Emergency Call to Work

The next morning, Cyrus opened his eyes and sat up from the couch. With massive stretch and yawn, he decided to get up and prepare for the morning workout. Though, he decided to make a pot of coffee for his sister before starting his Daily Training.

After completing the training for the day, he had acquired another point and the 50 more points to his Chaos Meter. Putting the point into his DEX to round it off to 6 points allowed him to have more even shackled. He would just smile and look at his stats and inventory.

Scanning through the details of each tab again, he saw a "SHOP" tab that wasn't there before. As he went to click it, a pop-up window appeared.

[Currently locked until level 10]

He frowned and closed the window, "Seems I do need to go back to work and find out if there are any groups going out to level up." His mind seemed a bit more at ease though, having told Myra about how his powers worked to some degree. Although his feeling of how it caused him to gather more Chaos Energy was a possible turn off. Mainly cause the thought of a Crisis Beast kept coming up in his head.

"I would personally like to avoid that assumption by anyone." Even though the system seems to keep all forms of his Chaos under control. The shackle was probably the thing doing it. He pulled up the details on it again and read the words to himself.

"I wonder who these 'gods of old' are for it seems that they have made this thing." Shaking the shackle as the loose chain link clicked and clacked about. Cyrus did feel like he had inherited the punishment that seems to be placed on Fenrir. He decided to summon the wolf out.

A burst of purple flames that quickly fizzled away revealed the wolf. It scratched its ear and looked at Cyrus.

[Fenrir is wondering why it was called for there were no prey around]

It seemed like the system is allowing the summon to communicate. Though he guessed it was limited. He asked while holding out his shackled arm, "Is this because I killed your other form?" Fenrir sniffer his arm and flopped it's ears back.

[Fenrir looked disappointed that it died to a lowly human.]

Nodding in confirmation, Fenrir then lifted its own right foreleg. Showing the shackle was still on him as well. Cyrus was starting to piece together that when Fenrir was defeated he ended up sharing the burden of power. That's when a phone started to ring.

Searching around the room, he could hear that it was coming from outside his front door. Looking through the peephole, he could see a box had been delivered to his doorstep. As he opened the door he could hear the ringing sound. Recognizing it, Cyrus lifted the box and set it on his table.

Cyrus opened the box to reveal his items that were taken off his person. He saw his phone which had a crack on the screen. It was displaying "FOG" as the caller. Looking at Fenrir with a slight annoyance for he guessed that it was from when they fought.

Myra came out of his room in pink PJ's with her hair being an absolute mess, "Who is calling you so early?" She took a whiff as she smelt coffee. That pulled her attention away from Cyrus as she loved the stuff greatly. It was her recharge for every morning.

Cyrus picked up his phone, answering the call. "Soldier Reinhard speaking..."

In the background of the phone call, he heard sirens going off. The voice on the other end addressed him quickly, "Soldier Reinhard, you are to report to Fenrir HQ immediately! A rift is opening inside our building and we need all available agents to return to close it!" The sounds of static in the air zipped around from the other end. "Repeat all agen-" that is when the audio cut off.

Looking at his phone he saw that it was disconnected from the caller. He looked at his gear and was pretty sure that it would be broken if he would wear it into combat. Grabbing out his his pants, boots, gun holster and Beretta, short blade, and magazines. Equipping the pants and holster they appeared on his body replacing his previous clothes.

Myra saw this and asked, "What's going on?" She took a sip of her coffee.

"A rift has opened at HQ and I have been called to assist in closing it." Myra spat out her drink and started coughing. "By the sounds of the urgency, it appears to be close to opening a Tear." Cyrus looked at his ammunition count and noticed that he still only had about 1 mag left for regular rounds and 5 shots left for explosive. However, when he looked at the Gunslinger's 9mm Mag, he thought that it might come in handy if he ran out of bullets.

Myra wiped her face and looked at Cyrus, "You are certain that they called an emergency for all soldiers?" He nodded, which she just sighed in response. "I'll go get ready to help with healing the injured. Give me 10 minutes," as she set down her coffee and disappeared into the back room.

[Fenrir is looking forward to feasting on strong opponents]

Cyrus looked at the tail wagging wolf. It seemed Fenrir was a thrill seeker in some regard. While Myra was getting ready, he decided to pull out the "Sword of the Withered Dragon" from his inventory and equip it.

Upon equipping it, his stats shot up with the +3 STR/INT. When holding the weapon in his hand, he looked at the design of the sword. The length was that of a Longsword, the hilt had a gem in the center as well as the pummel of the sword had a similar glowing orange orb that the dragon did. The guard had a similar look to the wood like armor on its body. While the blade had runic markings along the blade, with a dark grey coloration.

[STR: 6+3 (3+1)]

[INT: 4+3 (2+1)]

With his stats increased Cyrus went to sheath the weapon. A dark wooden scabbard rested just over his right shoulder. When it was sheathed, his stats lost the +3 bonus.

"It must be in my hand to receive the bonus, interesting." As he said that Myra came out of the room and looked dressed as a combat medic. Her outfit was white with the Red Cross symbol on her shoulder pads.

Myra placed her hands on her hips, "Shall we go close a rift little brother?"

"That didn't sound as cool coming from you." Cyrus said, giving his sister a smile. She just poured and grabbed her keys. Fenrir returned to the shackle as they left Cyrus' apartment. It was time to dive into the beginnings of a Chaos Tear.