Confrontation Conversation

"Alright Cam; you're driving and I call shotgun." Nacina delegated while happily skipping to Cam's car... Is she angry or excited? Serco and I were in the back seat together. I tried not to stare but every time I glanced at him he had this terrifying expression, that's hard to describe... His face reminded me of when my father was alive; if I had upset my dad he'd give me this really angry and disappointed look, which made me feel like my heart was being torn to pieces. I don't want Serco feeling so upset because of me, but right now I don't know how to make him feel any better, other than letting him talk to Will. Suddenly, Cam slammed on the brakes, making me thankful I wore my seatbelt.

We had arrived at our destination so we all got out of the car and stood in front of an unfamiliar house. Nacina looked at her phone and then said. "This is the place." After nodding to herself, she made a call saying, "We're here. Bring him out." After a few minutes, Kriss and Will came outside. Will looked shocked to see me but Kriss was smiling mischievously, so I know she's helping with the plan. "I think you owe someone an apology," Nacina shouted, extending her arm and pointing to me. How embarrassing!! I hid my face.

"Go away," Will replied, trying to go back inside but Kriss blocked him. Will then groaned. "I already said I was sorry." He mumbled.

"Text messages aren't good enough." Nacina declared, obviously knowing what he meant. "Do you even know what you're sorry for? " She put her arm down as she asked this question and placed her hands on her hips. Will rolled his eyes

"Akina, I... I'm sorry I kissed you." Will said, sounding embarrassed.

"WHAT?!" Nacina, Cam, Kriss, and Serco all said at once. Will's face went red, he apparently thought I already told everyone.

"That happened... and I am upset over that but I can let it go... but it really hurt when you left without me. I thought we were at least friends..." I admitted, my voice trembled slightly because of my nerves. I could feel everyone's eyes on me.

"Okay." Will said then he turned to Kriss and added, "Can you get out my way now?"

"It was raining last night and negative 7 degrees Celcius (20 degrees Fahrenheit) when you left without her. You let her walk home in that weather and you don't think you should apologize!?" Serco was the one to speak this time and It was obvious from his tone that he was beyond pissed at this point.

"Was I supposed to come back? After how she treated me?" Will responded, with a frown and not even a hint of remorse. Serco took one step in Will's direction so I grabbed his hand to stop him.

"It's okay... calm down," I whispered. Will frowned,

"Oh I see... that's why you... You could've just said you had a boyfriend. Hey, it would be best if you watched her, she was all over me after I kissed her last night and begged me to do all kinds of things to her. I only left because she was desperate it was disgusting! I'm not interested in sl*ts." Will ranted and after that, there was nothing I could do to stop Serco from punching him in the face with his free hand. It was a one-hit K.O. Wow so Serco is ambidextrous, nice to know.

I had to struggle not to laugh when Will fell over.


We ended up sitting on Will's porch with Kriss holding an ice pack to his nose and waited until he regained consciousness before getting ready to leave.

"You should apologize," Kriss stated, directed at Serco. I know she's been Will's friend for a while but her demand baffled me. Serco didn't say anything but sat far from the group with his arms folded and a scowl on his face. Will misunderstood and turned to me to mumble

"I'm sorry that you don't like me," This caused Serco to shoot him a dirty look. Will flinched and then added "And sorry for offending your boyfriend... hope you didn't get soaked or sick... after walking home last night." He added timidly.

"We're not dating. We're just friends." I clarified it. Will smiled, saying,

"My mistake." Then he winced slightly and began regretting his life decisions.

"I have to go," Serco stated suddenly. I instinctively wanted to ask him to stay but knew that was impossible so I kept my mouth shut. Once he was out of earshot Nacina nudged me then leaned over and whispered,

"There's hope, I really think he likes you." I felt happy and scared by her statement... last time she said someone liked me she was right... but I'm still having trouble believing her. Yet, this time I decided not to argue, because I would rather not jinx it.

I asked to go home after making sure Will was okay and stayed quiet on the ride. After everything that happened today, I finally think it's okay to like Serco, just a little... I know my feelings aren't shallow now. There's something special between us, a strong chemistry and understanding that I've never experienced before. I just hope it's mutual.

That night as I was lying in bed Serco sent me a text.

"How are you? Sorry for leaving so suddenly and, sorry for punching your friend." I laughed and texted back,

"He was asking for it. I'm fine now, thanks for asking." I jolted with surprise at how quickly his next reply came,

"That's a relief." It made me smile, and I was overcome with fondness; I then texted him good night, before finally going asleep with my phone hugged up against me.

The next morning I woke up to the sound of Serco's voice,

"Answer my text." I yawned, cracked my eyes open and then I sleepily checked my phone. "Good Morning." It read... I definitely want him to make a longer message for my ringtone.. because it's not so bad hearing his voice first thing in the morning, my usual morning irritation has been washed away.

"Wake up!" My mom shouted bursting into my room, ruining my happy moment. The irritation is back. I groaned and pulled my comforter over my head

"I don't want to go to school," I argued but my mom didn't listen and instead dragged the covers off of me and then she turned up the AC. She's so cruel... I guess I have no choice but to get up.

Today's walk to school was uneventful. Nacina only wanted to talk about how satisfying it was to see Will get his nose broken. I'm surprised she could keep a conversation about that going for 10 whole minutes all by herself. I waved bye to her as we parted and then made my way to class. Will wasn't at his desk; maybe he's taking the day off? His injury must have been worse than it looked. Kriss glanced at me and waved half-heartedly but she didn't speak. Did I burn the bridge of our friendship? I told Nacina and the others not to go. Should I have been more forceful?

Luckily I didn't need a partner in Culinary class today, so that's one awkward situation avoided. Even so, I was more bored than usual and, the time seemed to crawl by. I checked my phone before Calculus but I had no new messages. The rest of the day went better since I got to see Nacina but I couldn't help feeling disappointed at the end of the day when Serco hadn't contacted me.

I half expected a text from him the following morning, but still nothing. I've gone weeks without talking to someone and that person wouldn't even cross my mind. Though only a day without hearing from Serco and I feel agitated like I just want to bite or scratch something... maybe a stress ball will suffice.