"How much is a slice of the cake?", he asked. I have never seen such a delicious cake. Not even in my dreams. I was drooling with each passing second just for this delicious baby. I wanted to taste it and I knew Omar was going to buy it for me with just a single word from me. Today was my lucky day. Whatever I wanted was being done for Omar! The best friend I've ever had. He took me to Disneyland! I just couldn't believe that. I really steeped in the amazing grass of Disneyland. I touched the water from the lagoon I always see in movie intros. I saw the statue of Walt Disney and Mikey mouse in person. I saw it live! I went on a water rollercoaster ride in Disneyland...right in Disneyland. I had to eat from their diamond restaurant. Oh God! And for each and every expense he paid for. Oh Omar..I owed him my life. Totally! I can't even compare the money he's spent to my life. I can't. I couldn't. It was just too much.

" Give my Lady a slice please...",she requested. I was busy day dreaming and I forgot to hear the price. I received the saucer as she gave me the slice. It looked more delicious on my plate than it even did on the display. Oh God! I took the spoon on the slide and slowly shoved a spoon full into my mouth. I widened my eyes in delight after it just touched the roof of my mouth. Impressed,I allowed my tongue to have a feel of this precious gem. Slowly,it began getting digested by the saliva and my teeth and down my throat it went. That was the best cake I've ever tasted.

"Is it good?", Omar asked.

" Yeah good..I could cry",I replied shoving another spoon in my mouth.

"I'll have a slice too...", he requested.

" How much is a slice again?", I asked deliberately since I didn't hear the last time.

"Twenty seven thousand US dollars...", the sales boy asked and it forced me to spit the cake in my mouth. What?! Just for a slice of cake? A mere slice of cake?

" All that just for a slice of cake?",I couldn't believe it. "Unbelievable. Totally unbelievable... why is it that expensive?".

" I forgive you for being middle-class and not having great exposure to such expensive goods..",he began in a tone I wasn't liking and if it continued this way I was ready to go as far as telling him off like I did with that Lady back at Mark and Jean. I raised an eyebrow warning him not to hit a nerve.

"...This isn't an ordinary cake shop, we sell cakes that were once used in functions of prestigious people in the society. For example the one you just ate was the cake Prince George, Duke of York baked himself for his wife to be Princess Mary of Teck. She was Queen consort of the united kingdom and the British dominions. As the ife of King George V,she was the empress of India... Just imagine you tasted her cake of which you wouldn't ever taste right then...", he went on with his gibberish. I was annoyed with his insult but he sure had a point. The cake deserved to be expensive.

" If it was baked a lot of centuries back,how come it still tastes like it was baked hours ago?",I asked.

"Don't underestimate love ma'am, we don't know what His Majesty put in that cake to make it last long", he replied moving away from the counter. I just tastes a cake that was older than me. Man it was delicious. I wonder how delicious it was when it was fresh if this is how it's tasting like centuries later. I looked at Omar and I pitied him. He had to pay such a huge amount of money just for me to have the cake. I began caring after I heard the price. I don't know what I would have done if I heard the coat of our hangout and Disneyland. I'd probably faint.

"Omar...don't you think it's too much for just a slice of cake?", I asked. I lost all the appetite to finish such a beautiful delicious cake.

" it's not...", he replied as though he wasn't concerned. He leaned on the counter as he got himself his cake from the sales boy. He wasn't fit to be called man for he was rude and so I'll refer to him as boy. Middle class? How dare he say that as though he was from first class himself. One thing I knew was he wouldn't be here selling if he were from the top class,he'd actually be in the shop with intention of buying and not selling. I'll strike him with that speech before I leave. I thought to myself as I forced the cake down my throat. Each single granule was heating down my throat badly although I couldn't really feel them in my mouth. The fact that this cake would cost me years on my own to buy it bummed me. I couldn't even afford a slice. Wow..things money can buy. Maybe I should also make my own coffee and keep it. It'll be the legendary coffee Prim made for the love of his life Omar and everyone who wanted a hint of their love would take a droplet of the coffee.I wonder how they'd preserve though.

" Done?", Omar asked and awoke me again from my daydream. I nodded and put my spoon away. I didn't manage to finish the cake. Too much shock and trauma. He paid for both slices and of course he was smiling. He carried my cake in a take away box before he left and headed for the door. I told him I'd be there and he had to go ahead. I had some unfinished business which I had to finish before leaving. I saw Omar and he had clasped his hands together and rubbed them forcefully, a mannerism he couldn't avoid whenever he was anxious at times. I wondered what was wrong. I beckoned him and he erupted as though he had awoke from a nightmare.

"You okay?", I asked a bit concerned.

"Yeah...", he smiled ad though nothing happened. My knock alerted him from his reverie, made him forget temporarily his uneasiness. He told me I'll find him outside the shop and I nodded. I had to drop the thunder on this boy and I had to do it with Omar out of sight. He left she shop and I gave all my attention to this weirdo.

"Hey buddy...what's your name?", I asked taking a sit on the counter chair. He came on the other side of the counter and keenly looked at me as if I had been caught in the act. I returned the gesture and leaned even closer to him to intimidate.him with my facial expression.

"Pablo... ",he replied.

"Look here Pablo....know your place okay...I have been in thought since you insulted me when o asked the price of the cake. You know...only two people come in this shop",

" Two people??",he asked confused.

" comes to sell the cakes and another comes to buy the cakes...and guess matter how the one who sells the cakes insult the one who buys,it'll always be the buyers money that make him boast the way he does...", I explained sitting upright and about to leave. It's my money that'll make him boast the way he will. He'll need energy to do it and it'll come from food which he'll buy with my money.

"...and your point is....", he asked with a chicky smile on his face. He thought I was one of the weird girls he meets around here in this odd shop of his. I hated the fact that he thought we couldn't afford the cake. How could he? Just because we weren't wearing fancy cloths doesn't mean we can't afford a classic lifestyle. Wearing balloon gowns and crowns that will only give you a headache wasn't what were used to,and I was planning on making him understand.

"You seem smart for a cake sales'll figure it out", I got off the chair and took dainty steps to the door. I twisted the door knob and opened the door. I walked out and peeped my head in to wave at him.

"Yoh Pablo! It's the piece of cake you can't ever buy!", I blew him a kiss and slammed the door. I knew he must have been busy thinking this was just a mere case of a castle in Spain but I knew it surely happened and sooner or later he'll figure it out.

"What took you so long?", Omar asked after I went to him outside the cake shop. We walked side by side as we went further down the road.

"I was settling some scores ",I replied taking my take away box from his hands. I opened it and continued from where I left off. It was a chocolate blueberry cake. Blue was Princess Mary's favorite colour and so George had to make the cake her favorite colour. I really love the fact that he personally bakes the wedding cake along and all just for her. For a man, he was quiet a good baker. He managed to make the flavours blend very well too. The chocolate and the blue berry produced a sensational taste that blew me off. It really boosted his prestige and restored his ego in front of the guests at the wedding am sure. This wasn't just an ordinary cake. It had a special ingredient even I couldn't understand. I knew this was beyond perfectly whisked eggs and refined cake flour. I went as far as licking my fingers just because I just couldn't let such delicious frosting go down the drain after a wash. Why use water when you can lick the fingers? Ha!

It was almost sundown and I had quiet such a day. I couldn't bring my mind to believe I actually went to Disneyland, got chased by an angry teacher, and a play director that thought I was an answer to his prayers, ruined someone's cake and I actually attempted to swim even though it wasn't successful. Luckily enough Omar was there to help me through it. He carried me on his shoulders and walked through the harsh waves that tried their best to pull us apart. He managed to carry my weight on his shoulders and took me to the shore.

I felt so light. Not only because I'd lost weight but because I found someone special in my life. Someone who carried my weight on his shoulders and who looked at me and saw another version of himself. I was like his minion. Not his other half but his self in another being. My mother always said someone's efforts are a reflection of their interest in you. She couldn't have said it better. It's always been sparkly since I met Omar. From the the first day in the restaurant...and then his house...and then his boss's house...and now here we are. I didn't know he cared so much that he'd actually spend a fortune on me. I turned my head to get a glimpse of this man I was busy praising. He was busy looking ahead of where we were going. In a coruscating manner, the sun rays beamed on his hair and gave it a shade of gold. Nature can be subtle at times. I didn't understand how that happened but I liked it. The golden strands of his hair ran down his face making him look like the golden Prince of Alvaro. While still looking at him, I saw a pretty arc on the corner of his mouth. He must have remembered a pleasant moment. I smiled too, not because I knew the moment he remembered well obviously but because the moment I was living now was heart warming and really sizzling.

"Do I remind you of a ghost from your nightmares?", be asked widening the smile. I couldn't understand what he meant at first but after that, I completely got intuitively raw.

"", I chuckled to try and drive his attention away."Not's just that....what are you, a human?"

"Do I look like a gnome?",he asked with much attention as though he couldn't trust his humanity anymore. I shook my head in disapproval but it proved to be too late. He rubbed his temple which proved to me his stress levels where rising. He walked toward a cart that was at a distance from where we were and slightly moved the back of his hand against the side of the cart giving him a small cut. I gasped in fright as seeing those red drips scared the freak out of me.

"What colour is this?", he asked as he walked toward me. I swallowed hard and tears filled my tiny eyes. I lowered my head and looked at his bleeding arm.

"It's red right? The colour of my blood is red just like that of any human being...right? That means am not a gnome right?", he asked full of anger which he his behind his tone. I knew he wasn't pleased but I just couldn't help it. I liked him that much. That much that I end up looking at him and forgetting am even looking at him. It just gets to me. I don't even understand it. I know it was my fault. He had to hurt himself to make sure that I stopped my weirdness. I really paid a heavy price. I wiped my tears and wore a quick smile.

" Here....",he offered me some ice cream. Man I've never had so much ice cream like I did today. This one seemed different from the ones I had though. It was raspberry flavoured am sure as I told from the colour. It had dried fruits added to it and were present in small streaks all over the cream.

"Where's urs?", I asked after I noticed he only had one corn in his hands.

"I'll also have this lick it on one side,I'll lick it on the other side...who knows we might meet in the middle..", he whispered the last part in my ear and made him deserving of a punch.

" Shut up!", I lightly punched his abdomen and thought of smudging his face with the icecream when something else caught my attention. It was very long;longer than I've seen it in movies and cartoons. The iron lattice tower sparkled from afar and made me drop my ice cream. I completely forgot about the icecream and focused on this wonder. Did that mean....we it can't be...can it?

"...Omar is that...", I began walking toward this fascinating sight that drew me toward itself with each passing second. "Er....", he stammered and I knew it was on purpose. He wanted me to figure it out myself and give him a delighted surprise full of shock and joy simultaneously.

" Is that the Eiffel tower?",I asked looking sternly at him. I couldn't believe it.

"Does that mean....we're in Paris?", I asked again. He nodded slowly as though he was asked to give a nod for two minutes each. Oh My...No way!! Am in Paris! I shrikes like never before. I screamed out loud and brought out the joy in me. This was inevitable for me to take in and I was beginning to think am dreaming. I was actually in Paris. I was stepping on the refines sand granules of France. This which you can use to build a house and still look beautiful than sapphire. I took small steps as I adores this mechanical Angel in front of me. I stood right in front of her and calmed my racing heart. I raised my hand and felt his cool surface. It was amazing and pleasing. Sweeter than a breeze itself. I leaned my face on it to give it a feel of this French iron. I couldn't help but plant a kiss on it's dirty surface. I didn't mind. I've always wanted to see this thing. Always wanted to touch it. Always wanted to walk up to it's tip and see the whole world. Not because of it's uniqueness and overwhelming beauty and splendor but because it's the last thing my sister wished for me. She wanted to take me for a vacation here in France to see the Eiffel tower. She worked hard that year, day and night. She sold all her treasured possessions and stuff she kept from our childhood. She learnt how to make my pleasant coffee and when she went to work,she made it for a cost and got enough money to cover the expenses of two. She planned to take me to Paris to see this magnificent piece of metal. She said she once came with dad, on his birthday when my mom was still pregnant with me. Unfortunately, tragedy stroke our house and my dad wasn't able to live to my birth so that he can personally take me here. My sister carried his dream with her everyday and managed to safeguard it with her heart. She managed to live up to her word. She got all the expenses covered and just as we were about to leave, a blizzard hit our place and changed the weather. We decided to postpone to the next day but her obsession for her work took her away from me. That very same day,her friend Robbie called that he had a stand that would outrage the world and give their station a lot of views. I was shocked and tried to prevent her from leaving but it didn't work. She left....and never came back....and never came back. I always thought she carried the dream with her...I always thought it died along with them and I was no longer going to feel the concrete smeared around the tower. And yet, Omar came along and completed my dad's desire. I've been here before just that I wasn't born yet. So my dad's wish was already fulfilled. Omar just had to complete it. To make me live it. To make me experience it. I couldn't thank him enough. He did so much for me and I also needed to do so much for him. I know he wouldn't like it because he'd think am returning the favour but I'd only be doing it from my heart. Now...what to do...what to do...

"Done adoring it?", he asked. He had leaned against one of the towers stands and as usual had his hands in his pocket. He was smiling and I really felt the purity purifying him come all the way to my heart. I nodded vigorously as words became superfluous and pleonastic for me,making gestures be in my best interest.

"We can go up now?", he asked steadying himself. Up?? We're going up?? Can this night get any better? It was already sundown when we arrived. It was already night. And the night here was beautiful. It was somehow different from the one I usually saw at home. This one was magical and had a slice of eternity in it. I let myself go as he dragged me along. We went into the elevator and it was nice. It had glass walls making it possible for you to see the outside. The sky was clear and the stars shone bright. Each and everyone of them twinkling in a new different way making me see things differently. I felt the cape go way up until it stopped. We got out and ended up in this large hall and to the look of things dinner was served. A lot of distinguished guests gathered in here dining, business talking and for the ladies not forgetting to share a gossip or two. I saw Omar taking steps further in and I decided to follow him. He walked to this table that had a princess looking Lady and a man. I walked slowly admiring every single thing I saw. Above each table was a chandelier that went as far as a few steps from the surface of the table. It was designed and decorated differently, based on the ones sitting on it I guessed. The room was dimly lit and had dull lights of dull colours coming from different corners of the hall. Glittering holographic flowers were all over the place and it really made it beautiful. The lady's jewelry was on spot too and added to the glitter. Shining and making them look stunning and much more adorable than models making their husbands keep their eyes on them. Fancy of course. The walls were covered in a scrape of ivory designed to form a big heart at the centre with tiny stars all around it. I was really amazed with such beautiful decorations. I really was. I even wondered what was going on here. Why was there a royalty reunion?

"Prim...", he beckoned me to sit were he was. I followed his voice and sat next to him. My eyes where still around the place and I just couldn't take them off. I took a seat and looked at him ready to give a compliment.

"This is Primrose....Prim,this is Catherine,the duchess of Cambridge", he began.

"Delicious to meet your acquaintances",she smiled offering me her hand. I shook it and oh my God it was so soft, fluffy and warm. It felt as though I should shake it for the rest of the night. I slowly let go of her hand and she gave me a quizzical look. Am sure it was because of my gestures but I still let it go. She told Omar and I to dig in and have dinner. All the food here was so different and not good looking but I sure was going to try something out. I shoved a spoon into the plate right in front of me and took up the green looking things. I got nauseous from the sight of it already but once I placed the spoon into my mouth I was delighted by the taste. I gave her a thumbs up after she said she made it. I didn't bother ask what it was because I sure wasn't going to taste this thing again. Just because I liked it doesn't mean I surely was going to take the recipe. Total huge No. I slowly downed my meal while listening to Omar and Catherine's conversation. She talked of how being a royal blood was not as fortunate as we all thought it was. When we see the fancy wave and the cool jewelry we think that's the life but clearly it wasn't. She had a lot of responsibilities that went along with all the fancy life and sometimes she just needed a break. This whole event was a party organised just to give them all a taste of what life feels like outside the responsibilities and duties. She said it was her first time coming to the Eiffel tower not because of any other reason just that she never had the time to come. I was amazed. Even they don't have time for some to her stuff too. Weird. She explained that her father wasn't doing well and she had to take up his responsibilities until he was better again which was too much on her plate besides those which she already had.

"I never really dreamt of being a princess.... I've always wanted to be a normal girl who wears skinny jeans and boots. Who let's her hair go freely down her back and not necessarily have it tied up to keep the posture. I always have someone doing things for me and it makes me feel helpless...", she said taking a sip of the red wine. " I never thought it would be that bad....",I spoke up. I really never thought it would be that bad. Being a princess was something I wanted to be at a certain point only because I knew I'd get a free license to the Eiffel tower to fulfil my dad's dream but I realised whether princess or not I can still come and I took the wish away....and here I am!

Knowing Catherine was one amazing thing that happened tonight. I've always looked at people like her and think their lives are a breeze not knowing that they can even be a strong wind at times. I've always judged them wrongly and now here I was finding out the whole truth. I felt happy. I learnt something else tonight;not to judge a book by it's cover. I smiled at Catherine and told her what a strong woman she was. What an irony this was. She wanted my life when I wanted hers. I never felt so content and grateful for what I have now. I feel so good. I leant back on the chair and finished my white wine. Omar was on the other side and was busy looking at us two. I didn't know how he knew Catherine and I didn't want to know. What was the use anyway... I was glad he knew her and I knew her!

After dinner,we were asked to go to the terrace for some spark in the night. I didn't expect it to be as merry as the dinner but it was much merrier. As soon we went out on the terrace all the lights were switched off and a bunch of fireworks one after another were released into the night. Firecrackers were also around the place making me feel like I was in India and it was diwali. The noise was everywhere both from fireworks and the crackers. My word, this was one beautiful night. It made me remember a few days back to when I had fireworks all over the sky spelling out my name. I really loved it. Made me feel special and Queen of the world. Of course I was....queen of his world!


"Ever seen fireworks from the top of the Eiffel tower? No! Ever been on a water rollercoaster in Disneyland? No! Ever had an entire estate spell out his feelings for you? No!", I asked and replied to them myself as I gave freshly made coffee to Omar, Liam and Cass. Today was the fourth day of Omar's challenge and I didn't know what he had install for me. He hadn't done anything all this morning to now and I was getting anxious. Three days were already a bomb and more than I'd dream of, making me anticipate for what awaited. Firstly, he gave me such a grand proposal in a gigantic palace. Then he took me to linterna de amor. Then he took me to Disneyland and to Paris. All these were more than I'd ever wish for and so whatever these other days were holding still remained a mystery.

"You went to Paris?", a shocked Liam asked making Cass chock on her coffee and spit in her cup. She gave me a look of distress as though I stole her kidney. Her hair became shabby,which surprised me to how it happened and she had drips of coffee from her lips.

" went to the Eiffel tower?", she asked almost crying. I could understand the envy and pain she was going through. She must have adored me and wished she had my life.

" Uh-huh",I nodded taking a sip of my macchiato. I sat besides Omar and he smiled at me. I squeezed myself onto the couch so that I sit properly and also....get a bit cozy.

"Forget the Eiffel tower, he took her to Disneyland", Liam added some garlic to the chicken giving it a good aroma. However,it didn't seem to go well with Cass who got clumsy all to a sudden and ended up dropping the cup shattering it into pieces splashing the hot drink all over the tiles and staining Omar's white carpet a bit. I was awed. Why would she do that? I know she was shocked but I didn't expect her to give such a reaction. Was that how she expressed the good shock maybe? Or the lovely envy? If at all it existed. This was just too much. This was more than Disneyland and Eiffel tower. Something else wasn't right. I looked at her and I saw her give Omar a look I couldn't even interpret. A tear ran down her eye but she quickly wiped it. She got up and raced out of our midst. I wanted to follow her but Omar quickly grabbed my hand. He raised his eyebrows to Liam who nodded and followed Cass.

"What was that for?",I asked a bit annoyed.

"Let's go for our day...", he said grabbing my hand and making me to forcefully put my coffee down. He dragged me outside of the house like he was afraid of something. Afraid of Cass! I guessed right. She got mad-crazy after I mentioned my love gigs with Omar. But why? Why would she do that? She went to an extent of spilling my coffee and breaking Omar's cup. I know when someone gets to my face they have beef with me but when they spill my coffee something serious is going on; and according to my assumptions, something serious was going on here. He took me out of the house and into his car. He stepped on the wheel before I could even confirm we had to leave.

"Are you trying to kidnap me?", I asked getting really worked up. Why was he escaping the real situation here? I took my hand away from him and widened my eyes as though I had swallowed a cat that went oops oops down my stomach to look for the fly I swallowed. I really loved that poem back in elementary school.

" taking you out for our big day...", he replied as though he wasn't concerned.

"Well I was in the middle of a case...couldn't you see? Why do I feel like you're running away from Cass?", I blurted it out.

"Whoa...woman! Why would you think that?",

"You gave me a reason to think that way....", I harshly replied. If this was the surprise for day number four then I wasn't happy with it. I wished we'd go back to yesterday and am so sure by now I'd be looking at the pretty fireworks with Catherine by my side right on top of the Eiffel tower, screaming and shouting out chants.

"Am really sorry.. I just wanted us to get away from home. Cass was a bit jealous that I took you out. That would force Liam to also plan a date to the Eiffel tower or Disneyland and it would feel like he's just copying my way of fun which is just complicated", he replied. X marks the spot indeed. I didn't think of that. Cass would really drop canons on Liam regarding this issue pushing him to take her their. Sadly, it wouldn't be as fun as it were for us because it would be only a copied idea. Besides, the expenses were too much for Liam to cover. I knew he was Omar's friend but he wouldn't really come openly and ask for money. Omar was right. Taking me out of their was the best option. The more we stayed, the more I'd brag and worsen the situation. That was really smart of him but I wasn't admitting it. No I wasn't.

"Please drop me at my place. I want to say a quick hello to my aunt", I told him and relaxed my head on the back of the chair. We drove quietly for a few more minutes and then he pulled over. It was dark and a clap of thunder roared. Looks like it was going to rain. I quickly got out and ran up the stairs to our room. It wasn't far from the main entrance. Good thing. I removed my shoes outside the house and got in only to meet my worst nightmare.

" Gavin Adams!", I shouted as soon as I saw him. He was sitting on the couch and watching TV as if he was at his place. As soon as he saw me ,he came to were I stood and gave me a hug which seemed to mean a lot to him but was something I couldn't wait to be over from my side. I slowly pushed him away trying not to hurt him.

"Prim! Where have you been? You're barely home nowadays...I came in the morning and I waited for the whole day hoping you'd come. I even went to your work place and they said you haven't reported the past two days. Where were-", he explained as though meeting me was what his life depended on. "Where's aunt?", I asked interrupting his report and looking around for my aunt. I really missed her. I wanted a hug from my second favorite person and tell her a light drop from my heavenly experience. I quickly went to the kitchen but she wasn't there. I raced to my room, took out a pair of boots as the weather was uncertain and I had to get prepared. I pulled my hair up in a ponytail and fixed my makeup. Convinced, I went back down and found her on the sitting room.

" Prim...",she gasped "Where have you been? Gavin is here to see you...he came in the morning. He wants to take us out for dinner today. Are you ready?",


"Oh auntie....I can't make it tonight. I have to go somewhere else....",

"With Omar?", she raised an eyebrow and I knew I hit her nerve. That was her funeral and I was ready to conduct the ceremony. If she couldn't get the fact about me and Omar,she just had to forget me.

"Got a problem?", I asked even angrier than she was.

"What do you see in that obnoxious bozo?", she raised her voice at me with her hands on her waist. She stood right in front of me and blocked my access to the door so that I don't leave. I was ready to leave even if it meant I had to fight her. I really didn't mind. I wasn't there acting like a beaver and preventing her from getting her happily ever after. So why the heck did she have to do this to me?

"Let her go aunt...", I heard Gavin tell her. "We can reschedule the dinner. Let her go...".

I felt bad for a moment. I was being unjust to Gavin. But being just to him meant being unjust to Omar. I was caught in between and I just had to choose who to make the priority and it happened to be Omar. I hope Gavin understood that and didn't let me go out of an aggravated mind. I hope it came from deep within him to do that. I didn't find a problem with what he was doing just that his timing was a little off and I couldn't really manage to satisfy both their needs and be in two places at once.

"Am sorry Gavin. I promise I'll make it up to you. Right now am going to Sander's Peak",I apologized giving him a peck on his girly cheek. He smiled and said it's okay. He walked me to the door and waved as I raced down the stairs to were Omar was. Drizzles began to fall from the sky and I was getting a bit wet. I opened the car and got in while he turned it on for us to leave.

"Did it turn around how much you anticipated it?", he asked.

"No.....but it's okay...", I replied. I didn't want to talk about her and so I wouldn't. I wished I couldn't even drop by. I was sick of living like this. So sick!!

" Can we please go to Sander's Peak?",I asked remembering I mentioned it earlier. I only told Gavin Adams about it I just didn't tell Omar about it. I used to go there with my sister sometimes for some air. When things weren't working out at home, she'd always take me there and we'd have a very great time. Most especially at night. We'd count the stars together not forgetting to count our dad along. My mom told me that when someone dies,they become a star that guides us through our life. When I went to count stars with my sister, I'd always wonder which star is my dad. How I wish I knew...oh how I wish..... Now,here I was taking Omar there. I just hope we'll have ice cream from my sisters' favorite parlour if it was still there. It had been a while since I came here and things were really different that couldn't come anymore.

"Shall I tell you a story about my other girlfriend?", he asked alarming me. What kind of man freely offers to talk about his ex girlfriends to his current girlfriend in a way that Omar was doing? I was wowed and impressed. This is something you don't see every day.

"Wow...okay..go ahead", I replied. He must have noticed the mad silence that was in the car and brought up a story to shoo it away.

" Her name was Luen",he began. And it shocked me. I didn't know of her. I only knew Lily and Cass. Who's Luen? How many are they anyway? They seemed to be coming out one by one.

"Wow...Luen...nice name....", I gave it a smooth start. "I wonder if you'd say that today again....", he replied. "Why not?",I asked confidently. Why wouldn't I say the same thing after meeting her? Why would I meet her in the first place? I got confused all of a sudden. Why why why? I just couldn't understand this. Since I got suspicious of Cass this question has been ringing in my brain and I wasn't liking it. I know when it came to Cass it was really helpful as of get my reasons but this time,it wasn't helping at all. I didn't want Omar to think of me like a jealous freak girlfriend. I just wanted him to see me as a sensible woman full of humour.

"'s Sander's Peak. The most famous peak in town.....famous for suicides. Did you bring us here to commit suicide?", he asked interrogatively.

"No....geez the way I love my life you wouldn't even see a single hint of suicide", I replied making sense of my statement later on. I had changed. I used to be this girl obsessed with death. Brittle and mostly broken. Hopeless and completely eager for that eternal departure. Full of fear and timorous. I always thought I wouldn't ever live long and now here I was saying I could do without the fears anymore. Wow! I really had changed. Omar had changed me. Being with him made me see the brighter part of life so much so that I wanted to live again. I just couldn't express how happy I was. It was inevitable but we have a mighty God. I got out of the car and felt the cold rain drops get on me. They penetrated my blouse making it stick to me and touch my skin tight. I felt so cold but I knew it would get better. I buttoned my buttons and pulled the hood over my hair. With my feet completely covered,I dipped my legs in the water and walked carelessly.

"So...Luen?",I brought it back after we had began walking up the peak.

"Well....Prim....I was raised in an orphanage. And that's were I met her. We were very good friends and I really loved her company alot", I listened attentively as I didn't want to miss a single part of the narration. I just hope she never died in the end like Lily. That would totally freak me out. I really loved these Romeo and Juliet fairy tales but just without tragic endings. They really brush the fun away. The rain got a bit heavier but not to an extent that we wouldn't be able to walk. I asked if he was okay with going ahead and he confirmed. I had to make sure that this was in his best interest just like he did at the other places. It was my idea to come here so I was the one to be checking on him. I took out my hand and grabbed his not to show possession but for security. At this time of night you never really know what would hit you. Besides who on earth would I be showing off my possession to? We seemed to be the only people around here and it really made me feel safe. The more the merrier yes but also the more the people the likely the possibilities of inviting danger. Sure that theory also works.

I stopped listening for a while and started with my dreaming. I looked at him and his wet hair. It's strands so small this time as they were wet and had shrunk. They dripped on his top and somehow glorified the whole situation. His face was still bright in the night,I could see it. I really loved how he looked. More like a Shrek that has come to save princess Fiona. I sneaked my phone out and took a picture of him. This was one of the sites that would make you feel like a great professional photographer when the site was already excellent and all you needed was a good camera. Funny how when this happens to people they think they've got it and they can start their own photography studio,come up with a name and boom it's all over the place. All just because of that shot they did perfectly and just to emphasise the reason that odds were all in their favour. Please! I shoved the phone in my pocket and focused on him now. He was still talking and I made sure I was still listening although I missed the chapter the girl and boy became best friends. With the rain subsiding, I removed my hood and ponytail to drench my hair. I pulled it to one side of my face and over my shoulder. My constant churning caused him to look at me to see if everything was okay and I blinked after I noticed his stand and also looked at him to tell him to stop the narration for sometime. With no one uttering the first word, we just stood like two frozen goblins facing each other. I felt his fingers lacing mine and I tightened the zip grip. I moved closer and hugged his hand. I leant on his shoulder and tried not to show the grief in my eyes. I was sad with what my aunt said and why she thinks ill of him. I couldn't bring myself to understanding why she did that. I know as human beings we are subjective but this was just way off the cliff. I couldn't understand it. I just couldn't. I felt Omar's fingers in my hair and on to my scalp. I quickly brushed the horrible memory away and activated myself into the pleasant moment. I hoped that one day she would understand me and we'd be as happy again. I raised my head and looked at him. He was smiling. I hope he didn't notice my forlornness. He looked back at me and wiggled his eyebrows making me laugh. Who would hate such an unruffled creature? and why? I kissed the back of his palm and beckoned him for us to continue moving. We began seeing the view of the whole city and all we need was to get to the tip to look at it clearly.