Serco was waiting for me after school as promised, it was actually difficult to resist running up to him. When he first started showing up to see me, multiple would stop and stare or try to speak to him, but now everyone walked past him without a second glance.
"How was class?" He asked,
"Oh, it was good, not much hap-" Serco nuzzled his nose against mine then cupped my cheeks before planting a kiss on my lips.
"That's good... that's how school should be." I gulped loudly, then he kissed me again. This time I closed my eyes. "You really are unobservant. Most people your age would be aware of the drama unfolding among their classmates." I squeezed my eyes shut tighter,
"Is that a problem?" I questioned. It might be better if I had more to tell him when he came to pick me up.
"No... As long as you pay attention to me." I peeked out at him and silently replied,