A Forgotten Wraith

Whisper was once an Angel of Order, back when the worlds were being first created. He was gifted with the flame of hope and purity. Something that would later develop as he passed on his Blessing to various different beings. Some decided to lock it into a box with the sins of man. Some used it to help humans in their earliest of years to grow and use the flame. Even the beings of Chaos who would use it to help sustain their homes in a hearth.

Whisper was but a forgotten name as the ages passed. No one paid tribute to him, no one would know who he was or what he did. He was just another being of Order that he decided to try a way to get tribute again. Whisper decided to become a salesman of his services to offer help and aid. He would cloak himself to hide his true nature from those that would seek him out. Others came to him with coin to pay for his services. However, the people began to speak of him to other beings and found him out.

Whisper had become a being who wasted his talents as a being of Order to become a simple merchant. He was stripped of his title, his old powers, and that of his true name. So he took on the name Whisper as he had wondered the shadows, offering aid for coin. Which the coin he received seemed to give him power the more he had. But it got incredibly dull over the eras, to only be able to offer his goods and wears to mortals and others of Chaos. Not daring to go to the worlds of Order.

He had been aware of the existence of many creatures that have set foot into the worlds of Chaos. The influence of life and the power of the coins he is offered keeps him sustained. It was the only way to keep him going, to make deals and provide for others. Everything was getting pretty boring with nothing around to entertain him or even just to say hello. He was almost ready to just disappear and really become a whisper of the wind and darkness.

That was until he met a young man who bore the marks of an Inheritor. Not expecting such a thing to happen in another century or how someone had managed to defeat a god of yore. No less a human, which has not happened in a very long time since the days of heroes and demi-gods. Whisper seemed to find this little discovery to be a rare chance indeed. On top of that, the young man also paid for Whisper's services.

After the young man left the first time and had not expected to be summoned by a force greater than himself. When he went to figure out who was calling him, he found the young man with the Vampire Chase Galihath. His surprise and intrigue had risen the more times he had interacted with the Inheritor. Never before had he been called by a human, he remembered his old days. Shifting through the shadows to offer services to humans and any being with the coin to pay.

He had deals going with beings of Chaos and the beings from Order. Not a soul hadn't known of the shadowy merchant of the void. A space that existed outside the natural world. Even separated from Order and Chaos, but would pop up in those spaces to offer his services. But now a child had the ability to summon him as he wished. Not that he complained, he got coin every time the Inheritor summoned him.

After helping this young man on his journey, he seemed to have a certain aura about him that kept Whisper curious. He had decided to pull through his records to research the young man and found that there was little knowledge on him. Other than him being the remaining family of him and his sister. She had an extensive record of good deeds and a will to help others. She used a much more pure form of Order than of Chaos. Being a Reinhard herself she never noticed the difference what power she was drawing from.

Whisper thought about introducing himself to her, but seeing where she was, he couldn't. For she was still on Earth, a place he is forbidden to go on his own. But with the Inheritor, he could go to Earth and see the world that has changed in the millennia that he has been away. Whisper then got called again by the young man and was asked for his help. Thinking on what to do, he decided to place a bet. If he helped the young man succeed he would give him a blessing that Whisper has held onto for ages.

His powers came from the need of coin, but what he didn't expect was for the young man to gift him coin and not ask for anything in return. He was shocked and couldn't believe an Inheritor had the kindness to gift Whisper anything. Sure it was coin that he needed, but the gesture had never happened before. With the bet he made and the donation made to Whisper, he decided to pass on his blessing to a new mortal in a long time. But not just any mortal, an Inheritor of the Devourer no less.

When Whisper saw the trio return he saw one person he also hadn't seen for awhile, Godfrey Wilhelm. A man of honor and fierce strength that would put any normal man to shame. But there he was, following the Inheritor. Whisper would smile and greet Cyrus Reinhard, "Welcome back... Inheritor... good to... see you again..." Whisper prepared another round of tea for the visitors. His bony fingers delicate and gentle with the glassware. The sound of sleeping creatures behind him and alchemical bubbles for potions.

Cyrus approached him and smiled a nice smile that warmed his soul a little. "I think you two know each other, also I have come to make provide you with coin again Whisper." Seeing the young man still hopeful and seeming to ignore the fact that Whisper was a being not of any world he has seen. But it still was nice to see someone who was happy to see him.

"How... can I provide... my assistance... to you again... Master Reinhard?" Cyrus widened his eyes and shook his head. Telling Whisper that he didn't need to call him that.

"Just call me by my name and I will call you by yours, sound fair?" Whisper looked at Cyrus, placed his bony fingers on his chin and nodded. "Good, I am glad to officially meet you then Whisper." He offered his hand out to shake it. Whisper looked up to see the blue eyes of Godfrey as he removed his helmet with a huge smile on his face. Ignoring the obscene man for the moment, Whisper took Cyrus by the hand and shook it gently.

"Happy... to make your... acquaintance... Cyrus." Whisper said as Godfrey just smiled.

"Whisper, you old rag, I see you have taken a liking to Cyrus as well." He walked over and placed his hand on the young man's shoulders. Whisper looked at Godfrey and stared at him. Then returning his hooded gaze back to Cyrus he asked what he could provide.

"Mmm, what do you think Whisper? Got anything for me that could come in handy, in all honesty you've helped me out a lot." Turning around, Whisper glided back through his shop and disappeared into the back. He looked around through the multitude of items, crystals, creatures, and random objects he collected.

"Something... that I choose... I don't... remember... the last time... I was asked... what I thought..." He smiled behind his hood, "Its... nice..." As he pulled out a piece of a weapon, a better mag for Wolf's Fang, and the object he was tinkering with. "These... will be... good..." Drifting out from the back and returning to the counter. Seeing everyone enjoying the tea he made from the healing waters of the castle. Which reminded him of an item to give to Cyrus and the others.

Laying out the items, Cyrus walked over and was ready to pay for his bill. But Whisper stopped him, pushing the containers with the design of Whisper himself on it. "These... are made... by me... hold healing... waters from... castle." He held up a finger, "One sip... fully recovered..." He looked at Godfrey, "I don't... need to... give you one..." Which Godfrey didn't seem to mind.

Cyrus looked at the flasks and then to Whisper, "Are you sure Whisper? You've already given me so much."

"The least... I can do..." He smiled, with an unintentionally menacing grin. Whisper watched Cyrus take the flasks and pass them to Thomas and Chase. He felt good to do something nice for a change. Not having to think it was a bad decision or bad deal. Cause he knew that Cyrus was probably the few of humanity that didn't take advantage of him. Whisper then looked at the items and then behind him. Seeing an orb sitting there locked away not by him, but by Roland before the castle got mixed into the Tear.

Cyrus returned and asked him how much for the other items. Whisper looked down at them and then back to Cyrus. He kindly demanded 7,000 rune coins and Cyrus happily paid for it. Whisper had given him a piece of a gun that he recovered inside the rifts of Chaos. It seemed important at the time so he added it to his collection. The next item was a Gunslinger's mag for Cyrus' gun that Whisper gave him. The last item was a crystal, but not like any other crystal from a creature. This one provided light that could pierce the thickest of darkness.

Cyrus clipped it to his belt and he hovered his hand over it activating the crystal to release a type of sphere around him. The Vampires had to shield their eyes and couldn't enter the sphere without accidently burning themselves. Which Cyrus quickly turned it off apologizing to Chase and Thomas. Godfrey seemed to not mind it, for his healing ability was able to counter the effect of the light.

Cyrus bowed to Whisper and thanked him again for his time and the effort he has helped in saving the castle. Whisper nodded and watched them leave again through the portal. He waved goodbye to Cyrus and he returned it before vanishing. Looking at his hand then to the case with the magical lock. He placed his hand on the lock and deposited the coins into it. The number dropped and the for the moment he would need another 20,000 before it could open.

Whisper wanted to put in his own coins to help Cyrus, but there was something preventing him from interfering. He would guess that it was the powers of Order that were doing this. Whisper didn't trust the Order. They betrayed him and stripped him of his powers. But he was able to pass on one last torch to the Inheritor, Cyrus Reinhard. He vowed to serve and protect him from the Order in his way. He would have to teach him how to use this newly acquired torch to become an inferno.

Whisper removed his hood, his bony features reversing and his face visible. He looked into the mirror and saw a gentle smile on his face. He would try to utter his real name but every time he tried it felt like someone shoved a hot poker down his throat. He signed and put the cowl back on. His features returning to the bony frame as he decided it wasn't time yet. Cyrus still needed to grow and discover more about his power. He would wait, till the time was right.