A Gathering

The next day when I woke up, I checked my phone. I had a message from Nacina who was telling me she was coming over. I don't need to reply because she knows I don't mind and she will come over no matter what I say. So I just took a shower and then went downstairs for breakfast. While I ate my delicious oats cereal, I checked my phone and began to choke noticing Serco had also sent me a message saying.

"Are you busy? Can I come to see you?" Nacina is already visiting... well... I guess it is fine if that doesn't bother him.

"Nacina will be here... but if you don't care about that, you can come to visit," I replied. I'm going to see him for two days in a row! I couldn't contain myself and stood up to dance around the kitchen. I regretted it instantly once I noticed Mom watching me, cringing.

I decided to get changed from my pajamas in case Serco did decide to visit. After I had my clothes on I checked my phone again. Serco had replied,

"I'll see you soon." So I messaged Nacina.

"Shion is coming over too." To give her a heads-up. She messaged me back so quickly it was terrifying.

"Then I'll ask Cam to come." Is everyone coming to my house? What are we gonna do? Play cards? ... Watch videos online? What do people do at get-togethers!? The doorbell rang and I rushed to open the door before my mom could.

"What's going on sweetie?" She questioned, looking amused. Serco was the one standing there, he was wearing a red fitted cap, his wavy raven hair was brushed back under the hat and he was wearing a red long-sleeve shirt and the same, maroon leather jacket from yesterday.

"Oh! Why didn't you tell me you were going to have company?" Mom asked. Serco went over and gave my mom a friendly hug... what about me?

"Sorry, Mom... I'm so used to you letting Nacina come over without warning I forgot to mention it... Nacina and Cameron are coming too." I informed. Mom sighed then went ahead to the kitchen,

"I'll make you guys some snacks." She muttered begrudgingly. She's such a wonderful person!

"Do you need any help?" Serco offered. Mom scoffed then shook her head no before leaving us. I cleared my throat and, Serco looked at me as I said,

"Hi." and used all of the willpower I had to open my arms invitingly, hoping he'd take the not-so-subtle hint to come and hug me. Serco smirked but waltzed past me as if my gesture meant nothing. Then he sat down in the living room on the couch. That's not fair... why does my mom get a hug? ... Does Serco have a crush on my mom?! I guess she is closer to his age but, I'm not okay with that! I sat down beside him. "So how are you?" I asked. He picked a book up off the coffee table and skimmed through it before giving me an answer.

"Honestly?... I'm a little bothered." He grumbled quietly, then he put the book back down.

"What's wrong?" I inquired. He then looked me dead in the eyes, before saying,

"I do not want to talk about it." I frowned at his answer, and for some reason that made him grin then, without warning, he moved slightly closer to me and pulled me in for a hug. I reflexively hugged him back, but my mind had gone completely blank as soon as we touched. My fingertips tingled where they touched him. The hug only lasted a second but it seemed to go on longer... yet I still wish it hadn't ended so soon. It was at that time that Nacina burst into my house with Cam.

"Hey, Ms. Lofton!" Cam greeted waving at my mom in the kitchen.

"Hi, Auntie!" Nacina stated. She then noticed me and dragged Cam with her to the living room. Serco pulled a lollipop from his jacket pocket and moved away from me slightly.

"Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Cam." Cameron introduced himself, holding his hand out to Serco. Serco only looked at his hand in bafflement,

"This is our friend from school," I added, to help Cam's introduction. Serco then pasted on a smile and shook his hand.

"Nice to meet you as well... you can call me Shion." For a second I thought he was going to be mean but it seems like they'll get along fine. We did end up playing cards at the dinner table with a comedy movie playing in the background. Mom made us tacos and overall everyone seemed to have a good time.

We were playing cards when Cam asked,

"So how old are you?" directed at Serco.

"I'm seventeen," Serco replied without hesitation and with no hint of deception; even though he left out TWO-HUNDRED years from his age!

"Do you go to school around here?" Cam added. Without delay, Serco calmly responded,

"No. I graduated early. I'm in college." He's so good at improvisation it's almost hard to trust him anymore.

"Wow." Nacina and Cam said in unison.

"Can I ask you something... away from the girls?" Cam whispered to Serco... as if I and Nacina couldn't hear everything he just said if he spoke quietly.

"Sure." Then they both stood up and left the room. Nacina moved her seat closer to mine and whispered.

"So... how are you feeling today?" She whispered. I'm glad she's keeping her voice down.

"I'm actually really good. I ended up meeting Shion on my way home... he cheered me up a lot." I could feel my face heating up after my revelation but hopefully, my blushing isn't visible.

"You're not sad or anything?" She probed, I shook my head 'no'. Nacina then smiled with relief. "So what exactly happened anyway?" she added curiously.

"He... um... I told him I didn't like him that way... and he left me at the restaurant." I said, barely audible. Nacina scowled and clenched her fist.

"He ditched you? Wait, did you walk home?!" She asked, her voice rising slightly.

"Yes, but it's okay." I vindicated, gesturing for her to re-lower her voice.

"No, it is not! I'm going to kick his ass!" I gasped at her declaration.

"No don't get in a fight over me." I urged but Nacina ignored me and started making a call on her phone.

"Hello? ... yeah I need to see you ASAP." She stated while walking out the front door and slamming it behind her. About ten seconds later Serco and Cam returned.

"Where's Nacina?" Cam inquired, I pointed to the door, and he immediately ran outside after her. Serco then took his seat beside me.

"What did you guys talk about?" I asked, deciding to be nosy. Serco looked at me and smirked.

"What we spoke about is confidential." He responded playfully. I pouted and turned away,

"Fine!" I replied feeling a bit grumpy. Serco was quiet for a while so I slowly peeked at him. He had his fist pressed onto his chin and a look on his face as if he was thinking very deeply. I opened my mouth to say something but before the words came out Serco began speaking,

"Is it okay if I hold your hand?" He asked. My heart began racing and I couldn't bring myself to say yes... or no... or anything. Serco stared at me curiously for a bit. A few seconds later he smiled, looking completely amused, I couldn't handle looking at him like that so I turned away. I was unable to say anything to him yet, I extended my hand toward him. I could feel my arm shaking and hoped he'd take the hint. It didn't take long for him to gently entwine his fingers with mine and clasp our hands together; just like before his hand felt incredibly warm and comforting. We sat in silence with our hands interlocked together, and even though we weren't talking I definitely wasn't bored. About 2 minutes later Nacina burst back into my house and I nervously snatched my hand away.

"I got his address, I asked Kriss to make sure he stays home. Now we're going to make him pay." She announced.

"There's no need to do anything!" As I argued this my voice was overflowing with panic.

"What's going on?" Serco inquired.

"Nacina is just being a mama bear," I informed him, hoping to have negated his curiosity.

"Yesterday a guy let her walk home ALONE in the middle of the night, just because she turned him down," Nacina explained. Serco frowned.

"It's really okay though... I'm fine, there's no need to fight anyone." I explained, though my explanation only seemed to worsen Serco's mood.

"So that's what happened." Serco mused quietly.

"It's okay now, and I'm over it." I reasoned in hopes of calming everyone down.

"I'm not." Serco noted, "So where is this f***er at?" He cracked his knuckles and his voice was nearing the same level of anger as yesterday. I pleaded with everyone to relax but by this point, even Cam was getting hyped up for violence. I was depending on him to be my partner in peacemaking! I really don't want anyone getting hurt over me, what do I do?