Chapter 6 - It Begins... (2)

[Third Person View]

"Before the Sect Examination commences, i would like to explain the examination phases and the rules for the final examination phase."

"I will start with the rules for the final examination phase so take note."

"First rule, no one should take a strength enhancing pill or any pill that could improve one's speed, endurance or strength."

"Second, the matches between fellow cultivators will be decided through lots, each and everyone of you will pick from this wooden box, if one particular cultivator has the picked the same number as another cultivator, then those two will fight in the end. Remember... No exchanging numbers or trading, if i catch anyone doing so... Then they will face the consequences of their own action understood?"

"Understood Elder!" The Examination participants yelled, fear was visible from their faces, thinking about what if they fail the Sect Examination, some felt excited, some felt... nothing.

"Third and the last rule, no killing but crippling others are fine," the elder then emitted a strong Qi Pressure, as the elder released his Qi Pressure some young cultivators already lost their consciousness, some were on the verge of fainting, and some were withstanding the Pressure magnificently.

"And finally we arrived at the Examination Phases,"

"Phase One, To those that fainted, all of you are disqualified and are no longer eligible to partake in our Sect Examination, please kindly leave,"

After the elder stated the Phase One of the Examination, the crowd broke into a commotion, 'Why would they start the Phase One before announcing it?!' said most of the disqualified young cultivators, others could only lament on their failure upon failing to withstand the Qi Pressure.

"As a cultivator, you are bound to have a lot of battles in order to improve, some will fight fair and square, and others will fight a bit trickier and underhanded. If it was the latter then all of those disqualified would be dead in just a matter of seconds, failing to react quickly if the situation needs it, will result in death. As a cultivator, you can only depend on your abilities to protect yourself because no one will be there to protect you," The Elder stated.

[MC's POV]

Phew... That came unannounced, i would have failed if i was a tad too late, although the statement that the Elder said makes sense, however. He used the wrong fucking example... Like, who the fuck would use their Qi Pressure in front of someone the same realm as them as a way of being underhanded? No one would have the time for that shit you know? But if i voice out my thought right now then i would face terrible consequences so i am just gonna see where this goes.

"Hey Wang'er, are you alright?"

"Hm? Oh uh... I am alright Shen don't worry, i am glad that you passed Phase One with flying colors!" Wang Xiu Ying said with a beautiful smile on her face.

"I am also happy that you passed Phase One with flying colors!" I said while smiling back at her.

Her beautiful smile never fails to send me to nirvana~

"Before we start Phase Two, i would like to acknowledge those that passed Phase One, very well done, it seems like you lot have some talent,"

"Okay so Phase Two, all of those that passed will have to test their potential with the sect's very own, Measuring Pillar."

"If a cultivator comes in front and measures their potential then they would have to insert all of their Qi in this pillar in order for it to accurately measure your potential. Low potential means no Talent and High potential means Peerless Talent, and needless to say an Average Potential means Average Talent, so i think all of you understands how this pillar works so i will begin calling out the remaining young cultivators here and please wait patiently to get called." The elder announced

I think the best course of action here is to just cultivate so i could just breakthrough to Peak Qi Gathering and ask Wang'er to let me know as i won't hear anything while cultivating.

"Wang'er, can i ask you to let me know if my name gets called? because i will try to breakthrough to Peak Qi Gathering right now."

"As you wish Shen~" Wang Xiu Ying said with a bright smile on her face.

Ughh... That smile... That damned smile... So bright and precious... But i have no time to admire Wang'er, i have to cultivate now.

--*A few hours later*--

"Wang Xiu Ying! Please insert all of your Qi to this Black Iron Pillar so we can measure your potential," Said the elder

HM?! It's Wang'ers turn? I gotta see this...

"Full Potential?! Am i not hallucinating?! I have to let the Sect Master know! This is a very good news!" The Elder accidentally shouted.

"Um... Wang Xiu Ying, please wait... I will be back, for the rest... Please wait as i will be back," The Elder then left.

"Wang'er, congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! Now you can slowly work your way to being the strongest and take your revenge to those that wronged you!"

Still... I would take revenge on them on your behalf hehehe~

[Wang Xiu Ying's POV]

"Full Potential?! Am i not hallucinating?! I have to let the Sect Master know! This is a very good news!"

I already am aware of this but okay? i'm just going to go back to my husband.

"Wang'er, congratulations!! I'm so happy for you! Now you can slowly work your way to being the strongest and take your revenge to those that wronged you!"

But i already have Shen... But seeing him looking up to me like that, my very own husband was rooting for me, well he still doesn't know that my strength already exceeded everyone here including the Sect Leader, however. But now my husband thinks that i was also abused... Well i guess it can't be helped as we met at a high class restaurant while the staff pushed me and he saw me have scars in my whole body so it can't be helped that he thought of me as a normal girl till now, i can only smile back at him and say nothing as i don't know what else i could possibly say without sounding suspicious.

[MC's POV]

Now no one would dare and offend my wife or hurt her in any way, mhm... Now i can at least be sure that no one would mistreat her in here but if for some case some dumb motherfucker makes a move on her then.... You can't blame me for using my special technique that my old man taught me.

"I'll get back to cultivating now Wang'er, please tell me if it's my turn,"

Truthfully speaking... I have already reached Peak Qi Gathering earlier but it won't hurt to directly advance to Qi Refining, i also can't tell Wang'er the truth about my talent for now as she may think that i am only taking advantage of her weak self and i don't want that... So i am gonna hide my talent to her at least till i awaken my Element. Yep definitely a great idea.

--*Four hours later*--

I have finally reached the the early stage of Qi refining, the Elder still has not came back, oh well... I guess im gonna stabilize my Qi first after advancing to another realm.

[The Sect Elder's POV]


"Yes i am here so quit yelling," The Sect Master said.

"You won't believe this... We just had a Full Potential Cultivator in the Sect Examination!"

"This...This is truly a fortunate event! If we can groom this disciple properly into a powerful peerless genius cultivator then our sect would surely reap lots and lots of benefits from them and it could also be the start of our sect's golden age! Quick! Bring them in here, there's no need for them to participate further." The Sect Master ordered.

"But Sect Master, wouldn't that be an unjustified treatment?"

"Honestly who the fuck would care about that if you could get a peerless genius by doing so? It's worth the risk you know?"

"Sect Master is truly wise, very well... I shall get them in here Sect Master, for the sake of our sect's advancement,"

"Yes... Very Good, and maybe we could also advance from a 7th tier sect to a 6th tier sect with that disciple," The Sect Master added.

"Understood Sect Master... Your will shall be carried out right away."

[MC's POV]

"Sorry for the inconvenience young cultivators, without further ado we will not continue the examination. Shen Zhang!"


Okay... Insert all of your Qi and your potential will be estimated... Got it.

"Insert all of your Qi..."


The Pillar just broke right? Well fuck... I think i sent too much Qi, oh well i won't pay for it nonetheless.

"Th-The... Pillar broke apart?! Never in my life have i ever seen the Pillar breaking apart in an examination but... It just happened, was his potential higher than what the pillar could sense? or is it just because the pillar is too old and have been used a lot of times... Im going to go with the latter but i am still going to alarm the Sect Master about this in case he knows anything about what it means," The Sect Elder muttered to himself but unfortunately only he felt like he was muttering it but in fact all the other participants heard it loud and clear...

Well this... at least i can still keep my identity as an 'Average' cultivator.

Wait if i broke the pillar then the other people who were supposed to go after me automatically failed? or maybe they automatically pass? if it's the former then i already feel guilty.

[Wang Xiu Ying's POV]

Well i already saw this coming, father-in-law have mentioned that he already knows Shen's true talent but he's concealing it for his sake because he thinks that father-in-law is but a normal human, so caring and thoughtful of him... As expected of my husband~

However, the Sect Elder earlier have considered his talent as average because he still doesn't know what happened or what caused the pillar to break apart into small rock clusters, whether it was by natural causes or external force, i doubt that he knows either but even if he has heard about it, there's no way he could prove his theory so my husband would still be safe for now.

I should at least act like i have no clue about what happened just to calm down Shen, the best way to do that is to act like im cultivating.

[MC's POV]

Oh... Phew... So Wang'er was cultivating all this time so she haven't heard anything or saw the event that just occured because of my own doing. I'm glad i don't have to explain it hahaha, i should calm down and also continue stabilizing my cultivation because i accidentally sent out all of my Qi in one go and i couldn't control it because my cultivation still hasn't been stabilized and that was the reason of the pillar shattering.

[The Sect Elder's POV]


"MOTHERFUCKER!" The Sect Master yelled. "WHAT IS IT AGAIN?!"


"WHAT?! HOW COULD IT BREAK APART?!" The Sect Master questioned.


"Ehem.... So the Pillar broke eh? i have never seen it happening with my own two eyes but i have heard about it occuring with other sects. It was rumoured that in order to break the Black Iron Measuring Pillar was to actually have a higher potential than the Measuring Pillar was able to Measure but we have no way of finding out if out theories are right or do we have the necessary evidence to support it, as such we can only leave it like that but that keep an eye on this kid named Shen Zhang, report anything that he does." The Sect Master ordered.

"Including if he takes a dump or takes a piss?" I asked, it's good to be sure you know?

"Of course not you idiot! they also deserve some privacy!"

"Oh? It's quite shocking that out Sect Master actually cares about our disciple's privacy but i understand, your will shall be carried out."

"Great now get the fuck out of my room, im cultivating" The Sect Master complained

"Right away!"

[MC's POV]

Oh the Elder is back once again, i have also stabilized my cultivation so if he asks me to redo the measuring test then i could control it just to be about average.

"I am sorry for the inconvenience once again but as compensation, those that didn't get to measure their potential after the pillar broke will automatically pass!"

Cheers of happiness filled the entire area, they must've been so happy that they get to pass the Second Phase huh? good for them.

"Now for the Phase Three, i assume that you guys took note of the rules i have dictated before the examination commenced. Our Phase 3 is optional, so if you choose to not participate in the phase 3 then you still pass and you will be considered as an outer disciple, however. If you do choose to participate in phase 3 and if you manage to pass then there would be rewards and those disciples that passed will be immediately admitted in the sect as an inner disciple but if you fail then don't worry you'll still be admitted as an outer disciple, so all in all there no one would lose so you could give it a try."

And of course upon hearing that, all the other disciples entered to give it a try because the hidden rewards and being directly admitted to being an inner disciple are too alluring of a prize.

All i could say is that...

This is gonna be fun~

(I have updated this chapter to fix some misspellings and corrected the ballot part.)


Mc's Profile

Name: Shen Zhang

Age: 16

Cultivation: {Qi Refining Realm 1st stage}

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Brown

Distinct Feature: He has a mole below his right cheek just below his right eye which gives him a more appealing look.

Items: None.


• Wang Xiu Ying {Trust: 100}

- Age: 21

- Hair color: Red

- Eye color: Honey Gold

- Cultivation: {Aura Enveloping Realm}

- Trait: {Yandere,???}

- Items: (Unknown Treasure), ???