Time For Food

"Wait, you grabbed my hand in front of my mom! What if she thinks we're a couple?!" I stated, now paralyzed by the thought.

"I don't care." His nonchalant response hurts a bit. I guess my problems just don't matter to him... Of course, he was lying when he said we're friends. I was too busy overthinking to notice him get closer, his face was now inches from mine. "Are you okay? You've been staring off into space for a while."

"I'm fine!" I shouted and made some distance between us. This made him laugh.

"Are you feeling embarrassed?" He questioned, with a teasing tone.

"I'm fine, I said! Now, where are we going?"

"I don't know... what do you mortals do for fun?" I tried to not be offended by his phrasing.

"The arcade, bookstore, movies, skating, food, swimming, hiking or bowling." I listed.

"Let's go to the arcade, since you said it first you must really like it." He decided. I'm getting a little excited, I hope that's okay. Well it doesn't matter if it's okay, I'm already excited! I have not gone to an arcade in so long, I can hardly wait!

Being in such a crowded space makes me feel anxious but the bright lights and all the games, fill me up with adrenaline! I ran to the front desk and got a card as quickly as I could. Serco watched me silently then I went to load money onto the card, I only had $5 on me but Serco probably wouldn't want to stay too long anyway.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"I'm... putting money on this card so we can play something together," I answered.

"Then can I put some money on it as well?" He asked.

"Sure, if you want to." He reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet then he took out 3 hundred dollar bills and inserted them into the machine.

"Wait!" But I was too late to stop him. "You didn't have to use so much." I stated, "We can go try to get some of your money refunded." I offered. Serco laughed.

"No thanks, it's just money." He replied. To be able to say that he must be filthy rich! "Plus, I want to fully experience the arcade that you love so much. This is my first time here after all." He added. My chest swelled with excitement. I guess the joy is written on my face.

"Then let's play everything!" We played laser tag first; that was my mistake, He's a quick learner and HE has no trouble holding the heavy toy gun and using it to shoot me as much as possible. We tried ski ball next, we tied on that one. He was better at basketball than me but I won at DDR. His expression changed during that game as if he felt shy about dancing in public, but it's very difficult to imagine him being shy about anything because he gives off a strong air of complete confidence.We tagteamed a VR adventure game and then we played mini-golf and I won easily, because he couldn't seem to control his strength well enough to not send the ball flying far away... After about 3 hours of being here I said, "I'm hungry, are you?" while we were returning our putters. He turned me and smiled slightly,

"No." He answered bluntly, "But if you are hungry, we shall eat." He added.

"Okay, we should go to the food court and check out the menu," I suggested. He chuckled slightly, then flatly said,

"We're not eating here."

"Why not?" I inquired. He took a step towards me, causing my cheeks to tingle. What's wrong with me? I slapped myself to stop the weird sensations.

"The food here is of a bad quality, over-priced, and does not smell at all appetizing," Serco explained. He always speaks so properly even when he's dishing out insults.

"I understand," I replied. "Um... Do you have a place in mind?" He nodded then beckoned me to him. Once I was close enough he put his arm over my shoulder and led me to a dark secluded corner of the arcade. He gently pulled me in front of him then held my waist and tugged me, even, closer to him. My heart skipped a beat and my panic mode activated. A moment later we were shrouded in darkness and then our surroundings transformed into an unfamiliar alley. "Where are we?" I asked.

"Near my favorite restaurant. I'm sorry if I scared you, I did not want anyone to see me teleporting." He informed.

"If you can teleport, why do you fly?" I inquired. Serco smirked at me.

"I'm a guardian, that means I have to watch out for everyone in this city... if I teleport all the time, I would not see everything." Serco explained to me while gently pulling me by the wrist out of the alley.

"What do you mean?" I questioned as we walked down the sidewalk. Serco thought for a moment and then answered while stopping to hold a door open for me.

"Let's say that you want to go to your grandmother's house, and if you walk there you will find a mountain of treasure halfway to her house. Yet, if you teleport, you will save time, but will not see the treasure. That is why I fly. Do you understand now? I can not afford to miss anything." I entered the building before giving my response.

"That's a pretty romantic explanation," I replied. My words seemed to gross him out and I couldn't help but laugh at his disturbed face.

When we walked inside the hostess's eyes lit up and she waved.

"Nice to see you again! Oh, you brought a girl with you this time." She noted, smiling at me. I smiled back... I can take that as meaning he usually comes alone... She had a gentle demeanor. We were then led to a table and my nerves were attacking me. So far he's been a gentleman towards me, so why am I so nervous? The restaurant was almost empty aside from us. A waitress came to our table.

"Oh, it's you again." She stated, instantly recognizing Serco. Then she looked at me. "Is this your... sister?" She asked. My stomach churned; we look nothing alike! I have light brown hair and eyes and I'm two shades lighter than him. We have no features in common...

"No... this girl is..." He touched his chin as if to think of what I am to him before continuing, "My date." I could have died right then. I was too stunned to protest and the waitress seemed a bit shocked as well.

"Oh... well can I get you anything to drink?" She asked, deciding to change the subject.

"Lemonade, please." We said at the same time. Serco laughed a little but I was still too shocked by the situation to join in on the laughter. Does he mean a play date? I mean that's the only thing that makes sense, yeah, just two pals hanging out. Friendly dating, as friends.

Once the waitress was out of earshot Serco put his elbow on the table and rested his chin against his palm.

"Are you alright?" He asked, smiling sadistically. I nodded quickly in response, causing him to laugh again. "I'm sorry if what I said bothered you, I just didn't want to answer further questions," Serco explained, it took me a minute to figure out what he meant because my mind was still spinning.

"You mean the dating thing?" I whispered. He laughed once again then said,

"Yes that, it was much easier to say that than to go into detail about our relationship. Do you not agree?"

"I agree," I replied, I feel both relieved and... disappointed. Do I want more than friendship with Serco? No! That would be silly... I barely know him. Is it possible t get attached to someone that quickly? I have never experienced it.

"Good, because I would hate to offend you." After bringing our drinks the waitress, Kimberly (I finally noticed her name tag) took our orders. He only ordered fries and I felt like a glutton ordering the cheesesteak hoagie topped with jalapeno peppers and extra fries. Serco barely ate any of his food, he did say he wasn't hungry but even when I'm full I can at least eat one serving of fries. I also burn a lot of calories during my late night workouts.

"Your appetite is nothing like mine, I feel so greedy right now," I commented. Serco grinned and met my eyes before speaking.

"Please, do not feel that way... My species gather nutrients from other things. Not just food, so I rarely need to actually eat. Even amongst my kind I am a bit... peculiar." He explained. I want to ask more about his kind... would that be rude? Doesn't hurt to try.

"What about drinks?" I asked.

"Hydration is still necessary. I especially enjoy alcohol even though it does not aid in hydration." I choked on a fry. I had assumed he was the same age as me because of how he looks. He can drink already? Well, maybe there are special laws for Guardians.

"How old are you exactly?" I asked. Serco looked away from me before answering.

"Two-Hundred Seventeen." He's ancient! No wonder he speaks so maturely. "And yourself?" He inquired.

"I'm just regular Seventeen," I answered. He nodded.

"That is a good age, you will be considered an adult soon to your species, yet you still have time left to enjoy your childhood," Serco noted. I gave him a half-hearted grin then finally mustered the courage to ask the next question on my mind.

"Have you... come to this restaurant with... other people before?" I questioned. Serco scoffed then his smile disappeared.

"No... I have not." He responded with a cold tone. Was that question too personal? Did it bring up a bad memory somehow?

"I'm sorry," I muttered, a second later his smile returned and he chuckled lightly

"Why are you apologizing; when you have done me no wrong?" He queried, then he tilted his head, continuing to watch me. I wish he'd stop, my heart can't handle so much attention. "You are such a mystery to me... and you are the first human I've spent time with recreationally." He admitted. I smiled then looked down so he wouldn't notice.

"I see," I stated, keeping my eyes down, though I did sneak peeks at him every few seconds. Only to catch him peeking at me at those very moments.