The earth is constantly under attack, but luckily I live in a city protected by a Guardian. An alien species we call Angels. I'm not sure why they protect us, and hearing everyone around me gush about our Angel has gotten so intense that it annoys me.. yet I'm grateful that he watches over us and I wish I had the power to show my gratitude, if only I could meet him...
This novel is so good to be true, can't take my eyes away from this. It feels like heaven to read, I wanna read it so much. If this novel got some drive, then thanked God its still alive. This novel is so good to be true, can't take my eyes away from this. I need this novel like it's quite all right. I need this novel to warm my lonely nights. Just read this novel, cause I... say... Shameless Promotion: Check out my novel: Crowning Cruel Crow. Hahaha.
This book is a wonderful journey into a different world. I’m not usually a big fan of romance driven stories, but angel is pretty captivating from the start. With Aki being a good female lead and Serco being a relatable, But still fun character. I cant wait to see how this story truly unfolds.