I Don't Know What to Expect

I watched him vanish then touched my lips. I'm still not used to him kissing me... I imagine this is how getting struck by lightning must feel because there was so much energy coursing through me. My body was tingling all over and my legs felt wobbly as I made my way into my house.

"Hey, honey, welcome home. I made Spaghetti tonight." I wanted to tell Mom that, that was great but I was having trouble speaking so I just smiled at her. She smiled back, not noticing anything amiss, and began telling the premise of a story she's been working on. "Make some tea after you eat, then come see me so we can chat more." She suggested, I nodded and made my way to the kitchen and then I fell to my knees, catching my breath, as soon as I knew no one could see me. He knows the effect he has on me, yet he never holds back... Serco is such a bully. After I regained composure I prepared my plate and ate. My phone vibrated in my pocket while I was eating and, to my surprise, it was Serco. He had sent, perhaps, the longest message I've ever received from him,

"You are already a safe place for me. You're not complicated or greedy or ugly, like so many others. Not just here, but back home as well. You stand out for me, I feel at peace whenever I see you, I have lived a long time and have given up hope on meeting anyone who makes me feel the way you do... I don't want to burden you with my past, despite what is publicized, my home is not perfect and my home life was not.. the best. I am also not innocent... it scares me when I consider letting you see the dark pitiful side of me... I will try to see you more often because I need to see you and I will reveal a little more about me each time." I don't know what I was expecting to read, but it wasn't this. I thought deeply about how to respond, trying to identify his concerns.

"I... look forward to it... I can't imagine you telling me anything that could make me dislike you... and I'll study on my end so I can be more open-minded about your culture... and your past is your past, the person that I adore is in the present, I would never confuse the two." I replied, after I sent the message I felt instant regret, my hands were shaking and my heart filled with worry about how he'd react... he's never reacted to me badly except... that one time, so maybe I shouldn't worry.

"I don't need anyone's help."... remembering him saying that hurts a little, I wonder if I'd actually cry if he said it to me now. My phone vibrated again and this time it was short

"You are so good and so sweet... I adore you so much, you are my treasure... see you tomorrow." I wasn't trying to be sweet, I was just being honest but... I'm glad I didn't say anything that bothered him. I then began texting, my heart tingled with warmth, along with my cheeks as I sent,

"See you tomorrow." then I began brewing the tea my mother requested, afterward joining her in the living room.

200 Years ago on Infaniya

Serco's POV

"Where have you been? Why haven't you replied to any of my messages?" I frowned, seeing Uqia standing in front of my doorway.

"Move out of the way." My tone seemed to startle her but she stood her ground, determined not to let me pass.

"If... this is going to work, we have to talk to each other." She declared.

"What are you talking about?" My head was pulsing and my vision blurry... I need to lay down.

"Us! As a couple!... Are you trying to say that I'm nothing to you?" This question was so ridiculous that I had to laugh,

"Of course, you are nothing to me." Her expression remained angry but a single tear rolled down her cheek.

"After everything, I did for you?! I covered for you, lied to your family for you... I gave you my virginity." I scoffed.

"I never asked you to do anything for me... now move out of my way." My headache was worsening, and my patience was lost, so I made my way over to her, she backed up, pressing her back against my door and staring up into my eyes defiantly, I then placed my hand on my doorknob, after recognizing my handprint the door swung open and Uqia fell onto her butt. I walked around her, to lay down, face-first on my bed.

"You're being unfair!" She declared, rising back to her feet. "I wanted to marry you!" I sighed and sat up.

"... I hate you, so I'd never married you." Her pride couldn't take anymore after that, so she left, slamming the door behind her. Which only annoyed me further, but thankfully she was gone. I had slept for an hour when there was a knock on my door, by the heartbeat pattern I could tell it was Crescent so I let her in.

"What did you do to Uqia?" She interrogated. I didn't respond. Crescent then sat beside me on the bed and handed me an apple. "You like these right." I sat up, accepted her gift, silently took bites, and she watched me eat. "I heard you fought with your father."

"He expects me to pretend to be someone else... Of course, we fought." Crescent smiled,

"Yay, you spoke." I scoffed and tossed the apple core into the trashcan across the room. "Your coronation is in 2 years... he just wants you to be ready."

"He wants me to be him. I have always been ready to rule." Crescent reached for me and tussled my hair,

"Where do you store your never-ending confidence?" I gently grabbed her wrist to make her stop and gave a light laugh,

"I get it when it's on sale and I buy in bulk so I will never run out." She laughed in return.

"Don't be a smartass." Crescent continued to giggle. A few moments later she started cleaning my room, putting my books back on the shelf, and folding up my clothes.

"How was your day?" I asked,

"I feel... pretty... decent." She answered.

"Ah... I'm decent too."

"No, you're not. You're, like, legendary levels of pure fire and hotness." I laughed again

"That was a clever joke." She didn't reply but kept cleaning silently. "Thanks... for being my friend."

"What do you mean thank you? It's an honor! I get bragging rights from just being your friend." She declared

"Is that so?" Crescent loudly closed my dresser after putting my clothes away and turned to me,

"Yeah and... I ... I ... think we should... go on a date... as more than friends..." I could always sense her attraction to me but...

"I'm sorry but I don't agree... I care too much about you to do that." Crescent frowned,

"You don't like anyone else, so... why not me? Do I disgust you? Are you actually just putting up with me?" I sighed,

"I want you to be happy... with someone crazy about you, and that can not be me... You are practically my.."

"Don't!" She yelled cutting me off then sat on the bed in front of me, staring into my eyes, "I'm not your sister... and I never will be." I rolled my eyes and looked away from her, that's when she pulled my hand to her breasts and planted a kiss on my jaw.

"Get out," I stated, snatching my hand away. Then after I saw the hurt on her face I felt remorse "Wait... don't go... I ... let's just talk about something else... please." She's my best friend I should not let her leave on bad terms.

"This isn't the first time I told you how I feel... but you always brush me off... why?" She countered

"I asked to talk about something else... I even said please." She pouted after hearing my response. "I just... feel like throwing up when I think about having a relationship with you... I love you but... I could never be with you, I could be with anyone except you." Her eyes filled up with tears.

"Seriously... you... really can. You're such a whore that you've been with 3 different girls this week... You can accept anyone but me into your bed but I'm the only one you tell that you love... And I am also the only person you won't put your hands on?! You're full of S*&$ you !@#$#%ing Hyprocritcal @$$# @#$%er." After saying that she gave me the finger, and then left. I... guess there really is something wrong with me... because all I feel is the relief that I'm finally alone again. Now I can finally sleep. Yeah... I'm better off alone.