A Light Within the Darkness

Cyrus opened his eyes as he could feel something itching at his skin. His eyes blurry and unable to see anything but blackness and the screen warning him of something. When his vision returned he saw what the notifications were saying.

[Shadows attempting to invade your body, failed to possess]

[Shadows attempting to invade your body, failed to possess]


The system had been warning him for several messages. Cyrus frantically shook his arms and legs but it seemed to be a constant force around him. He then thought about the Crystal Whisper gave him. Hovering his hand over it the object lit up. A white aura surrounded his body and spread about 1m around him.

The shadows quickly retreated and he could finally see the space around him. Cyrus was on a red rug, wooden floorboards and knocked over furniture that peeked into the sphere around him. The darkness was thick and it moved around the aura. When he walked around he could only see what was 3 feet in front of him.

There was no sound other than the crystal light shining at his hip. Whatever this place was it seemed to be filled with the shadow entities. Thankfully for him he had increased resistance to their influence from the Blessing received by Celeste. Which he had not told the brothers about the message she left them yet.

Looking around, Cyrus slowly walked his way around the room. Trying to be careful not to stumble on anything. His senses were heightened still so the empty sound was getting to him. The energy he could sense was just outside the bubble and it was everywhere.

"Where the hell am I and where is the exit?" He remembered that he got knocked into the portal and was thrown into the next floor. But it felt like he was out cold for a short bit. He looked at his health and found that he only suffered a small amount of damage. Losing only 5 points from his HP, which wasn't bad but it was a problem.

He went from room to room, knowing that the shadow was always there. Still surrounding the orb and not letting him see much more than he had. Slowly traveling down a flight of stairs he came across a body. When he went to inspect it, the light from the aura turned it to ash. He managed to get a look at it before then as it seemed to have been dissolved by some kind of substance. He guessed it was the shadows.

It was like a gnawing force that wanted to devour things more than Fenrir himself. Which he thankfully got a message from Fenrir.

[Watch what you think child, you are still surrounded by an enemy. Don't let your guard down, find the orb and get out of there.]

Cyrus knew he was right, finding the orb was needed to defeat the entities or to avoid their effects, even reverse them. Continuing down the stairs he finally reached a dining room. Filled with tossed more furniture that seemed to have been tossed aside. Books scattered everywhere, broken glass, and even knocked over plants. Something happened in the room he could not tell.

Cyrus wandered over to a large clock that started to tick as it entered the light source. As he left the sound of the ticking ceased. Cyrus wanted to check something and he walked back to look at the hands and seconds. The clock's seconds hand was clicking when in the light. When he left it, the sound stopped again and when he went back, he saw that the number was exactly the same.

"Time..." as soon as he uttered words it seemed to ring in his ears. The sound was strong and sounded like someone took a megaphone into his ears. He didn't think it would have that kind of effect. Knowing now that sound was also louder to him than normal it was pretty dangerous to speak out loud.

'Time seems to stop or slow down when the shadow is on objects and people.' Whatever this thing was, it seemed to be way worse than he expected. Cyrus took his time, stepping slowly and methodically not to accidentally cause his hearing to become super sensitive. But it only helped a little as he could still hear every sound, his boots lifting and shifting on the wooden floor. His heartbeat in his ears, sound of his own breathing bothering him, and not single scent existed outside the bubble.

Continuing along the lower section he could see bloodstains all over the floor. Walking over them he saw that there were footprints that lead in a direction he couldn't see. Deciding to follow them it was his only way to discover what happened here. Walking slowly through the darkness, the bubble had revealed another section leading down.

However, the steps led him with to it and further down. Taking his first steps, his boots shifting on stone. It made a horribly loud noise causing him to cover his ears. Having to walk even slower than before he crept down the stairs.

The eerie quiet didn't help him settle as he traveled down. The prints were still wet and continued even further in the darkness. Cyrus hoped it would lead him to wherever the orb was. But finding it was the tricky part of this floor. All he could hope for was that the others won't enter the portal. For the shadows would devour them and control them.

Following the prints he noticed that the stone texture changed. From a concrete step to a more cave like stone. He didn't know how long he was traveling in the cave. He didn't want to step away from the prints for fear of losing them. So he just kept going, following them as he delved deeper into the unknown cave.

He finally noticed that prints had begun turning to a direction not just heading straight. Cyrus didn't want to rush for the sounds would still be an issue. Deciding to calm and relax, he finally reached a new section of the cave. A platform, built entirely of wood had come into view as he saw the shadows attempting to become incredibly dense.

Wanting to prevent Cyrus from getting too close. Pressing forward, the shadows had to give way under the power of the light. When he reached the top. The shadows revealed the orb, sitting up on a pedestal. Even in the light it seemed to pulse with the energy from the shadows. Reaching out and obtaining the Orb, the shadows seemed to evaporate from the surrounding area.

[Orb of Shadows acquired! 8/10]

The darkness peeled away revealing a wine cellar. Greeting his senses with the sound of footsteps above him and music. Smells of food and the pungent smell of the wine plugged his nose. Turning around he watched as the footprints had vanished, but the cellar stairs were not far away compared to his previous walk.

Upon reaching the stairs he saw that a door had covered the entrance. Walking over and pushing on the door he found himself not in a dreadful mess of a room. But that of a elegantly decorated foyer with people in masks and chatting amongst themselves.

The smells of food, wine, and the sounds of laughter, and discussions were all around him.

When he exited the apparent cellar some people there turned to look at him. He didn't look like any party guest there and was approached by a woman.

"And who might you be?" Her aristocratic tone and condescending vibe gave Cyrus and idea of how she was. He looked around and saw some more eyes on him.

Returning to the lady Cyrus bowed, "Apologies, I am one currently working under the house of Galihath. You may call me Cyrus," the woman stared at him.

"Last name child, we are all under the house of Galihath." He sighed, knowing there was no way to get around it.

"Cyrus Reinhard, I have been granted protection by Chase Gali-" Before he could finish the lady smiled.

"Oh why didn't you just say your name to begin with!" She turned around, "Everyone! We have an important guest with us tonight! Please greet one of the last surviving members of the Reinhard family." Everyone started clapping while the woman, her form trapped in a corset and red dress. Making her body look appealing to those that would be interested.

Her hair was a shade red that seemed to be a dark rose color. Her eyes a amber brown color. Which those eyes turned to Cyrus once again. Leaning forward and down slightly she whispered in his ear.

"Come to the upstairs observatory, we may talk more there." Then walking away she winked at him, turning to accept a glass of red wine from one of the waiters. Cyrus just stood there, unsure of what just happened. People passing by him greeted him with a short bow and offering to shake his hand.

Cyrus still couldn't place together what had happened as he could have sworn the place was turned upside down. It's almost like the shadows had retreated reversed the outcome of the whole place. He couldn't believe what he was witnessing, but as he passed people they all gave off the same aura and energy as Chase and Thomas. They were all vampires...