Double Meanings

(Cont Serco's POV)

I slept for an hour longer when my father summoned me by sending one of my older brothers, Tyrian.

"You know I'm here," he stated, after converting himself into water vapor and reconstructing inside my doorway. I sat up, groaning... 2 hours is enough sleep to last me another week but I was enjoying a good dream, so I would have liked to have it continued

"I understand," I replied while getting up, he led the way to be sure I really went where I was supposed to, once I was alone with our father he left.

"I just got a report about you... looks like you made Celestial Count Stavus's daughter cry... and she attempted to kill herself." King Striton accused, I countered with

"That's not true, I don't have mind control powers. I didn't make anyone do anything." Dad sighed so I elaborated "She's an adult who made her own decisions."

"You are going to need to work on that personality of yours." He commented

"I disagree, I am perfect." This time my dad laughed a little and said,

"Weren't you and this girl dating for weeks?" I decided to stay quiet instead of clarifying that she had just been following me around for months, persistently even after seeing me with other women.

"You need discipline... so I'm sending you to the Southern Quarter... to the reformatory there."

"What?! Why should I have to do..." The king then cut me off with,

"You're childish! You've been an adult for almost a decade, yet you haven't changed since being a week old. You lack empathy, you're cruel, sadistic, I heard about what you did to that Brigim boy who challenged you last week that was... brutal... if I let you rule as you are then the citizens will revolt... they'll kill you." I scoffed.

"I'd like to see them try." My statement made him sigh again,

"I know how strong you are... and how stubborn you are... You'll go to this school and if 100 years pass and you're still not ready to take the throne... I'll make you a Guardian on Earth for another 100 years."

"A Guardian?! Me?! I shouldn't have to take such a lowly position, I shouldn't have to mingle with humans." I argued,

"If you can't reform you WILL be a Guardian Angel, and you WILL not be allowed back unless I die or you become worthy of the crown." I don't know what he expects, if he just tells me how to act I can fake it, if my affairs are an issue, I can be more discreet, Why can't he just be straightforward with me?! I need better guidelines if I'm going to be the person he wants me to be.

Present Day Akina's POV

I was still chewing my morning bagel when I walked out the door to see Nacina waiting for me, but oddly Serco was there as well

"Good Morning." My heart began beating in double time and I pinched my cheek to be sure I was awake... it hurt.

"Hi..." I said in a faint voice, "I was expecting to see you today but not so early." He laughed before taking a step towards me and rubbing crumbs from the corner of my mouth with his thumb...

"You are... a sloppy eater, Akina." Why does hearing him say that, make my heart flutter??

"Alright time to go to school," Nacina stated irritably while clapping... she's usually peppy this time of the day... maybe she's annoyed with the flirting, I should be more considerate.

"Yeah, we should get going," I stated in the agreement, Serco took hold of my hand and looked away from me... his face looked shy, it was so out of character... and cute. The journey to school was quiet for the first 5 minutes, then Serco broke the silence,

"What did you eat today Akina?" He asked this question while looking at me fondly... I should not be getting nervous with such an easy question. I looked at Nacina but she was distracted with her phone, so I don't think she'll be bothered if we start talking without her,

"I ate a bagel... have you eaten yet?" He smiled at me,

"No, but... there's something I see that I want to eat, she's here with me right now." What does he mean by that and why does it sound so suggestive!?

"If you're suggesting cannibalism, I will not go down without a fight." He chuckled at my reply,

"Ah, please do. I enjoy a challenge." For some reason that made me blush, "Of course, it is just a joke... I enjoy having you in my life too much to literally devour you... but..." He paused and tapped his chin as if thinking "Which is first... your birthday or your graduation?" that's so random,

"My birthday," I answered.

"Okay..." Isn't he going to tell me why he asked??

"I ate cereal." Nacina suddenly interceded.

"The kind that pretends to be good for you?" Serco commented,

"No... the kind that does not hide behind lies, is openly unhealthy, and loaded with sugar!" They both laughed together, yet I'm stuck here wondering what my birthday and graduation have to do with cannibalism. Nacina joined in the conversation, by telling me the legend of a woman who drowned her own children because she was jealous of the love her husband showed them when he had long since stopped loving her. I have no idea why she chose such a dark story but Serco seemed to like it... well not as if he enjoyed it, but he got passionately upset over the characters in the story, which means it must be good in my opinion.

Nacina waved goodbye once we reached the school. Serco kissed me immediately after we were alone and said,

"My... 3 oldest brothers hate me... Mostly because they're jackasses who deserve to die... but... I've never tried to make them like me either." I touched his cheek,

"If they hate you, that's their own choice, you don't have to try to change their mind and it is not your job to earn their favor." He laughed,

"I agree... but I say this because... I don't want you to trust them, just because they're my family. Even the most manipulative narcissistic human in the world would not think to do the things they're capable of." I hope Nacina's okay then... I know she was getting along with Serco's oldest brother lately...

"How old is Tiren." I inquired. Serco frowned after I said the name. He leaned to my ear and whispered

"He is 1425." I jolted with shock,

"Over a millennium??!" He shushed me and laughed. "He's definitely much too old for Nacina then." My comment stopped his amusement.

"I see... I will see you after your classes end." He then pulled away and began leaving swiftly. He's usually so reluctant to go... did I offend him? I trudged along to class but couldn't stop thinking that I may have upset Serco... it's really eating me up inside. He did say he'd see me after school today, though... so I can apologize in person soon.