Tiren's History

I am the best.

"Wow, Tiren is fantastic." "I feel safe knowing he's heir to the throne." "We're lucky that someone so reliable was born first." "None of his brothers come close"... that's what I heard every day until... he was born, then all I heard.

"The fire chose him... he's A Chosen! An incarnation of the original..." "The young prince is the most beautiful baby I've ever laid my eyes on." "The young prince is a prodigy!" "We are so lucky that he was born to rule us, his strength is beyond what I ever imagined." sentences like this on repeat, everywhere I went. I hated it and each time I heard a new compliment towards Serco... I hated him more. I would then look at him, so tiny, round face, big eyes... an adorable little brother and I hated myself for hating him. 2 years passed. My brother was now about 4 and a half feet tall, a lot less adorable and sardonic, and a lot easier to hate. And even though he wasn't fully grown many of the servant girls would stare at him with longing in their eyes, even though he ignored them completely.

One day I saw him staring at a candle in the training room alone... My element is Earth so my training was always very physical, I decided to approach him and say

"What are you doing?" He obviously heard me but didn't respond so I repeated "I said, what are you doing?"

"You have eyes, use them," This was the last straw for me, so I decided to scold him, so I grabbed his wrist to get his attention but my fingers burned on contact with his skin, so much so I could feel multiple layers of my flesh tear away as I yanked my hand off, I had never touched anything like it "I'm sorry," He said in a mocking voice, it even sounded like he was tempted to laugh.

"You bastard, what did you burn me for?" I asked angrily, I was only going to scold him... yet he lashed out at me

"It was an accident." He replied, this time actually smiling up at me. He really thinks he's better than me... I've been alive a decade longer... I should put him in his place... even if his potential is higher than mine, right now I am stronger and he needs to understand this

"... Since you're training anyway, why don't we spar?" I suggested... He obliged and didn't seem intimidated at all by me, which pissed me off more. I'll show this little twerp not to underestimate me...

Needless to say... I failed he injured me so badly that my rapid healing actually healed my arm had to be broken again and reset so it could heal properly. and the burns recovered so slowly that I was in pain for weeks. Even after I was healed I could feel the burning sensation whenever I looked at him. Months went by without anything happening between us. I thought about confronting him but fear held me back, that's when opportunity struck, he brought home a girl from school... to study. I knew she liked him from the way her eyes stayed glued on him. His interest in her seemed minimal but it was enough, he'd never brought a girl home before.

"Thank you for helping me... I've been so lost in class." She said, nudging her shoulder against his,

"That's because you're an idiot." Serco clarified. She playfully hit him causing a grin to cross his lips, then he looked up at me, "What do you want?" His voice was cold and for some reason, I was having flashbacks of our fight as soon as our eyes met.

"You never brought a friend home before... I wanted to meet them." My statement made her eyes light up,

"I'm the first friend you brought home?" She asked. He looked away and pouted,

"You're not my friend, you're a student." That's when she pouted too... I guess it's contagious.

"I have to go to the bathroom." She shouted, rising from her seat.

"I'll show you... by the way, what's your name?" I asked, She smiled at me and began following me down the hall while answering,

"Rose." Once we were a good distance from Serco I asked,

"Do you like Serco?" Her entire body turned red,

"Of course not!" Infaniyans are usually good at masking their emotions but this girl is a complete amateur.

"Then... is there anyone you are interested in?" I inquired further,

"No!" She replied snappily,

"That's a relief... then maybe next time you visit... you can come see me, too?" Her face reddened again then she looked at me. My brother is good-looking, of course, so much so that it's infuriating. But he's cold, hard, and reserved and I'm taller, older, and handsome as well. "... If you want me to." She muttered.

"Yes, I definitely want you to. I would love to see you again." I responded. She was stunned too much to reply, "This is the bathroom." Rose's brow furrowed then she rushed inside. When she went back to the library to study with Serco they fought, it was something about him not wanting to be hugged, and her screaming about how he should know her well enough by now...

The next time she visited she only came to see me. Serco tried to hide it but he was bothered, which only made him turn colder which pushed her away... he'll never admit it but she was his first crush, and she ended up with me. Whenever I lay with her I felt triumphant. Once he no longer cared when he saw us together, I lost interest and ended the relationship. He didn't bring any girls to the palace after that and asked to have a separate home while he attended school... annoying. I liked not seeing him every day, though. On occasion I would see him outside, a crowd circling him, everyone vying for his attention, male and female. Their presence only seemed to annoy him but on occasion, there would be a new person, a girl who he let hold his hand or would cause him to smile... I didn't sleep with all of these girls but whenever I saw them away from Serco I would fill their heads with doubts, mentioning how many girls he brings home, calling them the wrong name on purpose, and when they correct me I'd say something like "Oh you're not the girl he told me about." Eventually, the insecurity seeds I planted grew and they would lash out at him and question him about his reluctance towards intimacy, accuse him of cheating, or not truly caring about them. They never mattered to him enough for him to correct their accusations. He would just leave them to think whatever they wanted and his reputation grew so bad that it even reached our parents. This was a fun game for me.

"Your promiscuity looks bad for the royal family. You know how many girls have come to my throne, crying, with their parents, because of you?" My dad chastened

"They sound stupid and immature," Serco responded, with no hint of remorse, I stood hidden in the doorway, listening, and reveling in this moment.

"Is that all you have to say?"

"They approached me! It's not my fault that they are a bunch of delusional B-"

"Serco!" My dad shouted cutting him off.

"... bitches." Serco completed his sentence. Our father sighed and then said,

"If I hear one more thing, I will have to punish you... have you transferred to another school or I will hire an at-home tutor. We can't have this, you represent this whole household."

"Do whatever you want," Serco stated then he rushed from Father's room. He passed me in the hallway and when he saw me he glared while swearing profanities at me. A year passed and Serco became antisocial, pretty much an outcast but one girl began to cling to him with puppy eyes. She had silver hair, cut into an asymmetrical bob, plump pink lips, and slightly tan skin with pink cheeks, that were sprinkled lightly with brown freckles. One day, I saw her alone, shopping... so I decided to introduce myself,

"Hey," I greeted, while standing beside her. She was looking at clothes.

"What the f&%k do you want?" Her voice was cute, but the way she used it was so uncivilized and her accent sounded uncultured.

"I'm Serco's big brother, Tiren." At the mention of my brother's name, she humbled herself, blushed slightly, and bowed her head toward me.

"Oh... it's nice to meet you... I'm Crescent." Suddenly she's all manners.

"Oh... Cresent? Serco hasn't mentioned you before, I thought you were the new girl he was seeing but I guess not. I'm sorry..."

"...No... it's okay, we're just friends." Her voice cracked a bit at the word friend. then she dropped the clothes she was holding and said

"Goodbye," Before turning to leave... Oops... I guess I talked to the wrong person this time.