Order and Chaos

Godfrey waited for the to approach the door he noticed that Cyrus' hadn't reverted back yet. His eyes drifted to the runes that were around his wrist and up his arm. They seemed familiar to him but he couldn't place where he had seen them. Godfrey turned and opened the door to his room below the Colosseum. Inside was training equipment and an armor wrack that was for what he was wearing. Moving to a desk that he had with a bowl of wine sitting on it.

Reaching over and lifting the bowl Godfrey took a sip, letting out a sigh as his body began to heal itself. Cyrus and the others had found a few chairs to sit in, while Cyrus used his Heal spell to recover his lost HP. His body returning to normal as the shackle returned to its rightful place. Letting out a sigh of relief, he slumped against the chair.

"If you didn't stop the fight, I would be paste you had so much strength left." Cyrus said, looking at Godfrey, "So why stop the fight?" The man set the bowl down, looking over to the set of armor now hanging on the armor rack.

"Cyrus Reinhard," Godfrey began, "I have lived a very long life, not feeling convinced that there was any hope of humanity to ever become strong of heart and soul." His eyes drifted to a portrait on the wall of the lord of the castle. A man with blond hair, long like Chase's except aged. The eyes depicted a unfulfilled desire that anyone that could live forever would have. "I have been a warrior under Roland for a very long time. Being the champion of the colosseum has put many opportunities for me to find an opponent with a strong will."

Cyrus looked at the painting, "Mind if I ask a question?" Godfrey nodded, allowing Cyrus to continue. "What happened that caused these shadows to invade your home? Was it the Chaos Tear?" Thomas and Chase looked at Cyrus, which made him return their gaze.

Godfrey nodded, "Yes, the overflowing amounts of Chaos seems to have gone out of control causing a tear in reality. For you see, our world actually used to exist in yours." He moved a globe that reminded him of Earth, "We used to be situated in what was called 'Europe' over some thousands of years ago." Cyrus looked at Godfrey, confused.

But that didn't make any sense to Cyrus, "We only encountered the Chaos energy about a century ago. How could there have used before?" He wanted answers for the whole reason any of the world had the powers of Chaos was because the first ever Chaos Tear Earth ever recorded had happened 100 years ago.

Godfrey could see Cyrus growing impatient, "Let me explain from the beginning then," he pulled up another 2 bowl and poured water into the biggest one, leaving the small bowl empty. "This bowl with the wine is to represent Chaos Energy," Godfrey put his left hand on the bowl, "while this one here is to represent the opposite of Chaos, called Order." His right hand was placed on the bowl of water, while a the small bowl was empty.

"The energies of both sides are in constant flux and battle for control. Most beings in the world utilize the Chaos Energy." He poured a little of the wine into the small bowl, "This represents you Cyrus, for your energy is small, but it is powerful. However, Order," Godfrey leans the bowl over to the smaller bowl. "This is the energy that is also with you." He pours the water which melds with the wine making it lighter.

"The wine didn't change much from pouring water in, what has that got to do with my power?" Godfrey sighed and set the two bowls down.

"The power of Order is something that can diluted the powers of Chaos. All humans have both forms of energy within them, but they use the powers of Chaos because it is strong and potent. As the human race used to use this power for doing evil or fighting evil in their eyes." Pointing at Cyrus, "Your family used not just Chaos but also Order." He poured more water into the wine making it almost clean.

"The Reinhard family had powerful magics and abilities as the ages went on. Roland and all of us vampires and creatures of the knight are made of Chaos. While there are beings purely made of Pure Energy, instead of calling it Order Energy which would make it confusing." He chuckled then got back to explaining the differences, "Order and Chaos are two sides of the same coin. While humans can utilize both energies, however they usually side with one or the other."

He pulled out two more small bowls pouring wine and water into separate bowls. "The human race is a unique case of the only beings to use both energies and make the choice to use either one." He points his two index fingers at the small bowls next to the mixed bowl. "Your family is a special case for they used to be able to use both with exceptional mastery. Though you in particular," Godfrey smiled, "have more potential thanks to that shackle of yours."

Cyrus looked at the shackle and then thought to himself, 'What does he mean, "because of that shackle of yours"? This belongs to Fenrir, not me.' He then let Godfrey continue his lecture.

"Your shackle has an extreme affinity for Chaos powers," he then pointed to his left arm, "When you are transformed only half of your body does while the other remains normal. Your hair though is just the biproduct of the transformation when it has those glowing tips." He smiled, "I have a guess that you can use powers of from Order and utilize the Pure Energy. However, it seems weak being surrounded by the thick water that is Chaos." Cyrus remembered receiving the Blessings, which were different from his normal abilities.

Godfrey noticed his pause and smiled, "Have you come into contact with a being that offered you a Blessing?" That made Cyrus snap his head to Godfrey. While Chase piped in to say something before Cyrus could.

"The shop keeper Whisper gave Cyrus something that looked like a blue flame went into his body." Godfrey widened his eyes, now interested more than before when first meeting Cyrus.

"You managed to get that old creature's Blessing? I am impressed," Godfrey leaned back, "that stubborn Fallen has never given out a Blessing to anyone that I ever knew. Wish I could brag to him that he finally has trusted someone after telling him would one day." He let out a bellowing laugh, "Took over a millennia but it finally happened."

Cyrus then stood, "But that doesn't explain what is happening to your lord's castle." This brought Godfrey back to the desk and looked at Cyrus seriously.

"Apologies, the reason the castle has fallen into such a disarray was because of an event that happened not too long ago." Godfrey looked at the vampire brothers, "Their mother passed away due to some unforeseen illness that seemed to infect much of the castle. Celeste was able to quell the dark heart of our lord and become husband and wife. However, that was when a shadow seemed to be seeping into the castle and had infected Celeste."

The boys all looked down, "She held it off for as long as she could, but it took root deep. She warned that she needed to be killed while the shadow was still inside her. But Roland couldn't do it, he loved this woman with his blackened heart." He put on a soft smile for someone so masculine, "That was when the Chaos energy that had kept our worlds apart after the Collapse had finally reopened."

Cyrus looked at Godfrey, "What was the Collapse?" That is when he could feel Fenrir getting restless.

"The Collapse was when the energy of Chaos had suddenly stopped growing and separated the worlds from Earth. Like it had almost vanished from existence." Cyrus could feel Fenrir getting angry, wanting to bite at something that wasn't even around him. Godfrey then continued, "That was when a sudden powerful wave of Chaos Energy was released somewhere in the distant worlds that caused Tears to reopen and blend Earth with the worlds of Chaos once again. Order had been able to suppress it for a time, reducing the effects for a good while." But Cyrus had a feeling why the Tears had reappeared.

"Fenrir, come out..." Fenrir was summoned and took his true form. The shackled wolf growled and looked at Cyrus and Godfrey. "I think it had to do with something this one did, before I got my powers." Cyrus explained how he acquired Fenrir and the shackle, which explained why Chase thought he was a Warrior Mage. But the fact he managed to kill a particular god was surprising to them all. Fenrir didn't like the attention he was getting.

That was when Fenrir spoke, "I am not to blame, I escaped my prison and swore vengeance on the gods of my world." Cyrus didn't expect him to speak not even once. Nor did anyone else, "Your accusation is false, I managed to escape because of the large burst of Chaos Energy. I used it to free myself, then was attacked by the forces of Order." Fenrir didn't need to lie or hide anything. He was bound to Cyrus for the rest of his life, which could mean that with Cyrus now not fully human. Cyrus could live forever as long as he doesn't die by a blade or magic. Cyrus knows none of the details about his body.

They all sat there in silence, having heard that it wasn't Fenrir's escape that caused the massive explosion of Chaos Energy. But now the problem was, who or what caused that wave to link Earth and the worlds of Chaos again. Godfrey sighed and drank from the wine bowl again, letting the burning liquid travel to his stomach.

With a exhaled breath, he began to speak again, "Well, it sounds like you lot have a journey to finish. I would come along, but I first need to give you your rewards for defeating me in the colosseum." Standing to walk over to a chest and drag it back to the desk, he set it down next to Cyrus. "Inside that chest is the orb to unlock the throne room, as well as scrolls to help you learn more martial skills Cyrus." He turned his eyes to the brothers, "For you two, since you are joining Cyrus, you may receive my personal training if we can save Roland. It is about time I passed on my teachings and step down and go into a form of retirement."

Graciously opening the chest, thanking Godfrey, he lifted the lid. His system didn't give him the normal rewards that opening a chest would be, instead he looked at a bunch of scrolls and items inside. Digging through he found the Orb of Honor, as soon as he acquired it his system rewarded him with 15,000 coins and 3 Skill points. While Delrune earned a new Skill.

[Overcharge lvl 1: When Delrune has consumed your HP at the max value, you can cause the next attack to become overcharged. Dealing x2 the value of HP lost in one hit. This stacks with any buff that is applied. Which then loses the extra damage after the attack.]

Cyrus then took each scroll out and began to read them, it was pretty clear that the system wasn't going to just give him the abilities. So he rummaged through the rest of the chest and found an old family crest. Pulling out the crest he held it in his hands, his system telling him that it was the crest of the Reinhard family. The crest had an angel and demon on each side of the crest where a sword separated them. having a cross of chains holding the sword in place. Behind the sword was a sphere that both the angel and demon were holding up.

[You found a Bloodline Crest, affinity with the Slayer's Short Blade increased by 10%.]

Godfrey looked at the crest and smiled, "Keep it with you, may come in handy someday." He then stood and went back to his armor and axe. Godfrey started putting his armor on, "Now, if we are going to save Roland, I think it would be best if we hurry along. Cyrus, take those scrolls and learn from them. I have a feeling they will help you on your journey." As he put on his helmet the door leading out of the room changed.

[Godfrey has joined your party! Reducing Chaos Energy gained to 1/4 the amount.]

"Seems we are all ready to go then," Chase, Thomas, Godfrey, and Cyrus stood and approached the door. Cyrus had stored the chest into his inventory and opened the door. On the other side was Whisper holding out onto a small crystal object. When he saw who entered he put it away and bowed to Cyrus and the group.

"Welcome back... Inheritor... good to... see you again..."