Serco’s reform experience

Serco's POV

I was forced to wear a bracelet that restricted my powers and was sent to the Calescent Inconel School of Reform. I didn't feel weaker but having to wear a restraint annoyed me,

"Welcome everyone. You are here because your temperament has caused trouble. Perhaps you've attacked one of your own people, caused an abundance of property damage, or just been a general nuisance; either way here we can help you tame that temperament and rejoin society." The headmaster announced while I and 49 others stood in the assembly hall. I was still staring at my bracelet, tried not to focus on the people around me. I could feel their frustration, similar to mine, and their whispered echoed into my ears even though I struggled not to listen.

"Look at his outfit, he must be nobility." "I'm so sick of being here." "I wish this b*tch would hurry and shut up." "At least we're here together." "Really, a century in this dump?"

"Silence!" The headmaster shouted, and a hush fell throughout the room. "My name is Grion Holithe, You may call me Lady Holithe, and line up against the right wall, my assistant Xyanle will give you your schedules and the key to your dorm rooms." Noticing no one moved after she finished speaking she added "NOW!" in an angry tone. Many of the others rushed to the side, sensing that she was stronger than she appeared. She's the headmistress of a school for high-powered miscreants, of course, she'd be strong. I was second to last in line, when it was finally my turn Xyanle said,

"Oh, there's only 2 people left so let me guess, you're Serco Shion son of Striton." I stared at her stone-faced, with my hand out ready to accept the paperwork. The silence between us lasted a few seconds before she handed me the documents and key I needed. "You look just like him." I sneered.

"Is that supposed to be a compliment?" She seemed shocked at my response and got flustered while thinking of a way to remedy the situation. While she did that, I walked to my room. The bright side is, I don't have to see my brothers or my father for a century. The downside is... I have to wear this thing; I thought, taking another look at my arm. I fell asleep after a few minutes, the first time I got to sleep uninterrupted in a long time. I was reading one of the novels brought from home when the bell rang for us to go to our first classes. All the other students were lower ranks than me so they seemed groggy as we all headed down the hallway to class.

"Hey." A girl's voice beckoned. I knew she was talking to me but pretended not to hear her, that's when she tapped my arm and I moved away.

"Don't touch me," I warned. She smiled, not seeming to take me seriously, though I could hear her heart accelerating because of my harsh tone and her voice was shaky when she spoke again.

"My name is Bloom." She announced.

"Did I ask?"

"... Everyone else has made a friend already... but you were alone so I thought... we could be friends." She commented. I scoffed, but after a moment of thinking I replied,

"Okay... let's try it." She instantly perked up then rushed to my side, barely giving me my much-needed personal space.

"What's your name?" Bloom inquired.

"Shion." She was short, around 160 cm (5'3). Her pastel pink hair was cut into a bob and her eyes were tangerine, her skin was pale, making her hair stand out more.

"Nice to meet you... so why are you here?" She interrogated, I didn't answer so she continued. "I killed my sister... we don't have a prison system here and... it was self-defense but... I have to learn how to hold back." Bloom admitted.

"I... am just a cold-hearted bastard." I clarified. I did my best to sound friendly and it seemed to work. Her timidness went away and she moved a quarter of a centimeter closer to me... I wish she hadn't. I could feel her energy and it was making it difficult to keep a straight face. We were allowed to socialize in the cafeteria for breakfast.

"So... are you going to eat?" Bloom inquired while enthusiastically stuffing her face with pancakes.

"Not hungry." After answering her I began thinking of how to leave this school as soon as possible. I compiled all the evidence and examples of good behavior that I am aware of and created a new persona. "Which class are you in?" The 50 of us divided into 5 classes A, B, C, D, and E. I'm in class A.

"Class A." She responded. I pasted on a smile instead of reacting how I wanted.

"That's great." I hate lying, I rather find a way, to tell the truth, but still gain the results I need. Though I have come to realize that in order to fool my father, I'm going to have to start doing more of it. She stayed close to me during all of our classes, they were all boring subjects. Etiquette, Law, Discipline, Meditation, and Sensitivity. When it was time to return to our rooms, Bloom and I had a moment alone so I decided to speak my mind. "Why did you lie to me?" She acted surprised,

"What do you mean?" It appears she won't break character that easily,

"I mean... there were plenty of other people to talk to other than me." I stated for clarity,

"Oh well..." She thought for a moment then shyly explained herself "Well... I should confess that I found you... to be very attractive so I approached you, I didn't want you to be bothered so I hid that from you. I'm sorry." I laughed.

"So you decide to lie to me again. Good night, Bloom." I opened the door to my room but she grabbed my wrist to stop me.

"Wait!... I'm not lying." Her words only made me sigh,

"You also lied about not recognizing me." I explained, "You found me attractive, sure, but you didn't approach me because of that... you were hired, am I correct?" She gasped and her face made the truth even more clear, "Perhaps by my father?" Knowing that talking wouldn't help her she just bit her lip and released my wrist,

"I...." She tried to come up with a new convenient lie but I interjected with,

"It's fine, watch me... I will keep it a secret that your cover is blown so you'll still get paid, just make sure you send a positive report." She nodded, agreeing to my offer with a dumbfounded expression. "Good night, again, Bloom." This time she allowed me to enter my room without any interference.