Rocky Relationships

I had no messages from Serco the next day but I still sent him a Good morning text... I do hope he's okay. For breakfast today, I ate a blueberry muffin and hot chocolate before meeting up with Nacina. She seemed in a daze, very quiet, which isn't like her at all. Another oddity is her phone kept vibrating every few seconds. She'd smile weakly and reply, then whoever it was would respond instantly. Nacina's smile wouldn't go away but she would occasionally roll her eyes or snort after reading her conversation partner's replies.

"Is it Cameron?" I inquired. Nacina jolted at my sudden question as if she had forgotten she wasn't alone.

"Um... No... Oh, I had an epiphany last night." She declared.

"About what?"

"I think Shion's brother really likes me... says he and Shion have family stuff to do over the next 3 days, but after that, he wants to go on a double date. We might even become sisters!" I laughed at that and asked,

"Can that really be considered an Epiphany?"

"Yes! I was going to just ignore him but then I realized, this would be a good way for me to spend more time with you two." I laughed awkwardly

"Well... I don't really know what to say but... that seems a little cold to me. You haven't even said that you like him. I don't want you to marry a guy just to stay close to me." We arrived at school and Nacina clicked her tongue before rushing off. I wonder what's going on with her, She's not acting like herself lately. In first period, Will waved at me, Kriss ignored me, even though they were sitting together at Will's desk.

"What are you doing?" She reprimanded him as she forced him to put his hand down. I gave a weak smile in his direction then sat at my desk and stared out the window for 30 minutes, at that time there was an announcement.

"There's an assembly for all 3rd-year students. All 3rd years please gather in the gymnasium." Since I was in no rush I was one of the last ones to arrive. I found an empty spot on the bleachers near the back to sit, and not long afterward a stranger approached me.

"Is it okay if I sit here?" He asked, gesturing to the seat next to me. I looked up to see a boy with turquoise eyes, light brown skin, dark brown medium-length hair, three small moles on his face, one between his brow and the other two below his eyes, somehow forming an equilateral triangle. He also had some of the most perfect teeth I've ever seen. I don't know why but something about him reminded me of Serco.

"Yeah, that's fine." At my word, he sat next to me. I think it's odd I've never seen him before, even as unobservant as I am, he's in the same year as me and he stands out a lot. I glanced his way and noticed his hair, a few shades darker than his complexion but there were strands of gold scattered about, like natural highlights.

"I hope this assembly doesn't last long." He stated. This must be his attempt at making conversation so I did my best to oblige

"Yeah, me too... what's your name? Oh... I'm Akina, sorry." He chuckled slightly

"My name is Jeremy... you can call me Jey if you want." Jey is so friendly that it's a bit unsettling, but I don't want to be rude.

"Okay... then you can call me Aki," I mumbled.

"That's cute, it fits you." His off-handed compliment made me blush just slightly so I put my head down and hid my face against my knees.

"Thank you..." I had no more to say so I stayed quiet. I saw Nacina across the gym, she looked my way and smiled but did not come to where I was, which hurt a little.

"Welcome everyone." The principal began, she was holding a mic and standing in the center of the court. "You've all noticed the increase in attacks lately, so all after-school activities are canceled, you should all head home together in a group, Afarions like to attack loners, so don't be alone. Also, next Monday will be our job fair, classes will begin an hour later than usual, I will announce over the intercom letting the other students know about the schedule change, I'm telling you all first because as 3rd years you should put effort into keeping the younger students in line. We faculty can not do it alone, and this is important, so I will emphasize it again. Do Not Go Anywhere Alone."

For some reason, I hadn't noticed how dire our situation had become... but more Afarions are showing up and Serco even called his brothers in for backup, I don't know how I could be so blind.

"This is so boring... want to leave and go somewhere fun, with me?" Jey whispered. I looked towards him and he locked eyes with me.

"No... I rather not." I whispered back, while quickly averting my eyes. He laughed,

"I can tell, you're bored too... you're not worried at all about what she's saying," Jey commented, and even though I wasn't looking I could tell he was smiling at me.

"What do you want?" I stated, finally turning to look at him. His smile turned happier at my question, which I didn't expect,

"What do you mean?" He asked instead of answering my question.

"Why are you acting so familiar with me... why me?" He reached his hand towards me as if to cup my cheek but stopped himself and pulled the hand away.

"You were sitting alone... I'm new... and you seem easy to approach." I only half-believed what he said but I decided to hide that from him,

"I see...." That was my only reply

"And I want to be friends. Is that okay?" His voice was so sweet, the words flowed so smoothly it was like beautiful music.

"No thanks, I have enough friends," I answered,

"You are dismissed! Please head to your 2nd-period classes." The Principal stated, she had been speaking the whole while but sadly I missed some of what she said... because Jey was being so... distracting.