Returning home

(Nacina's POV)

I spent an hour after school practicing my violin, before heading home. Tiren was waiting in an alley about a block from the school looking agitated,

"I thought you told me to contact you when I was ready!" I shouted. He looked up, green eyes piercing into mine, and then he hurriedly approached me.

"I thought I would save you the trouble of texting me and come see you in person." I stepped around him,

"You shouldn't have... I haven't had time to think about you, at all, because I've been in school."

"Why are you making me wait?" He asked testily, "We both know you're going to say yes... so say it." He put his arm around my waist and pulled me against him,

"Stop..." I whispered, I tried to push him away but I instantly realized how much stronger than me he was. "Let go of me!" I yelled. This made him let me go and grumble.

"Fine... Did you talk to your friend about us dating?" I looked at him in confusion,