A Secret to Keep

Cyrus told his sister to sit down so that he could explain how his power worked. First she had to promise not to tell a living soul that he had managed to kill an Aberrant. She promised, not exactly knowing why, other than the fact that the Chaos Control Organization would be after him and possibly use him. Going into detail that he is in a constant state of half strength. Thanks to the special item that was the Shackle. Telling her that it was unbreakable and could not be removed, only by reducing his vitality to 20 percent of what his current quote "Hit Points" were.

She asked why it would come off in the first place, but he had yet to reach that point so he couldn't exactly tell her the details on it. Cyrus went on to explain that it seemed to gather strength and increase his power as long as he was able to defeat Chaos Beasts. Though he purposely left out the part where he had to use the skill called "Devour" to do it. Continuing about his other ability that he kept from his Standard power to enhance his abilities.

"So, with your powers regretfully halved, does that mean your when you enhance your powers practically double?" He shook his head, explaining that it was complicated. While still shackled, his enhance would double his base power, but then it would still be cut in half. Reducing the effect, but ultimately allowing him to still get a small boost for a short while. This included the "Focus" part of it where it consumed more of his energy to use, but helped in giving him increased effects for a particular stat or body part.

"That is not all, I also can do this," Cyrus activated his summon ability and summoned the Young Fenrir. The wolf was small, about the size of a common German Shepard or Husky. The hound was colored dark grey and had a shackle just like Cyrus on its right paw. However there were no weapons in its back like the larger version. The flames at its paws were visible still, small purple flames licked at the air without burning the floor or furniture.

[Fenrir summoned]

[HP: 7/7 (half of your total HP for every summon)]

[Attacks: Bite, Howl]

[Bite: It attacks with its jaws, damage inflicted is based off of your INT stat.]

[Howl: Can intimidate some low tier Gamma Chaos Beasts, anything higher ignores effect. Based off your INT for how effective it is.]

He was beginning to realize how important his INT stat was for his summons. That probably meant for any of the other skills that were available. While Cyrus was looking at the status of his summon, Myra came over and started petting the wolf.

"Oh my goodness he is so fluffy and warm," she said with a cooing tone in her voice. Fenrir however just seemed to be annoyed as he had gotten a notification on how it was feeling.

[Fenrir feels annoyed at the human touching it like a common dog.]

However, he couldn't do anything but sit there and let the human pet him. Fenrir just pouted looking up at the human with a hint of, "Get this high pitched screeching banshee off my body before I bite her." That is when Myra herself decided to walk back to the couch and sit down. Fenrir seemed to be pleased now that the human had stopped touching him. Cyrus was actually surprised at how it was reacting similarly to a human being. Just without the speaking part of course.

Myra looked at Cyrus again and asked if there was anything else he could do. He looked and returned Fenrir to the shackle, he might as well show the Withered Dragon Hatchling. He called out the Withered Hatchling as it had spawned next to him. Flaring its wings about it flapped them, giving them a good stretch.

[Withered Dragon Hatchling summoned]

[HP: 7/7]

[Attacks (INT): Spit, Tail Strike]

[Flight: Not available in this stage]

[Resistance: Fire based attacks]

[Spit: Can spew a goo like substance that melts rock and foes for consumption. Degrades armor value and does damage based off of INT. Weak spot vulnerable when using this ability.]

[Tail Strike: Flings its tail like a whip, slashing or knocking opponents away when it is on the ground or the air. Damage based off of INT]

The Hatchling's chest had no visible spots for it to show the weakness of its species, but if it went for a spit it would. Just like its adult form, where he killed it back in the Penalty Zone. He looked at it and could see the similar look to the shell. The outer layer of skin seemed to look like wood, but was more durable when it was stronger. Normal Gamma Bullets did nothing to its hide and he guessed that nothing other than of the same tier of beast would do the same. Its mouth opened and let out a little squeaky roar as it flapped its wings, seeing the orange glow of its mouth and tongue.

It looked up at Cyrus and began to climb his leg and sit on his back, using its tail to wrap around his torso. Its head sticking over his should and looking at the higher point of view. Myra pulled a note pad and began to draw it. She couldn't help but see this as an undiscovered Chaos Beast.

"You mentioned how this was from city that was on fire? Is that where this little guy came from?" Cyrus nodded, explaining that he had claimed the egg and was able to hatch it while he was in the hospital. Without mentioning how again, he didn't feel comfortable with telling her how it cost raw Chaos Energy. Cause it seemed that his system allowed him to harness the energy and not enter a similar state of a Crisis Beast where they were consumed by a large amount of Chaos Energy in their bodies.

Myra then closed her notes and smiled, "Well, if you were wanting to actually use your powers, I would stick with the fluffy fire puppy for now." She nodded, "Most of Fenrir's operatives have hounds as their choice of summoned beasts." Which was true, most of the soldiers used a wolf like summon when a summoner was chosen. Whatever the reason, it probably had to do with the name of the company that has some influence.

"Or maybe that the leader has a thing for dogs?" There was a brief pause before they laughed. The Hatchling seemed to just sit there holding onto Cyrus like he was a tree and it was perched ready to pounce at any given moment.

Myra looked up at Cyrus, "So what do you plan to do now? Will they allow you back at Fenrir, or do you plan to go somewhere else?" She tapped a pen to her lip, "I heard that a new guild has been hiring over in New York City. I could book us a flight and you can check it out while on leave from Fenrir. Since they haven't called you yet to bring you back in." Cyrus looked at his feet, knowing that it would be bad to suddenly leave the Fenrir Ops now. It would probably paint a target on his back from the group's leader.

"If I left them without giving them the report on how they died that sounded plausible... I could be cut off from all ties with Fenrir and be targeted by their soldiers if they found me in a Rift." Which was possible, for rifts could open in two or more spots which required more people to be sent in to deal with the threat. "For now, please just keep this a secret between us, I could use this opportunity to claim that I gained the summoning power. But I would have to be careful as to what I do when it comes to becoming stronger." He remembered that the Devour skill didn't need to have the chains pull the crystals out for him, just made it easier and could collect more in one go.

He then remembered the Skills tab for the shackle he didn't even look at. He opened the tab and looked at the list. However, there was only one skill available for 1 point.

[Shackles of Pain: Designate a target and spend 5 CEP to cause flaming chaos chains to wrap arounds its body. This causes all its speed, abilities, and stats to be reduced by half, similar to if they were shackled like you. Duration and Durability depends on INT stat value. If Unshackled, they are instead restrained and can not move. They can attempt to free themselves, or be freed by others. Can be dispelled by Evoker magic that is stronger than your INT score.]

Cyrus smiled and selected the ability for it was the only one there. Once he chose it, more abilities seemed to show up. Meaning the more abilities that were unlocked the more that could be revealed. Myra saw the smile and asked him what had happened. He seemed more interested in his system the more he unlocked new things. All he could think about was how useful the ability was. For now though he decided to relax and chat with his sister.

With the promise she said she would keep and take it to her grave if need, which he hoped wouldn't happen, they discussed how she was doing lately. Myra talked about having to keep so many people inside the hospital and constantly have people staying later cause of the rifts. She explained it as if someone had decided to start making popcorn and each pop created a new rift one after the other.

"The funny thing though, they close within the day. Its like the organization is always on top of them and having groups ready to tackle them." Her only concern was that someday a Chaos Tear would happen if the rifts didn't get closed in time. For Tears were worse than any rift. The reason behind that was the fact that beasts come out into the world instead of the people going in. It was as if the world of Chaos was sending an invading force.

"I think it has to do with the person who killed an Aberrant like you did. Except they received their power immediately, unlike yours which you have to grow." She nudged him and smiled, "But that won't stop you from giving it your all and getting stronger. Besides, I am one the best healers in New York, so it is hard to just pack up and cancel things." She looked at the window, "I am definitely going to get an earful from the Maggie when I get back."

Maggie Somaly, the leader of the Red Cross who had powers rumored to bring people back from death. But Myra always exaggerated it as just as they were, rumors. With the day coming to the evening they decided to have dinner and relax for the night. He allowed her to sleep on his bed while he took the couch. He respected his sister, even in his own home, he tried to give her a less stressful environment.

For she was his only family left, if she had become broken, he would be there to help fix her up. The same was also reversed for them. So he did all he could to make her life when visiting as pleasant as possible. Tomorrow however, would bring Cyrus right back into the thick of combat. As he would be receiving a call about a rift opening in the Fenrir HQ.