He Tells His Tale

"I'm... different, even on my homeworld. So a lot of responsibility was placed on me as soon as I was born. My father had wanted to retire for centuries but never considered any of my older brothers good enough to replace him; I was. My academics, and my skills all surpassed his expectations, the only issue was my personality." Serco avoided my eyes when he said the word personality and wore a pained expression... I want to hug him but... I shouldn't interrupt.

"I'm listening," I said while making sure to have a comforting tone.

"So we never got along... so many people around me were jealous and spiteful, my senses are ... sharp, so I could pick up the slight micro-expressions, changes in tone, blood pressure, all of it, without even trying so I knew I couldn't trust anyone. Women would throw themselves at me because I was next in line to take over after my father and I knew they were all liars, users, and trash. So I treated them like trash, and my father didn't approve of this..."

"Your dad... must be someone important," I commented, and he laughed.

"My Father," Serco put emphasis on the word 'father' as if to let me know this man is not a 'dad' Then he continued by saying, "is the king of the South Eastern Quarter of Infaniya." I gasped

"That's the largest territory on Infaniya!" He nodded and smiled while ruffling my hair. "Then why are you here?" I asked, but regretted it as soon as the words left my mouth so I added. "I'm glad you're here but..."

"Only low-ranking Infaniyans get sent to Earth" He completed my sentence,

"Yeah..." Serco, sighed then made the face he makes when he's thinking for a few seconds before enlightening me,

"My father gave me an ultimatum, either act like who he wants me to be or come to Earth and be a Guardian." I frowned and said,

"That's awful." Serco laughed. He then moved his pillow closer to mine and sat down with our shoulders touching,

"I tried... I tried to be who he wanted me to be, I behaved but he saw through me... said I still wasn't good enough, and banished me anyway... He said this lowly job will humble me, then maybe one day I can return." The thought of him leaving caused my heart to ache but I shook the thoughts away... I want him to be happy and if he's unhappy on Earth, then I shouldn't be selfish. Even though I was thinking this, my eyes still began to sting and I felt the tears coming. Serco placed his hand on mine and then kissed the top of my head before whispering "I would never leave you." My face felt inflamed... I partially hate how he always knows what I'm thinking. "You... did develop feelings for me... but they were genuine... and you did not care that I was a guardian, you also never asked me for anything... you are a rare person, I do not ever want to lose you." I put my knees up and hid my face against them.

"I... I'm glad." He stroked my hand with his thumb,

"I can not be fooled by others... so I know how you feel about me, and I feel the same."

"I love you!" I yelled, causing Serco to laugh.

"I'm not too old for you?" He inquired.

"You're an Infaniyan... plus... no matter how old you are it's too late because I already love you. I can't stop even if I wanted to." He hummed while taking my words in.

"So why is Tiren too old for Nacina?" He inquired, though his voice was light and playful so I could tell he was teasing me,

"That's just an excuse so I can tell him to leave Nacina alone! You said he's a jerk and I believe you." For some reason, this particular statement made him blush and mumble

"Sometimes... I feel like you're too good for me..." Me?! In comparison to him? That's the most illogical thing I've ever heard him say.

"I... am flattered," I replied, at a loss for words. He then leaned in and kissed me, wrapping his arms around my waist. Serco pulled me closer until my breasts were pressed against his chest and I was in his lap. A few seconds passed of him repeatedly kissing me when he suddenly stopped and looked away, a moment later I heard my mom clearing her throat from the hallway. So I hurriedly moved away from him. I forgot the door was open! How much did she see? I feel so embarrassed.

"I was just coming to see if you wanted some snacks." That's when I noticed the tray in her hand. I had mentioned Serco liked apples to her so she had sliced a few and had caramel sauce to the side. She placed the tray down in between us. "I will be back in 15 minutes so don't get too comfortable." She warned. I stared at the wall frozen, while Serco nonchalantly began eating the apples.

"This would be better with some Vodka." He commented.

"Then you need to stop pretending to be underage," I whispered and he laughed,

"Sorry... I heard her coming but didn't want to remove you from my lap." This guy, has such nerve!

"It's fine." I lied, I can not express how embarrassed I am, but, truthfully, I'm not mad at him.

"My brothers are staying at my house currently." Serco stated, seemingly out of nowhere "So... you don't have to be nervous about being alone together... You should visit my place tomorrow." I pondered over his statement... Is the reason he hadn't invited me back because he could sense how nervous I got when we were alone?

"Tomorrow?... I'll have to let my mom know I'll be out..." I replied nervously.

"I will tell her," Serco announced. "There are still things I should talk to you about... I rather do it in a place where no humans can overhear."

"Okay... I would be glad to visit your home, thank you for the invitation." He looked relieved then he ate the last apple slice, stood up, and said,

"I should go."

"Weren't we supposed to be sharing those?" I commented.

"Good night." He said while ignoring my statement so I just pouted and replied,

"Good night." in return, I walked with him to the front door and waited as he spoke to my mom about spending time together tomorrow. He didn't mention that we were visiting his house, but she also didn't ask for details.

"Just be back home by 10 PM. Not a minute after." She directed this toward me so I nodded and said,

"That's no problem, I'll be on time."

"Alright, I'm trusting you." She added, to make sure I feel extra guilt if I do accidentally break curfew. Serco pecked my cheek, smiled, and waved bye to my mom as he left. As soon as the front door shut behind him my mom started speaking, "So... are you going to let me know exactly what was going on when I walked in?" My face heated up from the blushing and I answered

"We can't cuddle with the door open, or something?" Mom laughed, probably because of how much my voice was squeaking,

"You're so serious, honey, I was just joking. Don't worry." I sighed, relieved, and then Mom started heading to her room so I also returned to mine.