The Crypt and Chase

Jumping back and firing at the Ghoul it easily sidestepped the shots before closing the distance. Fenrir noticed that it was going straight for Cyrus, it leapt at the Ghoul and attempted to bite it. This pushed the creature back causing it to retreat briefly. Having now put some space between them, Cyrus did a quick mag and chamber check for how many bullets he had remaining. After checking, he had 11 bullets left in the magazine and one in the chamber. He wished he grabbed flash bangs or something to blind it.

That is when he realized that it was able to see him in the darkness just like he could. That made his thought of a sudden exposure to bright light would work. But the area was completely underground which didn't offer many options in terms of having light. Cyrus retreated behind a section of wall to put space and a cover for him to peek around. The moment he looked at his pistol he remembered that he had a flashlight function on it.

'This might work, but I may need to get closer... 5 meters, that is how far I would have to rely on the energy sensing attribute of my Wolf's Senses.' This was how he was planning to fight this creature, as soon as it was in range of his radius, he would turn to face it and flash the creature hoping to blind it. It was daring and dangerous, but it was all he had to go on and it was a deadly gamble. Light in pure darkness was a dangerous thing to creatures who have eyes and use them, for the sudden change in light could cause things to go blind temporarily.

Readying himself for the possible danger, he used his Enhance (Focus) to increase his reaction time. This would allow Cyrus to respond much quicker to the entrance of his radius. He popped out of the cover and looked for the Ghoul. But it wasn't there, it seemed have moved somewhere else. He didn't have time to waste, he decided to explore the area around rather quickly. Cyrus didn't want to wait for the enemy to come to him for he already wasted a good chunk of his CEP that he had. Now wasn't the time to wait around.

After running for a short while, he was finding that the crypt was much bigger the further he went in. His sense of location seemed to get a little messed up as he went along. But then the sense of energy from behind him triggered. Using his heightened reflexes, whipping around to see not one but two of the Ghouls. Activating the flash function on his pistol sent the beam of light straight into their unblinking eyes.

Recoiling the Ghouls shielded their eyes and stopped moving, giving Cyrus the opportunity to use his Devouring Chain on one of them while firing at the head of the second. The bullet flew in slow motion as so did his chain for his perception of time seemed slowed down. He managed to get off another 4 shots all aimed at the creature's head. While the other one was stabbed in the chest by the chain and slowly yanked towards Cyrus.


[Ghoul Slain: 40 points to Chaos Meter]

The words popped up as the bullets traveled through its head causing it to slowly fall to the ground. Cyrus could then see the muzzle of Fenrir in the air behind him as he leapt for the second Ghoul. With it tethered by his chain Fenrir's mouth opened wide to catch the creature's neck. As the countdown for his Enhance had run out, everything sped back up to normal speed. The creature let out a terrible screech as Fenrir's bark had finally reached his ears as he jumped and nabbed the Ghoul's neck and tore it apart.

[Fenrir has killed a Ghoul: 40 points to Fenrir and 20 points to you]

[Chaos Meter: 75/200]

[Fenrir lvl 1: 40/200]

[CEP: 4/18]

With Fenrir having killed the Ghoul, he saw him spit out the flesh of the Ghoul, "What don't like the taste?" He mocked, knowing it was probably more of his pride not letting Fenrir hold it down. This moment was nice to Cyrus, hunting together like this was nice. It was good to have reliable partners.

[Fenrir didn't like you thinking that...]

Cyrus just signed and stood up and dusted himself off, "Well seems we need to reach the other side before we can continue. Let us hurry so we can get stronger and reach the top." Fenrir just looked at him before trotting along and running through the tunnels. Cyrus ran to catch up, using his sense to stay on high alert they repeated the process killing three more of the Ghouls, allowing Fenrir to finish them off.

Fenrir had racked up 120 more points for 160 points, while Cyrus got half of it making his a total of 135. They had finally reached the next section of the crypt. Which seemed to be another large pool of water, but what struck Cyrus about the pool was that it was blood red. His sense of smell made it more pungent and it began to bother him. But he needed his heightened senses to detect if anything was nearby.

They circled the pool to the other side while looking into it. Nothing seemed out of the ordinary except for its color. Fenrir sneezed and looked at the pool, his eyes trained on it before walking away from it. Cyrus thought nothing of the pool as well as they continued on their way to a hallway leading to the next floor.

That is when an explosion of water was heard coming from behind them. Quickly turning to see as a hand had reached out and pushed Cyrus down the hallway. His body was hit with a force of a truck, still in the air he managed to recover by spinning his body and pushing off the ground to right himself.

[HP: 8/18]

When he looked up he saw a man walking towards him down the tunnel. Fenrir had retreated to Cyrus' side before turning to bend low and growl at the unknown figure. As he got closer and his eyes had regained focus he saw what the man looked like. The person was rather physically built, but more on the skinnier side. Black hair that went down to his shoulders, no shirt on except a black trench coat, and black pants with no shoes.

He reeked of blood, as he must have been submerged in the red pool. But why wait their and why not just have killed Cyrus, that is when the man spoke. "What are you doing here? Do you intend to rob the graves of the Galihath family?" The man stretched his right hand out and Cyrus could hear them pop like they hadn't moved in a long time.

"No, I am merely passing through," Cyrus said as he pointed to the door, which now looking he was in a dome room. Then looking back at the man he could see that he was still walking towards him.

The man then stopped only 20 feet away from Cyrus, "What are you? A hit like that would have caved in a normal man's chest, who are you?" Looking Cyrus up and down, the man's then settled on the shackle. "Are you a prisoner of my family's or escaped from some place?" Cyrus didn't know what to make of the man.

"First you hit me, ask who I am, then ask if I am a prisoner?" Cyrus holstered his weapon, "look, I don't have time to chat as I have to reach the 30th floor of this castle. I have to stop the flow of Chaos Energy before it hurts my world." Cyrus crossed his arms, The shackle resting on his left forearm as he looked at the man.

"I am sorry for assaulting you in such a manner," he bows and walks over, "I am Chase Galihath, son of the one who owns Castle Galihath. If you wish to reach the top you need to collect 10 orbs that unlock the door's seal." He stops and looks to his behind him, seeing something down the hall. Then turns back around and looks at Cyrus, "Would you allow me to make it up to you and assist you... what is your name?"

Cyrus was cautious with this man named Chase, "Cyrus Reinhard, Inheritor of Fenrir... or that is what I am told by two people now. I guess that is my title you could say," which Chase looked to the shackle, before walking forward towards Cyrus offering his hand.

"Cyrus Reinhard, a good name, I shall remember you. Allow me to join you on your quest, it seems I may have the same goal as you." Cyrus looked at the hand of Chase, then saw the pointed fingernails. Before Cyrus went to shake the man's hand he had used his Enhance ability to increase his durability, his resistance to physical damage now increased to 30%, while his elemental resistance increased to 15% with the coat on.

Grasping Chase's hand they squeezed and held the handshake. Cyrus looked Chase in the eyes and Chase looked into his, "You are an interesting person indeed," Chase said, as he could feel his hand being squeezed tighter. "Well, we are about to have some guests and I think we should take care of them real quick, so do we have an accord?"

Cyrus thought about it, he needed some back up if he was going to take on the rest of the castle. For he didn't know what was up there at the top. He had a feeling he wasn't going to be able to take it on alone at his current level, but he needed to get up there. So he agreed and a window popped up in his face.

[Chase Galihath has been added to your party!]

[Chase's HP: 250/250]

[Chaos Energy: 120/120]

[Race: Vampire (Noble)]

With that, Chase let go of Cyrus' hand and turned around seeing ghouls coming from the tunnel. "Seems they really want your flesh, I can't let them have that for we have an agreement." After finishing his sentence, he vanished and the sound and sight of the bodies of the ghouls being ripped to pieces could be heard. Watching it all happen as he kept getting notifications as each Ghoul was killed.

[7 Ghouls were killed, 280 Points to your Chaos Meter has been added. Fenrir is able to receive have the value, would you like to give Fenrir 140 points?]

Selecting [Yes] He felt himself level up again to level 7. Now reaching the next level for a needed total of 155/220 for his next level. Fenrir was so close to leveling that he growled at Cyrus. Remembering the two Gamma Crystals he took them out and tossed them to Fenrir. Catching them and swallowing the crystals like candy Fenrir had finally reached level 2.

[Fenrir reached Delta Level!]

[Fenrir's size has been increased, health pool increased, new abilities unlocked.]

[Transformation: Fenrir can now change into a bipedal form, making him look like a werewolf.]

[Fiery Swipe: Fenrir's claws are covered in purple flames allowing him to deal fire damage on top of his physical strength.]

[Fenrir's Shackle Level 2: Can now have 4 Summons total, Stats increase by 3, and you have access to Unshackled form at 30% of your max HP.]

Cyrus had a huge smile on his face, for leveling had gotten much more interesting...