Seems I Can Still Be Surprised

Akina's POV:

I was happy to see Serco waiting for me after school, wasn't expecting it today though. He was tapping his foot impatiently and had a scowl on his face but that changed when I got closer, his irritation was replaced with a smile.

"Hey." I waved at him nervously as he greeted me. He then rushed over to me and lifted me into his arms to embrace me.

"How are you?" I tried to organize my thoughts before answering,

"I've been well. How about you?" He groaned and pressed his face into my chest.

"I don't want to talk about it. I have not been well... I have missed you." My heart began to panic so I tried to wiggle away for some relief, and he let me go without a fuss. That's when I noticed a group of unfamiliar people waiting nearby. None of them looked like Serco but somehow they all reminded me of him. "... My brothers are here... I told them not to follow me, but they're all irredeemable assholes." One of the men standing nearby with dark brown hair, turquoise eyes, and the same complexion as Serco began to scowl.

"We can hear you!" He shouted and Serco shrugged and flicked them off, while reaching forward to stroke my head. Knowing his brothers were watching is making me even more shy than usual.

"Hey, Aki!" Nacina yelled. Serco stopped petting me to wave at her, she noticed his brothers sooner than me. "Who are all these people?" She asked then she started counting the boys and said

"8?.... Oh! Your brothers?" Nacina then put her hands to her mouth and gasped. How is she so sharp? The tallest brother stepped forth and took Nacina's hand. He had black hair, like Serco's but it was long and very curly, the tips were white, and his eyes were grey. His face was the one that was most similar to Serco's

"Nice to meet you, I'm Smoke." He greeted, then he kissed the back of her hand causing Nacina to go completely stiff. I've never seen her shy before. A moment later she snatched her hand away and said

"Nacina..." It's actually hard to tell if she's blushing or angry.

"I am not introducing all of you. You can either leave or shut up." Serco said, sending a chilling glance in his brother's direction.

"I can introduce myself!" One yelled, he was platinum blonde and had brownish-red eyes like Serco's so I imagine they're bright red when he's in his true form. His complexion was lighter than Serco's, though, a latte-colored complexion. "I'm Tyrian." He waved and exuded a bubbly aura. Made me question if he was really related to Serco at all. In response, Serco grabbed my hand and began gently leading me away.

"I think we've heard enough for today." 6 of his brothers followed us, while Smoke and the brown-haired grumpy-looking one stayed behind to talk to Nacina. I felt awkward, being the only girl in a group of 8 so I clung to Serco's arm. "Don't worry... I'm just going to walk you home... something has... come up so I had to contact my father."

"And he sent your brothers?" I asked, his siblings kept stealing glances in my direction.

"Why we're here doesn't even matter. Who are you?" One with dark red hair and golden eyes stated. He hasn't spoken till now, but he was the one staring at me the hardest.

"I'm..." I started to speak but then the same person cut me off

"Oh. You're Serco's new sl-" Before he finished his statement Serco served him a strong right hook to the jaw and glared.

"You will not disrespect her!" His voice was the coldest I have ever heard it, "This is Akina... she's someone special to me." The brother held his cheek with one hand and wiped the blood from his lip with the other.

"I'm sorry... I didn't realize she was special. I'm Litzo." He said while wiggling his jaw then lowering his hand.

"Nice to meet you Litzo." His face lit up as if he had something new to ask, but this time he looked to Serco for permission, and Serco's only response was a sigh.

"Does this mean... you know about us?" I also looked to Serco to see if it was okay to answer but he was looking away from me, bashfully, for some reason.

"Yes, I ... do know," I replied

"Then... this really IS a big deal." We arrived at my house at that moment then Serco planted a long deep kiss upon my lips. I held him close, gripping onto the back of his shirt and once our lips parted he turned away to leave,

"Wait... I hope... I get to see you again soon! I know you have to go... so bye for now." It took all my courage just to say such a simple statement, Serco turned to me and smiled, then once the coast was clear of any onlookers, they all vanished together. Something about the way he's acting is making me worry... maybe I'm overthinking.

Meanwhile with Nacina (her POV)

"You're cute... are you another one of Shion's local friends?" The oldest brother asked,

"Sorta... where are they going?" I asked while leaning over to look around him,

"They're just going to talk, why don't you hang out with us... tell us how our brother acts while he's here." He suggested.

"Yeah, I'm interested in that as well." Smoke agreed. I only sighed and said

"Shion barely likes talking about himself, it would be rude for me to talk about him when he's not around." The Elder and Smoke whispered to each other, then Smoke commented,

"Sounds like the two of you are close. You understand him pretty well." I couldn't hide my downcast expression before mumbling

"We are not close." I then made my way around the two men, in an effort to catch up to Akina and Shion but the two of them still trailed behind me closely.

"You seem flustered," Elder commented.

"I'm not flustered!" I snapped back at him. He laughed in response then turned to Smoke and said

"Can you... leave us alone for a now?" Smoke nodded his agreement and then sprinted away until he was merely a speck on the horizon. "I can tell... from the moment I saw you and the way you looked at him." I then paused in my pacing and glared at him

"You don't know anything about me! I don't even know your name." I stated defensively, I hate when people try to read me.

"My apologies... my name is Tiren and... I know that you have feelings for my brother." I especially hate it when they're right.