you home." He stated commandingly with a hint of aggravation in his voice; I couldn't help but flinch away and submit.

"Okay," I stated, but my voice was shaky and then I heard him sigh. A few seconds later he relaxed his face.

"... I'm... sorry... I did not mean to scare you... I want to walk with you...I'm concerned and... I hope that is fine with you. I can leave if I am making you uncomfortable" His tone had turned gentle and I instantly remembered where I had heard his voice before... he's the guardian! Serco pulled his hood onto his head then he reached out his hand towards me. I stared at the hand curiously then his glare returned and he made a demand "Take my hand." I quickly did as told and we slowly began walking. Wow, his hand feels really warm like a freshly brewed cup of tea.

"...Y-you're Serco... aren't you?" My voice squeaked, embarrassingly, as I asked this and he started to laugh. This caused his expression to soften and for that reason, I felt much calmer and safer at that moment.

"Yes... that is my nomenclature." He replied. "I... had wished to speak with you... and when I saw you I felt like this was my chance to say what I wanted to say." He expounded while looking straight ahead.

"What did you want to tell me? " I asked. At my question, he suddenly stopped walking and held my hand a little tighter.

"I wanted to thank you." My heart fluttered slightly... I don't know what I did to be thanked and really I never expected to be talking to the Guardian, this whole conversation is weird. "Your... concern was unneeded... and your actions were stupid and foolhardy... but even so I appreciate it. No one has ever worried about me before... and I feel like I... was rude to you that day... so I also wish to apologize." By this point, I was hyperventilating. I have no idea what triggered it but I'm stressing out! Don't Guardians detest humans... why is he thanking me... why is he apologizing to me... why the hell is he still holding my hand!? Am I dreaming? I quickly slapped myself to check... after I was pain-positive I wasn't dreaming I managed to calm myself down and respond to him. His eyes widened, momentarily, because of the violence he witnessed me inflict upon myself.

"It's fine... I really was an idiot. I'm sure I deserved any rudeness you threw my way." At my words, Serco narrowed his gaze and then he yanked my hand towards his chest drawing me closer.

"It's customary that if someone apologizes you tell them you forgive them. I was wrong so I need to make it up to you." He said. His voice was powerful it felt like he was a military general, talking to a subordinate but at the same time, there was a warmness in his words.

"I... uh... forgive you," I stated, not knowing how else to respond.

"Now, how can I make it up to you? Tell me." He questioned insistently.

"You don't have to do anything!" I replied. I feel so nervous, this closeness is getting to me!

"No... You failed miserably and you would have been useless if I was truly in danger. Still... you intended to protect me... with your fragile self. I do not believe it is not fair that I do nothing for you." His argument moved I looked down to hide how I was feeling. I definitely can't make any more eye contact with this person! He continued to stare straight at me unwaveringly, awaiting my response. Even without looking, I could feel his eyes on me. This form of attack is super effective!

"Well... I don't know right now." I answered. He sighed heavily dropping his arms down to his side, yet not releasing my hand.

"Which way is your house from here?" He asked. That's when I noticed we were at an intersection... of course, he wouldn't know the way to my house... and yet I was letting him lead the way. I feel so dumb

"T-to the left," I stated while pointing, and then he gently led me in that direction, whilst intertwining our fingers.

"Tomorrow... If it is well with you, I would like to speak again..." He admitted. For the first time, there was a little nervousness in his voice.

"Are you worried I'll say no?" I teased without thinking, I was mostly joking, but then, I remembered who I was talking to, and put my free hand over my mouth; mortified at how casual I was being.

"Your senses are quite sharp." His reply was friendly and amused so I sighed with relief. "So is it okay or not... to speak with you again" He asked, the testiness from earlier returning to his tone slightly.

"Of course it's okay," I answered. That's when he gave me another one of his brilliant smiles.

"I'm glad." I was so awestruck by his smile that I didn't even notice us walking past my house. We were a complete block away before I paused and said,

"Oh no! We passed my house a while ago." Serco snorted and laughed so hard there were tears in his eyes.

"What? Where is your head at?" I looked away from him ashamed but he didn't seem to mind turning around, "Pay attention this time." He chastened.

"It's not my fault! You... have a very powerful presence." My comment wiped away his smile, 

"Do you find me... uncomfortable?" My heart raced as I ran through all the possible answers to his questions in my head.

"Yes... but... it's not bad... I thought that I wanted to walk alone but ... walking with you feels nice too." His smile returned after this response,

"That alleviates my worries." I noticed my house coming up so I pointed and said,

"This is the place, thank you for walking me."

"It is my job to protect people... and a beautiful girl walking at night alone is quite the target for danger." He noted. I blushed from the sly compliment and said,

"So... you walked with me out of duty?" Before replying he smirked,

"No... as I have said. I wanted to talk with you." After saying this he vanished with the same gust of wind that he had appeared.