Chapter 5 - It Begins...

[Third Person View]

"Father! I'm home!" Shen Zhang shouted as he arrived at their humble abode.

"Welcome back Shen, how was the morning walk?" Wang Xiu Ying asked Shen Zhang.

"Morning walk? Hahaha, more like morning chase," Oh? why so? did something happen?

"I'm not sure if you can't see the person in my hands or pretending not to see it," Shen Zhang said.

"W-Well... So she was the reason as to why you were getting chased?" asked Wang Xiu Ying

"Partly, she is partly the reason of it. The main reason was the guards that held her captive," replied Shen Zhang. "I'll explain more later, i'll put this girl in our spare room so she could take a rest."

Wang Xiu Ying nodded along with Shen Zhang's father, they were quite puzzled about the situation but ultimately decided to set it aside for later. Wang Xiu Ying also returned to her own room which was provided by Shen Zhang's father earlier to take the pill given by Shen Zhang's father too. Shen Zhang's father however stayed in the living room for some reason.

When Shen Zhang was done settling the girl down in their spare room he then went outside of the room, back to their living room.

Shen Zhang's father saw Shen Zhang come finally coming out of the room and said, "Shen... Aren't you forgetting something rather important this day?"

"What do you mean father? I'm pretty sure that there was nothing important for this day," Shen Zhang responded. As Shen Zhang said that, he immediately tried to remember the important thing happening this day, although he seem to remember something but can't quite wrap his finger around the thought.

"Today's the Sect Examination for the local sect Shen," Shen Zhang's father told him.

"Wait... FUCK!"

Shen Zhang immediately rushed out of their house as he remembered the Sect Examination, he can't bear to let this opportunity go as it's going to be an important factor if he's aiming to become the strongest cultivator in this realm and beyond.

"Are you not going to bring your wife along with you Shen?" Wang Xiu Ying asked Shen Zhang with a smile on her face.

"Oh, Let us hurry up then or else we are going to be late for the Sect Examination." Shen Zhang hurriedly responded while hold Wang Xiu Ying by her hand and dragging her along with him which made her quite happy inside.

At this point, Shen Zhang never knew Wang Xiu Ying's real age and he also never bothered asking as he heard that asking a woman about their own age is offensive to them, no one knows the reason why but they just get infuriated if someone asked them what's their age.

Seeing Shen Zhang go while dragging his wife along with him, Shen Zhang's father then thought about Wang Xiu Ying's appearance.

"Interesting... I was sure that she have taken the pill yet her outside appearance remained the same... So she chose to imitate her scarred body, although it's quite confusing as to why she had done that but im sure that she has her own reasons," Shen Zhang's father thought to himself. Although he continued to dwell upon the small matter but he still couldn't figure out the reasoning behind Wang Xiu Ying's action so he decided to give up the thought, "Women are quite complex..." Shen Zhang's father thought to himself before giving up the though entirely.


[Third Person View]

"Master!" The three Guards said in unison once again whilst clasping their hands tightly and kneeling down.

"Report!" Said their Master

"We are ashamed to say that we have failed accomplishing the mission Master!" Said the three guards.

"That is quite understandable... Although you three are my best personnel but the Yang family also has experts, so it is not that unprecedented," Their master said.

As the three guards heard that, their hearts were slowly calming down and they felt relieved and happy that they weren't going to get punished.

"So you mean that youngster that had an inhumane speed was an expert in the Yang family too?" Said Guard A.

The moment their master heard what Guard A said he was getting infuriated.

"So the reason for your failure is a kid?!" the three guard's Master irritatingly said.

"Y-Yes Master.... It was a kid," Guard B said.

"If you don't give me an explanation right now then you can say goodbye to your heads," their Master threatened them

Sweat was dripping from the foreheads of the three guard, they were extremely nervous, one single mistake in their explanation or if their explanation is insufficient then their heads would come flying off of their body.

"While we were on the process of rescuing the princess, a youngster appeared in front of us. We asked him what is he intending to do and he only said 'Saving a damsel in distress,'

we tried reasoning out by saying 'Are you aware that this girl isn't a damsel in distress but rather a murderer on chase?' as we were disguised as Yang family's guards in order to avoid suspicion and successfully rescue the princess but as we said that, the youngster disappeared from our sights along with the princess, it happened so fast that we didn't have enough time to react and thus losing sight of him," The Guard leader explained.

"Did any of you happen to see that kid's face clearly?" Asked the Guard's master.

"Yes!" The three guards said in unison.

"Very well... Change of plans, locate that young boy and observe if the princess is still with him, and if in any case that the princess is not with him then feel free to interrogate him or bring him to me directly," Said the Guard's Master

"Understood!" The three Guards said in unison while disappearing into thin air.

"Damn it... Just as when i located my missing daughter then this happened... I hope that she is safe as he might've handed her down to the Yang family." The Guard's Master thought to himself, he was hoping that his daughter is safe.

--*Present Time*--

[Wang Xiu Ying's POV]

"Hah... Hah... We barely managed to arrive in time... Let us rest for a bit, there is still time before the Sect Examination commences do it wouldn't hurt to regain some of our wasted stamina," My husband said while panting, he was exhausted from the long run.

It has been a while since i last went inside a sect, the last time i entered a sect was 5 years ago before i left to exact my revenge on every filthy nobles. However, this time im entering along with my husband in order to spend more valuable time with him and protecting him if needed. Although i am quite curious as to what his reaction will be if i remove my disguise and show my flawless and smooth body, rid of any existing scars from the years of being in the moonlight continent.

"Are you okay Wang'er? You seem lost in thought, is there something bothering you?"

Ahhh~ My husband is worrying about me again... I can never get enough of his love and care, i am already intoxicated with the butterflies in my stomach every time he shows love and compassion to me. Don't worry husband, no one can hurt me in this pitiful sect... However, if anyone does hurt you or spread some horrendous false rumour about you then i'll make sure to... 'Play around' with them a little hehe~

"Oh don't worry, im just thinking about what a Sect Examination is about," Wang Xiu Ying replied with a bright smile on her face.


"Don't worry! We'll definitely pass! although be wary of those arrogant nobles, they have this strange habit of looking down on commoners and being so full of themselves. This kind of trait somehow never fails to get passed down to generations and generations of nobles which is quite amazing."

"You don't need to worry though, i'll protect you from them!"

Don't worry Wang'er, i'll slowly torture them and make the regret being ever born into this world and making them experience excruciating pain before killing them. I don't mind if people messes with me but if they mess with my wife well... I would engrave the fact that they have messed with the wrong man's wife to their brain.

"Hehehe," My wife giggled, it's so adorable...

"I'll be counting on you then~"

"You can trust me on that!" I said proudly.

"Wait is that Shen Zhang?!" Guy A said

"It really is him!" Guy B added

"Wait... Is that a girl beside him?!" Guy A said

Oh fuck... Please don't mention the thing...

"So he finally ended his 30 consecutive rejection streak hahaha! im so proud of you Shen Zhang!" Guy B shouted before diverting his attention to something else with Guy A

I feel like my whole reputation just crumbled, They sounded like they were mocking me too son of a-

[Wang Xiu Ying's POV]

I was on the verge of obliterating the other party but they told some pretty amusing information about my husband, just looking at my husband feeling embarrassed is something unusual which made my day. So i decided too spare the two idiots and concentrate on engraving my husband's embarrassed state in my mind permanently hehehe....

"Was that true?" I said with a smirk on my face. I knew it was true since their aura didn't change to red when they were telling it but i just want to hear it from my husband's mouth.

"Y-Yes...." My husband looked extremely ashamed as this point, so cute~

"I don't know if i should feel honored or laugh upon hearing that Shen" I almost couldn't hold back my laughter while telling him that, the chance to tease my husband will come rarely so it's better if i take advantage of this now hahaha.

"...." My husband was on the verge of tears and so i stopped teasing him and hugged him for a while, although if another opportunity arises then i would make sure to go all out hahaha~

[MC's POV]

I swear im gonna beat those two guys into a pulp if i come across them again, but im not gonna kill them as what they said earned me a hug from my beloved wife.

It was very refreshing and calming, it made me want to freeze time and stay like this forever...

But i am still gonna beat up their sorry asses for making me remember such embarrassing memories that i long decided to forget.

--*At the Zhang Household*--

[The Princess POV] (Refer to the girl in Ch.3)

Ugh... Where am i? I remember seeing the boy rescuing me but i don't know where i am right now... Am i in his house?

"Hey you, You're finally awake,"

It was a middle aged guy sitting in a chair at the corner of my room.

"Where am i? Who are you? and what happened to the boy that rescued me? Is he Safe?!"

"Calm down miss, You are currently in my house my son is the one that rescued you and he sent you back here so you can rest and as for his well being... Of course he is safe, he is currently undertaking the local sect's Sect Examination so you can be rest assured that he is safe," The middle aged man said. "With that being said... How about you tell me what happened to you without skipping any single detail and i might consider helping you for my Son's sake."

"Understood," I said respectfully, I can tell that this man was very strong, In fact, He is stronger than anyone at the Yang Household.

So i told him everything from start to finish in an extremely detailed manner, at least those that i can remember in my head.

"I see... So this pack of Silver Coins should be the one he wanted to give you, he ran back here and grabbed his savings and by savings i meant this pack of silver coins, his intention was to give it to you because you said that you wanted to start anew to avenge your parents so take this pack of silver coins and i'll give you an astral ring, inside the astral ring is enough gold coins to start a business because you could just use the silver coins that my son intended to give you as the fare for travelling across the sea using the Sea Gliding Turtle, the astral ring also contains daily necessities such as food and water as well as clothes, as for the clothes....Well... I don't know whether it is for men or women but clothes are clothes but before i give this astral ring to you i want you to choose between two choices."

"You can choose between accepting this astral ring and my son's savings to achieve your goal of starting anew in the moonlight continent or i'll give you this relic that enables you disguise yourself and i'll provide you the necessary funding so you could accomplish your goal, so tell me... Which one?"

It isn't really hard to decide as i've told his son that i would want to go to the moonlight continent and commence my plan there but... The thought of being able to stay here with that boy eventually led me to choose the second choice...

"I would like to choose the latter," I said while clasping my hands together and bowing to the boy's father.

"Very well, take this identity changing relic and you can choose where you'll start your business plan so you can start accomplishing your goal slowly but surely."

The boy's father then handed over the identity changing relic to me.

"Um... If it isn't so rude to ask but where did you get this relic?" I asked him politely

"Get? Hahahaha. Surely you jest, i made it myself hahaha!" The man laughed loudly.

"However don't tell my son about this since he only thinks that his old man is but a normal human so he's working hard and carefully thinking his choices before acting," The man warned me.

"Understood." I said.

"Alright now go to the living room, i have made food for you." The man said before exiting the room

What could the reason behind his action of concealing his true identity to his son? The mind of an expert is truly complex...

--*Back to the MC*--

[Third Person View]


"Finally... This is where my journey starts" Said Shen Zhang.

Different kinds of cultivators have appeared in the Sect Examination, from Average people to Peerless geniuses and of course.... Beauties.

(The Sect Arc officially begins next chapter!)


Mc's Profile

Name: Shen Zhang

Age: 16

Cultivation {Qi Gathering 4th stage}

Hair color: Black

Eye color: Brown

Distinct Feature: He has a mole below his right cheek just below his right eye which gives him a more appealing look.

Items: None.


• Wang Xiu Ying {Trust: 100}

- Age: 21

- Hair color: Red

- Eye color: Honey Gold

- Cultivation: {Aura Enveloping Realm}

- Trait: {Yandere,???}

- Items: (Unknown Treasure), ???