Walking At Night

Akina's POV

I checked my phone to help pass the time. My brother, Nacina, and Serco had all sent me a text. My brother's text just said,

"Hey, how are you?" I don't know... I just got yelled at and I am walking home at night down an unfamiliar street... I better not answer him right now. Nacina's text said,

"How is the date going with Will? Did he confess? What did you say?" Maybe I should have taken her words more seriously when she said Will liked me... Maybe I would've just told him I couldn't make it. That would be better than how I feel right now. I read Serco's text last.

"I had to go to my hometown for a while and had no cell service. I hope you've been well. What are you doing?" That explains why he hasn't messaged me. I felt a little relieved since I hadn't offended him and for some reason, I decided to reply to his message.

"I'm walking home," I replied. It began drizzling, instead of raining, but that caused the temperature to drop and me to shiver. I really wish I'd worn a coat right now. My phone suddenly started ringing and the name on the screen made my heart race. Shion?! Why is he calling? "Hello?" I answered, hoping my shivering wasn't obvious by my voice.

"Where are you?" He asked in a gruff tone.

"Don't worry, I'm only like 15 minutes from home," I assured.

"I didn't ask that... I asked where you were." His tone was definitely angry and hearing it seemed to make my shivering worse. I looked around so I could give him an answer, then told him,

"I'm near a B-Mart convenience store... on... Seventh Street."

"Go inside the convenience store and wait for me. I'll be there soon." He informed,

"It's really okay... you don't have to come," I said, slightly touched by his words. I'm happy he wants to come, but I don't want him to trouble himself over me.

"I don't remember giving you a choice. I'm already on the way, see you soon." Then he hung up. I'll just cause problems for him if I don't wait, so I walked inside of B-Mart and brought a bag of chips. Serco arrived about a minute later. His brow was furrowed and his lips were pressed together in a tight line. I've never seen him look so angry. Even the day when he first spoke to me, it's obvious he was only mildly annoyed in comparison. I looked down to avoid his gaze then I felt something warm on my shoulders and noticed he'd draped his jacket over me. I held it closed and blushed slightly. Serco sighed as he asked, "Why are you walking by yourself this late?"

"I... don't want to talk about it right now," I replied, still avoiding his eyes. He was silent for a moment before speaking.

"...Okay, do you like coffee?" He asked. I nodded then he went and prepared us both cups of coffee. I insisted on paying for them since it was supposed to be my treat next time we hung out... but I feel like I'm getting off too cheap with this. "I'm going to walk you home." He notified me as I filled my cup with the necessary cream and sugar. I could see through him a bit now, and knew he was just worried about me, just like the first night he walked me home, so I nodded and then waved bye to the clerk as we exited the store. His jacket was very well insulated and my shivering had pretty much stopped completely. Serco walked beside me, matching my pace, and staying on the side nearest traffic.

"Why... were you so mad on the phone, earlier?" I investigated. My thoughts are running wild and my hopes are rising. I need to stop myself.

"I ... I just can't imagine why you'd be out here alone. Something could have happened to you." He answered.

"Hey, I'm not defenseless, I took Judo for 10 years." I retorted. He laughed.

"That's reassuring." He replied. We walked silently for a while. Both sipping our coffee.

"Why don't we just fly?" I inquired after about 5 seconds went by.

"That would be too fast... I'd miss the opportunity to this time with you." Serco admitted. I blushed and began sipping my coffee in silence once again. "I hope... this doesn't bother you but... you smell as though you've been in close contact with someone else recently... why wasn't this person with you on your walk?" He commented. How sensitive is his nose?!

"Oh... well... that's probably my friend from school... we fought," I stated. Which is true... but I hope he doesn't want me to go into detail on what happened.

"Did he do something to upset you?" Serco investigated deeper.

"Why do you assume it was a boy?" I countered.

"I don't assume... I know. I can tell that much from the scent." He answered nonchalantly. As if it should be obvious. So his nose is INCREDIBLY sensitive. I better make sure not to ever forget to wear deodorant.

"Yeah... but I really rather not talk about it right now," I replied.

"Fine... how has your school been?" Serco asked, changing the subject.

"Awful," I responded honestly.

"Why is that?" Wow... he really wants to know...

"I've become more popular and it's hard dealing with so many people," I stated and sighed at the thought of returning to school on Monday. Serco laughed.

"I cannot imagine anyone else being distressed over newfound popularity." He noted, amused, his anger finally leaving his voice completely. I smiled and relaxed a bit.

"I'm glad you're back... Did someone keep watch while you were away?" I asked while playing with my empty cup. He incinerated his empty coffee cup and shook the ashes off his hand before giving me his explanation,

"No, I had a sensory field around the city so that if there was any trouble, I'd be alerted right away. It's draining to use but I had to because my father wanted to see me."

"Wow...well, how was the visit?" I asked. Serco frowned

"I am exceedingly glad to be back." He answered simply, making it clear that he didn't enjoy his stay... I wonder if he and his father are on bad terms. I won't pry though, if he wants me to know, he'll tell me. We soon arrived at my house and I returned Serco's coat to him. "Thanks." He mumbled while taking it from me, but there was a hint of confusion in his voice.

"No... thank you for walking me home... I was in a bad place emotionally and you really helped." I had to avoid looking at him directly to say this.

"I am glad to have helped you, Akina." His tone was softer, sweeter, and more sincere this time.

"I'll talk to you later," I said while waving bye to him. He waved back then disappeared before my eyes. When I entered the house I walked to my mom and gave her a long hug.

"Are you okay sweetie? Did you have a nice time with your friend?" She asked. I nodded but refused to say anything.

I took a long hot shower then, finally, replied to my brother's text and said.

"I'm pretty good, what about you?" After that, I messaged Nacina and said, "I should have listened to you... things didn't go well at all." If Will had just confessed to me I would have been fine but he just grabbed me and kissed me without warning... Did I give him the impression that would be okay? As I was thinking I received a message from Will.

"Hey... where are you? I'm sorry, we should talk." I decided not to reply to him.