Just Empty Space

I adjusted to life in the reformatory well. I learned to paste on smiles when I only felt my usual indifference or disgust. Years went by, Bloom continuously sent reports to my father. I was allowed to read them sometimes, but the words themselves caused my stomach to churn so eventually I told her proofreading would no longer be necessary. After all, I'll know if she's hiding anything from me right away.

One day there was an assembly. On this day I had been at the Academy for 10 years 22 days and 12 hours.

"You've all been doing so well," The Headmaster announced. "Tomorrow your family will be visiting to see your progress in person. Who knows, maybe some of you will be released early." As she said this, it seemed like her eyes made direct contact with mine. I averted my gaze. "Of course, nothing is promised, I am just advising you to be on your BEST behavior. There will be no classes today, you may relax because I am sure tomorrow will be stressful for many of you." Some of my classmates cheered at that news but my thoughts were spinning too much out of control. I could not relax enough to be happy. Father hasn't contacted me at all since I arrived and mother... if she arrives in place of him... that would be fortunate.. though we haven't spoken much since father took on a second wife.

"Are you alright?" Bloom asked, I must have been standing frozen for longer than I realized. I didn't reply to her, instead, I just returned to my room and slept for the rest of the day. Sadly, that made me wake up 2 hours earlier than needed. I had nothing else to do so I paced the halls, which did nothing to quell my anxiety. The time finally arrived and I heard a familiar voice.

"Hello, Shion." The hairs on my neck stood upwards.

"Mother…" I mumbled her title and disappointment washed over me. Why is she here?! Father is annoying but at least I know he holds a semblance of affection towards me… but this woman… has never shown me any such feelings.

"I was instructed to sit in during your classes and I can talk to your teachers after instruction has ended." She explained, assuming that the reason I wasn't moving is that I didn't know the protocol. Without a verbal response, I began walking to my first-period class. Bloom met me outside the classroom

"Welcome my queen." She stated to my mother, which caused slight nausea for me.

"Oh… Bloom was it? I remember you were in one of my attribute focus classes." My mother noted. Bloom's expression lit up and she grinned wide.

"I'm honored to be remembered by you!" Bloom stated and escorted my mother inside to where the guardians were to be seated. From there she watched me silently, then had conversations with my teachers. She somehow made it so even I couldn't hear what they were saying in the classrooms alone. Then we moved on to my second period and repeated this process and each period after that. When classes had finally ended my mother took some notes and then folded the paper, putting it back into her purse.

"Am I free to go sometime soon?" I asked, keeping my voice polite even though I was feeling impatient to hear her answer. She wrinkled her nose and scoffed.

"Of course not, you still have 90 years to go." The image I had created of myself almost shattered instantly but I stopped myself from hurling curses at her.

"What do you mean? Haven't I done well here?" She nodded then laughed slightly,

"Yes, but teachers have always liked you. You probably had sex with half of them to keep them on your side."

"Is that what you think of me? You do not believe I'm capable of being genuinely well-behaved?" I interrogated. Her eyes met mine, they were cold,

"Of course, you're not. I'm not stupid." She mumbled.

"... You're just biased… You hate me because you wanted Tiren to rule… You put so much of yourself into grooming him, but I outranked him instantly, and even worse… you can't control me." She raised her hand to slap me but I caught her wrist.

"How dare you speak to me that way!"

"I'm only stating a fact, that hateful attitude is why my father is divorcing you and marrying that Afarian woman." This time she spat in my face so I released her wrist to wipe it off. I was about to say something else but I noticed she was crying,

"How could you… you're so hateful… I am your mother..." She started sobbing loudly "I wish I never…" Then she gasped and covered her mouth before continuing. "You will not be leaving here." After rubbing salt into my wounds she asked the attendant to leave, without even glancing back in my direction.

Akina's POV

Serco met me after school, just like yesterday. I feel blessed that he suddenly has so much free time. I have never felt so happy by simply thinking of spending a few minutes with someone. He noticed me as soon as I exited the school today and watched me as I approached.

"Nacina texted me… she has orchestra practice this afternoon." My announcement seemed to delight him.

"I see." was his nonchalant reply. The indifference in his voice makes me think I may have misread him. Serco then took hold of my hand and asked "So do you have time today?" I nodded. Even if I had plans, I would drop most of them for a chance to spend time with him. He led me to a secluded area where he used his powers to shift our location, I expected to arrive at his apartment but instead, we entered a field full of wildflowers, a mixture of red, yellow, and white with nothing else in sight other than a solitary apple tree. There was a redwood bench below the tree, which Serco immediately sat on, I followed suit, doing my best not to step on any of the flowers.

"Where are we?" I asked. He reached up and picked an apple then handed it to me, after that he grabbed another one for himself.

"That doesn't matter… what matters is, that we're alone and together." I blushed, which caused him to laugh. "I'm kidding...this is a space I created… we're not anywhere on Earth right now. I decided to come here instead of my house... to talk," He took a bite from his apple, so I started eating too. "I've killed people." It was like he suddenly dropped a bomb on me, the mood shift was that intense. "Does that scare you?" As he asked this he wore no facial expression, nor did he look in my direction.

"I… I know you're the Guardian… you are also fighting in a war." I commented.

"Do not justify it, there were many times I could have spared an enemy but killing them was just... easier. I asked you if you're afraid because of this fact, I do not need you to validate my actions."

"I'm sorry." My apology just caused him to groan, "I'm not scared of you." I clarified.

"Why?" It was hard for me to think of the words to say, this whole situation is already making me incredibly nervous.

"I know you wouldn't hurt me… I also know your intentions are good, the only things I feel for you are positive. I know what kind of person you are and my heart has no space left in it to fear you."

"I'm much stronger than you, I could easily end your life at any moment. We're in a subspace only I know of... are you not wary of me at all?" He declared coldly.

"I see…so you're the one who's afraid," I commented. His eyes grew wide. " You're afraid I'll push you away once I see your dark side. There's no need for that because, no matter what I find out about you or how you might change, I'll…" I cleared my throat to prepare myself to say the last few embarrassing words "I will never love you any less. So what if you have a violent past, that has nothing to do with me." Not even a second passed after this statement when Serco embraced me. His body felt hotter than usual, my forehead was even starting to sweat.

"Akina… I… I want you to meet my father. Next week, I'm going back home and I want you to come with me."

"For how long?... What do I tell my mom?" Serco placed his fingers under my chin, tilted my head upwards, and kissed me.

"I will talk to her." He assured, right before kissing me again. After that, he waited for me to finish my apple, and then he transformed in front of me. I hadn't seen him fully transformed and so close in so long, his sclera turned crimson but his irises changed from gold, red, and white randomly like a dancing flame. His skin was darker and his hair moved wildly, untamed, like fire. "Are you ready to go?" Serco asked. I wanted to say no, I wanted to stay here in this space with him as long as possible but instead, I said,

"Yes," He took my hand in his, we shifted again, but this time we were in my living room.

"Honey is that you?" My mom called, entering the room and noticing Serco, with no mortal disguise. Her mouth dropped open, then he began to approach her and bowed his head before he saying,

"Hello… I have to be a request… and a confession to make…"