Champion of the Colosseum

Silence had over come the colosseum as Godfrey Wilhelm stood tall over the three challengers. His glowing blue eyes slowly moved from one side of the visor to the other. Judging who would be confident in their skills to fight him. He stopped on Cyrus who was not of the world they were from and then looked back at Chase and Thomas.

Letting go of the axe he began to approach. Both Thomas and Chase were in ready position, while Cyrus seemed to be relaxing from his own stance. He placed Delrune into the ground and walked forward. Both Chase and Thomas watched Cyrus move to approach Godfrey.

The moment they got within 5 feet from each other they stopped. Godfrey looked down at Cyrus while he had to look up. The metal armor gave Godfrey heavy footsteps but he guessed that wouldn't slow him down one bit. For it seemed the creatures all came from an era where gothic horror monsters existed.

That's when Godfrey spoke in an accent that sounded familiar but was hard to place when he had that helmet on. "You have guts boy, and a brave heart. What is you name?" He didn't seem to hold any pity or superiority over Cyrus. Talking to him like he was an equal as a man, though still calling him boy.

"Cyrus," he held out his hand to Godfrey, "Cyrus Reinhard." The crowd started to whisper between themselves. Hearing Cyrus' family name meant that he was possibly a descendent of the Vampire Hunters. But Godfrey looked at Cyrus and gripped his hand in a firm handshake.

"You travel with the sons of the Lord of this castle, yet you are a Reinhard. I also can feel that you have earned their trust. So tell me, what is your goal here?"

Cyrus squeezed Godfrey's hand in return, "I hope to save the lord from a shadow that covers your castle. Free those corrupted by the darkness that twists the minds of those it encounters." Godfrey felt Cyrus' strength in their locked hands. Behind his helmet he smiled, then looked towards the two vampires.

"You trust the human enough to follow him. He says he will rescue our lord and free our castle of the shadows. Is this true?" Chase was the one to confirm that it was. Thomas didn't know Cyrus for long, but he did save him from the shadows. So he too vouched for Cyrus.

Godfrey then let go of the handshake and bowed to Cyrus and the princes. "Then let me test your metal in combat. I will see if you are worthy to pass me. However, no magic, no abilities, just your pure strength."

Cyrus looked at Godfrey and bowed in return, "I wish to apologize Sir Godfrey Wilhelm, but I can not make that agreement possible. For my power is restricted till I am in a critical state of damage. Then I have access to my full strength." Godfrey then nodded, returning to his axe.

"Cyrus Reinhard, if you can unlock your power then do so, I wish to face you at your strongest. But if you wish to test your metal at your current strength, then I will allow it to happen naturally." He turns to the crowd, "Is this not a fair fight?" He bellowed, "I, Godfrey Wilhelm shall challenge a descendent of the great clan of Vampire Hunters. But," he raised a finger, "Not to the death, this is to show what one is truly made of to prove their convictions!"

The crowd cheered and chanted Godfrey's name. Thomas and Chase looked at Cyrus, "Are you sure you can win this fight Cyrus?" Chase asked.

"My mentor is not someone just anyone can beat. He is a monster in that armor, he has good reach, and amazing power." Thomas warned, trying to talk Cyrus out of a one on one duel.

But Cyrus shook his head, "If it's to be a test of strength, then I should do my best to show him. The good news is he isn't corrupted by the shadows. Which means we could have valuable ally to join us on to the top to save your father." The two brothers looked at one another and placed a hand on each of Cyrus' shoulders.

They simultaneously said, "Good luck." With that they stepped back and watched Cyrus walk back over to Godfrey. Picking up Delrune instead of calling it to his hand. Wanting to have that be a surprise if he could keep it. As he approached Godfrey he lifted the axe off the sand.

Cyrus readied the blade in his hands as Godfrey stuck out his axe head towards Cyrus. "As warriors, we shake on it with our souls. The weapons in our hands are part of than that of a physical connection. We wield our souls in our hands and fight with every ounce of Will we have. Fight for your goal, fight for your conviction."

Cyrus reached out with Delrune and touched the axe head with the tip of the sword. As he did that a window popped up.

[You are initiating an honor duel, rewards will be given after winning.]

[Abilities allowed: Delrune's abilities, Critical Shot (Pistols), Bleeding Edge, and Fenrir's Howl.]

[Failure to uphold the honor of the duel will result in death. Conditions have been set before hand and allowed Rage of Fenrir to be used. Unshackling for set conditions.]

Cyrus' face went up in surprise as he saw what happened. His body changed to his new Rage of Fenrir form. The shackle was removed as more runes traveled up his right arm. The glow seemed to be also spreading now covering his forearm. Godfrey looked at this form and chuckled.

"Seems we will have a good fight on our hands Cyrus Reinhard." Cyrus was still in shock but knew he had to focus. The system was acting like Fenrir did when he trusted the gods for a game. This duel was like a game, a test to prove his strength. Though he doubted he would be chained up, so he would keep the honor of the fight.

Godfrey then lifted his axe onto his shoulder and raised his right hand. Giving Cyrus the "come on" gesture to give Cyrus a chance to strike. Though Cyrus was no fool, he decided to follow the beckoning taunt. Gripping Delrune with both hands he rushed forward. He refrained from using his Enhance ability cause that felt like cheating and it would violate the conditions. For he was already doubling all his stats.

Cyrus swung Delrune at Godfrey's chest wanting to see if he could damage it. As the blade collided with the armor, he could feel it stop but the force of the blow pushed Godfrey back in the sand. Sliding back 3 meters he looked down at the armor and found it nicked. Feeling the grove in the armor he laughed.

"My my, well done Cyrus, you've are one of the few that have scratched my armor." His hearty laugh echoed in the arena. Before he crouched down low as he braced himself to move forward. "My turn boy!" The sand was kicked up from behind Godfrey as he rushed Cyrus down. The speed was quick, if he blinked he would not have been able to see the axe head coming for him.

Using Delrune to pivot and cause the axe to graze the weapon instead of taking on the full brunt of the attack. This actually helped out cause Cyrus hadn't received any damage instead got an ability for it.

[Parry: Pivot your body at the right moment of guarding against the attack in .5 seconds to counter damage dealt. Usable only with Swords and Greatswords.]

Cyrus managed to duck and roll out of the way as the attack had followed through. Sand was blown away as Godfrey missed his target. Which made him laugh again, "Yes, do that again boy!" When he said that his conditions updated to allow him to use the Parry Skill. This time it wasn't back and forth. The fight had now truly begun as they danced in the sand.

Cyrus using his shorter reach to get inside Godfrey's reach. Slashing again at the same point he hit before. Causing Godfrey to slide back a bit. However he used that momentum to make an attack of his own. Cyrus had to rely on his natural reflexes which seemed to be getting better with the higher INT stat.

Managing to parry while in the air sent him flying back. Flipping in the air he could see Godfrey already rushing him.

Cyrus jumped back to avoid an attack as he then dashed to the side. Godfrey's eyes following Cyrus with acute accuracy. Whipping his body around he threw his axe towards Cyrus. The sound of it cutting the air made him roll back. A massive crash causing the sand to explode next to him. Cyrus ran over and grabbed hold of the axe lugging the massive weapon. With a huff and roaring as he threw the weapon back at Godfrey.

The attack had surprised Godfrey, but his eyes were trained to well as he managed to catch the weapon. But Cyrus used the small distraction to rush Godfrey. The moment he caught the weapon Cyrus was in the air and used the Blood Blade. Feeling his HP drop down 10 points which the groove in the center of Delrune was glowing with a red light.

As he swung Delrune the attack caused an extended blade of red energy to strike Godfrey. The attack was much stronger and hit Godfrey in the chest, causing a deeper gash. Sending the several ton knight through the air backwards. He didn't expect it to have such increase power that he managed to recover using the axe to drag on the ground.

Rotating and kneeling down Godfrey looked at Cyrus with a blade that was 2m in length. The red energy had created an extended edge from the rest of the weapon. He laughed and brushed himself off. Noticing the gashes were all aimed in the same location making him smile.

"Cyrus Reinhard, I recognize that weapon now and I didn't expect you to use its special trait." He rubbed the gashes, "Also your accuracy is impressive and I see you are striking at my heart with all your might." That was when the armor started to stitch itself back together. The gashes vanished in from to Cyrus' eyes.

"That is some impressive armor you got there. I guess that is only fair, for I have another trick up my sleeve." Cyrus felt in his body a bellowing howl erupt from his mouth. The sound shook the very ground and the sand shifted around him. At the same time Delrune started emitting a purple glow and flames lit up the dragon etching's eyes.

Godfrey now got serious, seeing the effect he was using he decided to activate his weapons attribute that was similar to Delrune's. A red blade extended from his axe and he rushed forward. While Cyrus held the blade horizontal to his face, the point of the enhanced blade facing Godfrey. Getting closer to Cyrus, the axe came from his left. Jumping over the blade and kicking off the flat part of the axe head. He launched himself at Godfrey.

The sound of metal being pierced as Delrune had pierced the juggernaut's armor. Blood spurred from the impact, as Cyrus had instead aimed for Godfrey's shoulder. He didn't know if it would have worked and would have not killed Godfrey. While the champion of the arena grunted in pain for the first time in a long time.

"Bleeding Edge!" As Cyrus drew Delrune from the armor and caused Godfrey to begin to lose 1% of his max HP. The effect had taken hold as he had hit flesh. Then using another ability of Delrune's he called out.

"Sword Dance!" Delrune flared up and caused Cyrus to dragged with the sword. The attack caused Cyrus to vanish and strike 5 times creating a star formation of red energy. Then above Godfrey, Cyrus came crashing down. His attack traveling down Godfrey's back digging into the armor. As he hit the sand Cyrus retreated from Godfrey.

Parts from Godfrey's armor had fallen off revealing his cut up body underneath. Though Cyrus had gotten a look at his HP which was still tremendously high. Bringing up his system he managed to get a look at the HP value of Godfrey.


With the armor now having fallen off, Cyrus could see that Godfrey was extremely muscular. The cuts he managed to deal to the armor seemed deep, but as he could see, the cuts barely seemed bother Godfrey. Standing up and removing the other pieces of his armor. Turning around he could see Cyrus ready for more.

Godfrey smiled as he removed his helmet. A well kept beard of brown hair, short hair, and the misty blue eyes was what Cyrus could see. "Well done for removing my armor boy, it's been a long time since someone has done that. I commend you," he bows, "you have proven your strength and conviction. However," raising his axe, dark clouds rolled in, as lightning was called to the weapon. Striking it it caused the weapon to be covered in its energy.

Cyrus looked to Delrune, he saw that the energy was draining from the groove. It had a time limit for how long the buff would last. He guessed that both the current buffs would run out shortly. So he decided to tell Delrune to prepare to block the attack. Drawing Wolf's Fang he loaded it with his CEP to increase the weapon's damage.

He had a plan for hoping to stop Godfrey, but that is when the man said, "If you can stop this attack then I will allow you to pass." He raised the axe into a ready position as he then dashed forward. Cyrus threw out Delrune which would then float in place to be ready to block.

"Your sword won't hold out from this!" But Cyrus was prepared. Pulling up his pistol he aimed for the point where the axe head was connected with the handle. Firing the first shot the weapon was struck slowing it down some. It almost left Godfrey's hand but he held strong. Then Delrune intercepted the attack as the weapon was pushed back to reduce the damage it took by a large margin.

Cyrus ran forward and fired another shot, this time at the head of the axe. The sound of the bullet striking the metal resounded through the arena. This pushed back the attack's power again allowing Cyrus to grab the handle of the axe. He used the momentum of the attack to pivot and used all his strength he began to lift Godfrey. The moment Godfrey left the ground he noticed that he was being thrown.

He smiled as his body was hurled over Cyrus and thrown to a wall. However, Cyrus didn't come out of it unscathed as his HP was low once again. Having been dropped from 30 points to 5 points from touching the electrified handle. The buffs on Delrune ran out as it lost the red blade and slowly flew back to Cyrus' hand.

Godfrey impacted the wall with great force causing a large crack to form in the wall. His axe out of his hand as he rolled onto his knees. Godfrey stood and looked at Cyrus. Walking over he had an imposing face on him. Getting ready for an attack Cyrus watched Godfrey closely. But the man just seemed to be walking towards him.

That is when he stood over Cyrus, looking down at the winded and weakened human in front of him. Reaching his hand out it slowly went from a open hand meant to grab him. Turning into a closed finger offer of a handshake. Cyrus looked at it confused, for he wasn't even close to defeating Godfrey.

But what surprised him was Godfrey saying, "You are victorious in this duel, I forfeit." Cyrus, Chase, and Thomas looked at Godfrey dumbfounded. With large smile he continued, "I used my strongest attack against you. Managing to counter my attack with Delrune and a very unique weapons you have. You used your wits and trusted your gut, so I wish to congratulate you on your victory." With that Cyrus got the notification of the duel.

[Duel completed, you have completed a special action for the Champion of the Colosseum.]

[You have won the duel, rewards will be given to you by Godfrey.]

The crowd went nuts as the fight had finished. Godfrey smiled then walked over to his armor calling his axe to his hand. Cyrus watched it spin rapidly, being caught in his hand. Cyrus was surprised that Godfrey's axe was a lot like Delrune. The armor had already patched itself back together as he walked over to it.

"Boys!" Godfrey called out to them all, "Come this way, I shall reward the challenger for winning the duel." Chase and Thomas had watched in awe as they helped Cyrus out. They all walked together towards the hole that had reopened allowing the chariot and two headed horse to return to its stable. While the group had followed Godfrey to a room under the arena and waiting outside the door.