Just Another Day

"I... can't. I'm sorry." I wonder how long it took me to reply, the disappointment on his face afterward was a dagger in my heart. "I mean... my mom would never allow it," I explained. Serco turned away from me and continued his descent down the stairs. "But... I don't think she'd care... on my birthday... if I'm out late." I rambled on, this statement caught his attention because he glanced my way and smirked, then we reached the bottom of the stairs, the lights must have been motion-sensitive because they turned on without Serco doing anything, revealing a car lot with 3 expensive-looking cars, one was Red, one Black and one White with red detailing.

"How would you like to go home?" He asked. "This way... I at least get to spend an extra 30 minutes with you." Once again I didn't know what to say, I am actually quite shocked that he hasn't gotten bored with me yet. We chatted about random subjects on the way home, Serco seemed very interested in me, continuously changing the subject to ask me about my views and thoughts... it was... unnerving. After we finally arrived at my house and I was alone, it was awful. I hated how intensely I missed him. I hope it doesn't feel like this forever.

One Saturday morning I received a text from Serco.

"Call me when you wake up." I was groggy and I usually hate talking as soon as I'm conscious but I called him regardless. He answered quickly.

"Hello?" His voice perked me up for some reason.

"Good... morning." I yawned in-between words, "Was there anything you needed?" I inquired.

"No... Just wanted to hear your voice. Bye now." After that, he hung up, without me getting a chance to respond. He's such an oddball sometimes. I lay in bed for another hour before deciding to get ready and go downstairs for breakfast. Nacina came over while I was still in the middle of eating my muffin.

"I... think we should talk." She announced after opening my door and entering the house as if she owned it.

"Okay... right now?" I asked, then gestured to my muffin. She nodded in response so I crammed the rest into my mouth and followed her back upstairs, into my room.

"So... I have this friend." She began. "She... I mean they got close to someone and I worry that I might not get to spend time with them anymore."

"Is this about me?" Nacina put her finger to my lips and shushed me.

"Listen to me, my puppet. Not everything is about you." She corrected and I huffed. "But!... I do want your advice on what I should do." I waited for her to remove her finger and then replied by saying,

"My advice? You're my only friend, how could I possibly know what to do?" Nacina gave me a sad face in response. "If that person WAS me, you wouldn't need to worry because they will always love you and be there for you. I don't know about anyone else though." My words motivated her to embrace me.

"That's good enough, my puppet."

".... Could you please stop calling me that?" I mumbled.

"No." She answered while petting my head. We spent the rest of the afternoon together and she went home when she noticed it was getting dark. I remembered to check my phone once she was gone, but there were no new messages. That's a little disappointing.

The TV woke me up the next day, I had forgotten to close my room door, so I went downstairs to see what was on. Mom was watching the news,

"Our Guardian just prevented a raid of over 20 Afrarions by himself," The reporter stated "We are lucky to have someone as dependable and strong as you, watching over us." She then inched the microphone towards Serco. She did her best to hide it but I could tell she was swooning over him, which mildly annoyed me.

"It wasn't easy, but I did it for all of you." He stated, but his tone was full of faux cheerfulness and his face looked irritated or bored. "I have to go now, I appreciate the acknowledgment, I'll continue doing the best I can." He then forced a smile, and a moment later was gone so fast that the camera didn't pick up his movement, it was like he blinked out of existence.

"You saw it here! An exclusive interview with our Angel! Continue watching WCLTV 9 for premium news!" I wonder... what's bothering him, Maybe he's tired.

"Good morning Aki." Mom greeted. "I'll make you some tea." I nodded, still too groggy to want to talk. After I perked up some, Mom talked to me about how her job was going, she works from home as an editor. I listened, even though I didn't have much feedback for her, and then I went back up to my room and played games until it got late. I yawned, and was thinking about going to sleep when there was a knock on my window. I locked my bedroom door and then I rushed to open it since I knew who it was. Once the window was open Serco jumped through tackling me onto my bed and embracing me. His wings were still spread and I felt like I might die from how hard my heart was racing. After a little bit of cuddling, Serco's wings disappeared, then he kissed my forehead and whispered.

"I missed you." He is trying to kill me, my heart can't handle so many surprise attacks.

"I missed you too." I tried to answer smoothly but my voice was shaking and I was getting dizzy from the heat coming off him as well as from my blushing. Our legs brushed together before he let me go. This is driving my base instincts wild. He then placed his hands on my bed over my shoulders, propping himself up and looking down at me.

"How was your day?" He asked.

"Good." I squeaked. I wanted to say more, I wanted to be interesting but I didn't know what more to say. Serco chuckled slightly then he lowered down onto his elbows and kissed my lips.

"My day was bad... but it has suddenly gotten better." I couldn't take anymore so I hid my face with my hands, hoping it would ease my blushing somewhat. "Good night, Akina." After he said that, I felt his weight disappear and I was now alone. Only left with my conflicting emotions. I hope I didn't make him think I wanted him to go...

When I woke up, I expected a semblance of normalcy. I expected to walk with Nacina to school, to chit-chat about stupid stuff, and then go to school. What happened instead was I saw a sky completely engulfed in fire. The fire burned so brightly that the morning sky wasn't visible anywhere, Red and Black flames mingled together, and I was surrounded by a suffocating, dry, and overwhelming heat. It only took a second for me to break into a sweat and fall, dizzily at my doorstep. I had gotten so comfortable with Serco, I forgot what he was capable of, I forgot what he was. The flames died down and I could see 2 entities charging at each other, causing thunderous roars upon impact. Then a sound echoed to me, it was overjoyed laughter and it was Serco's. I couldn't hear anything after that but fire filled the sky again, lasting longer this time. It was several minutes before the sky cleared again, and I heard two loud whooshes as our guardian and his opponent flew further away. The air was thin, so I sat panting and sweating, struggling to catch my breath when my mom decided to open the door, I think she was on the way to water the garden but when she saw me she quickly helped me into the house. The indoor conditions were only slightly better but eventually, I was able to calm my breathing and the AC began affecting me.

"This hasn't happened in 30 years." My mom commented while handing me a glass of water.

"The... fire?" I asked. Mom scoffed at me,

"I mean... our Angel hasn't had trouble fighting anyone in a long time." The way Mom was talking about our Angel, made him seem older and distant. I didn't like it.

"I forgot... he was the guardian when you were my age too," I stated, to make conversation.

"If you're feeling better, hurry on to school." I steadied myself and then took a deep breath before blurting

"Shion and I are together now... We're in a relationship now." My mom raised her eyebrows but seemed mostly unfazed.

"Okay, we'll chat more AFTER school." Mom then began gently pushing me out the door. Thankfully the temperature was now bearable, but still warmer than I was used to. Nacina ran from her house to me.

"Did you see all of that? I was too afraid to come outside, I thought you already left without me." She admitted, seeming embarrassed then she hugged me tightly. I hugged her back to comfort her but I couldn't stop worrying about Serco... I hope this adversary isn't more than he can handle.

"I saw, I'm glad you're okay," I answered, and she hugged me tighter.

"Let's hurry to school, I'm worried about everyone, no one is answering their phone." Her statement made me decide to check my cellphone... the screen was shattered and it wouldn't turn on... maybe it's because I came outside when all the fighting was going on. Nacina didn't even glance at my phone, she grabbed my wrist and started tugging me down the sidewalk toward our academy. My anxiety was now skyrocketing, what if Serco is hurt... what if he tries to contact me and thinks I'm ignoring him... I have to get this fixed ASAP.

We split up in the schoolyard and I heard a few people complaining about their batteries suddenly dying, screens cracking, or phones failing to work, as I made my way to class. In my classroom, there were similar conversations. I quietly took my seat,

"Hey... Akina, I'm glad you're okay." Will greeted me while sitting at my desk.

"...I am glad you're okay as well," I replied.

"I'm tired of avoiding each other... we're still friends right?" He asked, adding sadness to his voice. I stayed silent then Kriss approached us, grabbed Will's wrist, and gave him a stern look. She avoided looking at me while she dragged him away. I'm not bothered, I'm used to being alone, I didn't expect a long-lasting friendship, anyway. I'm also not ready to trust Will again.

Even after being reprimanded, Will decided to sit with me during Culinary class. His face was still partially bandaged from his encounter with Serco and the brim of his nose was bright red. He was punched harder than I realized, I feel a little bad for not noticing earlier.

"We have a test coming up, have you been studying the textbook?" He stated, to start a conversation. I chuckled slightly then said,

"Yes, I know all about vitamins in food, supplements, balancing nutrition, and meal preparation, now."

"Then you'll make a great wife one day, I haven't been studying at all." His reply threw me off. I'm sure Serco wouldn't need me to cook for him and... do Infaniyans even need the same amount of vitamins as I do? I should ask him... It's weird how almost everything makes me think of him... and even after seeing that display of power this morning, I still cannot be afraid of him.

"Actually... I'm sorry if I come off as flirty... I'm really not. Kriss and I are kinda dating now."

"That's great news!" Even to me, it was obvious how much Kriss liked him. Will frowned at my enthusiasm and began writing in his notebook, then mumbled the response,


Months went by and the level of excitement I felt when I met with Serco wasn't waning at all. It's now close to the end of the school year... and my birthday will be soon too. I should gain a bit more power over my life after that. I can make so many life-altering decisions yet I'm not sure what I'm going to do. The only thing I'm sure of is wanting Serco at my side.