Risky Communication

Serco's POV

Once alone I released my energy showing my true form. Then I stood upon the tallest roof in the city to scan for Afaria's Prince. A face birthmark is so rare that I've only seen 3 people with it, and one of those people was a woman. Secretly, once I realized the Prince was estranged from Afaria, I lost interest in looking for him and just wanted to use this search as an excuse to spend more time with Akina... but that new guy who was clinging to her... he fits the description, which worries me. He could be targeting her to get to me. Just because he's exiled in Afaria, does not automatically make him a trustworthy person...

I wonder what Akina thinks about our age difference... I've looked the same since I was 10 years old, it's the same for everyone else on Infaniya. I sometimes forget that age is such a big deal on Earth. I pulled out my phone to read the message Akina sent me yesterday, I caught myself smiling and my heart felt warmth, so I had to put the phone away. It is actually embarrassing how much I like her. I have to kill six hours, I should at least pretend I'm working hard. I extended my wings and began soaring around my assigned area, I've been able to fly since I was 2 days old, yet it still feels exhilarating, Akina affects me in the same way. I feel free and excited whenever I'm near her, a feeling I had never imagined could be possible...

Nacina's POV

I hate my heart, it never acts logically, it only races for what I can't or shouldn't have. I never thought it would interfere with my relationship with Aki, though. Tiren messaged me while I was in Calculus with Aki. I read the message and it said

"I'm glad to hear that you're okay, btw is Shion's gf there?" I glanced at Aki

"Yeah," I replied, his response was almost instant,

"What is she doing?" He asked.

"Math," I replied plainly, the conversations are usually neutral but sometimes it shifts to Aki... I don't know why he's so curious about her.

"Are you going to be walking home together today?" This question was a bit odd to me so I said,

"Not today, why?" He stopped responding at that point. Once class was over Akina waited for me at the door and hugged me, I was shocked because she doesn't usually initiate physical contact. After the hug, she looked me in the eyes and said

"Are you okay?" Her worry reminded me of why I loved her. I'm in a slightly bad mood and she noticed right away.

"I'm fine." I just hate myself because I'm a horrible person. I'm the one who encouraged you to pursue the one person that I fell for at first sight, then I fell for him again and only fell deeper the longer I knew him...

"Okay... you can talk to me if you have a problem... I'm not always the best with advice, but I'll listen." She stated, fumbling over her words and moving her hands animatedly while speaking.

"Thank you, I love you." My response made her giggle,

"I love you too." My facial expression must have looked horrible because Aki isn't usually the one to start a conversation or ask questions... She stayed close to me on the walk to lunch.

Classes ended but Aki knows I have to practice with the School Orchestra today so she shouldn't be waiting on me. As I made sure my violin was properly tuned I received an odd message from Tiren, which read,

"How important are your friends to you?"

Akina's POV

After Lunch I have gym class, time usually flies by during gym and no one speaks to me, but today wasn't usual, Jey was here. I was sitting on the floor stretching when he approached me,

"I didn't know you had this class with me," I commented.

"I didn't, I just transferred, remember?" I laugh a little at his statement.

"You're right." I raised my arms to continue stretching.

"Wow... you're surprisingly muscular.." Because of his comment, I felt the urge to cover up, "Are you in any sports?" He added while sitting next to me and stretching as well.

"I... took Judo and kickboxing... I stopped taking lessons this year." I replied.

"You must have been a top student... why did you quit?" Instead of answering I just glared at him. "Oh... touchy subject, that's fine. I have things I don't want to talk about too." I felt a little guilty because his voice sounded sad, and now I'm curious about his past, even though I'd never tell him about mine. Once we were done stretching we were instructed to jog a mile around the track, I finished early so I could play games on my phone as soon as possible. Jey finished at the same time as me, everyone else was far behind.

"Is there anything you want to do now that you quit Judo?" He inquired. I sighed.

"My dad died..." I decided to admit, that portion isn't a secret after all. "He always encouraged me to take lessons so when he died, I quit."

"You're lucky." He responded. No one had ever said that to me before..., especially about my dad dying "You have a father that you can miss when he's dead. He must have been a decent man." I can only assume that his father isn't someone he'd cry over when they pass away but it's hard to imagine that. We all have different perceptions of the world. I can't judge him based on mine.

We separated once class was over since I had to change back into my school Uniform.

I knew Serco was going to be waiting for me, but my heart raced anyway when I saw him. I don't know how much more of these intense emotional reactions I can handle.

"Hey." He said while leaning in to kiss my forehead.

"Hi." I stared into his eyes for a few seconds before catching myself and looking away embarrassed.

"Once we're alone, we'll talk." I nodded my affirmation, then Serco gently intertwined our fingers and we started down the path home after Nacina joined us. It had been a while since Serco had been to my house, with my mom being aware of his visit. He greeted her and she greeted him in return,

"It's good to see you, Shion, how have you been?" Mom asked, from her recliner, while sipping her tea.

"I am well, sorry to come unannounced, I plan to come tomorrow too if that's okay?" He replied, politely

"Oh, yes, you are always-."

"We're going to my room." I blurted. Interrupting their small talk. I didn't mean to interrupt but I was so nervous that the words just spilled out. This isn't the first time he's been in my room but it is the first time with my mom being aware.

"... Okay, but leave the door open." She answered, and then she got up from her seat and headed to the kitchen to refill her cup.

"Let's go..." I mumbled, leading the way up the stairway, and opening my room door. This is the first time he's used the door to enter my room as well... He's such an oddity.

We sat on pillows that I placed on my carpet, near the bed. Once he was comfortable he said,

"I guess... I should begin... this is hard... I don't like talking about myself so... please be patient with me..."

"I will! Take your time."