A New Experience

Mom was cooking dinner when I came inside, she glanced at me from the stove.

"Your face is a bit red. Are you okay? You're not sick, are you?" She asked worriedly. I nodded as I fell facedown onto the living room couch. I checked my phone to see I had an unread message from Serco.

"I have time, so I'll walk you from school." Oh, so he did give me a warning. I decided to text my brother before saying anything to Serco.

"Hey Aren, I miss you, hope school is going well." Then I replied to Serco with,

"I know you must be busy, thanks for taking the time to visit." I felt nervous after pressing send and waited in anticipation for his reply.

"Yeah." He sent. Why do I ever get my hopes up? I suddenly got another message, this time from my brother.

"Hey, sis! I missed you too, so much! I want to see you guys so bad, how is school going?" It seems like Aren really has missed me... I should text him more often. I ended up messaging my brother all night, he even called and talked to Mom for a while. Right before I went to bed Serco sent me another message.

"Seeing you was a nice break from my busy schedule. I think I'll do it again soon." Finally some confirmation! His nonchalant message from before was so grating.

"Okay," I replied spitefully and went ahead to sleep feeling slightly victorious.


Three days went by and I didn't hear anything from Serco. This made me worry that I somehow hurt his feelings. He doesn't seem like the sensitive type though and he'd likely pick up on my playful intent... I hope. I was checking my phone for the fifteenth time today. It was during my final period when I received a message from Will.

"When do you want to meet up?" Oh yeah, we're eating out today. I made sure to bring enough money with me, so I replied,

"We can go directly after school."

"I want to change out of my uniform at least so I'll meet you at your house in an hour?" He requested.

I sent my answer, "Sure." Nacina and I walked home together leisurely. Once inside I changed into more casual clothes. I then sent my address to Will and about 10 minutes later, he arrived. He was wearing a red buttoned-up shirt, the buttons were silver with a black sports jacket over it. He also had on black jeans, the shoes matched, they were black and red. Will's face showed how elated he felt seeing me

"You look nice." He complimented. I am wearing a baggy white tank top and high-waisted jeans, with white tennis shoes so... I don't believe him since I didn't put much effort into my appearance but thanked him anyway. He drove me to a nearby steakhouse. After we ordered our drinks Will reached across the table and placed his hand on mine. "So are you ready for next week's exam?" I felt mildly uncomfortable but it wasn't too bad.

"I am always ready... all I have to do is study, it's not like I have to do concerts, go on tour, or attend a dissertation like the other kids in school," I replied, feeling the weight of my indecisiveness crushing me.

"Studying can be hard too... Oh, I have a competition coming up." Will stated as the waiter returned with my tea and his coke.

"You're in the culinary division, right?" He nodded and then said,

"The competition will be streamed live, you should tune in," Will suggested. I nodded and told him I would.

"Are you ready to order?" The waiter asked.

"Oh yes... I would like sirloin steak, medium with a baked potato topped with chives, butter, and sour cream. Please" I stated.

"I want ribeye steak well done and creamed spinach," Will added while handing John, our waiter, the menus. After the waiter left we sat silently across from each other for several minutes. Seeming bored, he took out his phone and began doing something. I resisted the urge to do the same so I could be available in case he decided to speak to me. "So why did you say yes to coming here with me?" Will asked while placing his phone face down.

"Because... I've never hung out with another person other than Nacina," I answered honestly. "I thought that spending time with someone new might be fun," I added while taking a sip of my drink.

"I'm already having fun. I've had more fun at school since we started spending time together." Will admitted he then averted his eyes from me shyly. I smiled.

"Yeah, me too... I never realized how lonely I was before I met you and Kriss. Becoming friends with you guys is one of the best things to happen to me." I complimented... now that I think about it, that's the same day I saw Serco up close... it was definitely a blessed day, overall.

Not much time had passed since our food arrived. I made sure to thank John after he had placed my plate in front of me. In retrospect I should have ordered steak fries... but it is odd. I'm having steak and potatoes... just like when I and Serco went out, it'd be even weirder if I got fries. I have to work on expanding my meal choices.

"The food is good right?" He inquired. I nodded. "Good." He added then took a sip of his coke and started coughing.

"Are you okay?" I asked, trying not to laugh, while standing up to gently pat his shoulder, from across the table. He smiled.

"Yeah. Just breathed too early." Once his coughing fit ended we talked a bit about school and Will ranted about things Kriss did before I met her. When we were finished eating Will got our waiter's attention to ask for the bill.

"Will this be together?" John asked politely.

"No, we're paying separately." I clarified quickly and smiled politely. After John left, Will looked at me pouting.

"I was going to pay for yours too." He muttered, looking slightly disappointed.

"Don't worry about it, save your money. I can handle myself." I replied to reassure him. I made sure to get my allowance in advance today, so I wouldn't be a burden. He sighed but soon his irritation wore off and he gave me a slight smile. After we left the restaurant he and I stood beside each other in silence for a while. I began thinking of things to say as we headed to his car, I was still lost in my thoughts when I felt one of Will's hands slip onto my lower back and the other onto my butt, and in one swift motion he pulled me in for a kiss. Our lips connected, with our chests pressed together, I was in too much shock to react right away, but once I realized what was happening I pushed him away. "What, the heck, are you doing?!" I shouted, covering my mouth with both hands.

"I'm sorry... was that too forward maybe? I had been holding back for so long... I just couldn't resist anymore." Will explained.

"Why did you kiss me?" I questioned, taking a step away from him, I'm glad no one else is outside to witness this.

"Because you're cute... and I like you. Plus, we had a good time, right?" He answered. Nacina was right! Damn it why is she always right?!

"I... only see you as a friend," I replied for clarity... I don't want to hurt his feelings but I think leading him on would be worse.

"Then why did you agree to go on a date with me?" He asked.

"Sorry, I thought we were just two friends hanging out." I clarified, wiping my mouth instinctively. That was my first kiss... that means I'm going to remember this day for the rest of my life... disappointing.

"Why the hell would I ask you out, as just friends? If I wanted to do that I would've invited other people. How stupid are you?!" His was voice was overflowing with so much irritation that it hurt me just to listen to it.

"I've never had many friends before... I don't know all the etiquette. Nacina invites me out all the time... So don't yell at me... please." His tone brought me close to tears but I struggled to hold back. I continued by adding, "I'm sorry.", but my voice cracked because I was trying so hard not to cry. Many seconds passed before he responded.

"Wait here." He said finally and went ahead to his car. I thought he was going to drive to where I was, but he left the parking lot without me. I waited several minutes... thinking he would turn around... come back for me, or something, but that didn't happen. Luckily this restaurant is not too far from my house... just about a 20-minute walk. I'm super glad that I wore comfortable shoes this evening, I just wish it wasn't raining.