Hotel Delights

Cyrus was still trying to wrap his head around the fact that everyone in the room were alive and vampires. The perception of time seemed to almost reverse itself to a point where the shadows never invaded. Or maybe he was transported back in time. He was completely lost in this situation. He decided to wonder around, retrace his steps to find his way back to the stairs.

People would greet him and wish to speak with him. He politely declined as he still was in shock. A waiter offered him a glass of wine but declined. Saying he has already drank enough. Which wasn't true but the whole experience made him feel out of it.

Cyrus passed by a clock, the same one he saw before. When he looked at the hands, it seemed to have gone back four hours prior to his first time passing through. It really was a moment where time seemed to be reversed. He needed to figure out what happened to cause the events of the shadows coming through. Maybe he could save the people here and prevent the shadows from spreading.

But he first would go see the woman, since it seems she knows something is going on. Or maybe she is being secretive to get him alone. He would be on his guard around her, managing to find the stairs and head up. Reaching the top of the stairs he saw that there multiple rooms and a large room with a piano someone was playing.

It had a sad rhythm to it but seemed to have the essence of a story buried within. He passed a room and heard a strange noise coming from it. The sound of two, maybe four people inside. As he peeked in he immediately averted his gaze and walked away quickly. A woman saw him and approached him getting in his way.

"What little man," she cooed at him, "never been to an exotic party like ours before?" Her voice was smooth and teasing as she looked him up and down. He had a blush on his face that seemed to only get redder. She wore a beautiful blue gown with silver trims and black accents. Her skin was fair dark tan as the woman's smile had an alluring blue lipstick.

"I-I-I um... excuse me ma'am..." He swiftly sidestepped her and continued on his way. She didn't expect that reaction out of Cyrus and smiled.

"Oh we have a man who is still young and fresh. Poor thing," She twisted her hair then returned to a chair and listened to the music. "He may just get eaten alive," as another man came over and offered her a drink.

Cyrus quickly rushed out of the area and up the nearby stairs. His body felt shaky and his face felt hot. He was never good with women and he always felt insecure around them. Except his sister, though it was because she looked out for him. Trying to calm himself down he took a few deep breaths, taking it slow as he continued up the stairs.

Approaching the third floor he noticed that not a lot of people were up here. A guy passed out on a chair with a drink in his hand. While two women were chatting away looking down the stairs.

"I'm telling you, Marcus totally wants to take your hand tonight." The first woman giggled, while the other one, a brown brunette hit the other woman.

"Oh shush, that man is nothing but desperate. Always offering me flowers, gifts, even thralls to help around the house." She sighed, "But he is honest about himself and his feelings.

The woman with black straight hair nudged the brunette, "See, I told you that you had a soft spot for him." They continued to bicker back and forth. One embarrassed while the other laughed evilly. Cyrus moved passed them and scurried away to a door that soft blue glow to it. Pushing it open, Cyrus saw that inside was a slow spinning globe. Surrounded by rotating gold rings it seemed to show constellations that didn't seem familiar to him. As he approached the middle of the room under the globe, the door shut behind him. Quickly turning he saw the woman in red waiting for him.

"Well, seems you took your time to view the sights of the hotel?" She slowly walked over to Cyrus. "You shouldn't keep a lady waiting, but I'll make an exception for you Mr. Reinhard."

Cyrus now not two feet from her was nervous, "What did you want to talk about?" He asked, trying to keep some level of composure. The sound of the rotating rings filling the room. The lady in red then walked passed Cyrus gently dragging a hand across his shoulder.

"I wanted to speak to you cause you weren't just in the cellar before the party started. Others went down there to get the wine way before the guests arrived." She turned to look at him, "Why were you down there Cyrus Reinhard? How did you get there?"

Cyrus looked at the lady, "First tell me your name, then I'll tell you what happened."

She sighed, "Victoria Ravencrest, duchess to Ravencrest Manor, and I serve directly under the Lord Roland Galihath." She seemed annoyed by having to give that entire speech. "Happy now?" She asked with some sarcasm in her words.

Cyrus just looked at her, "Alright Madam Ravencrest, I was down in that cellar four hours from now." This made her raise a doubting eyebrow. "I am sure you are aware that the castle is under a mysterious threat. Shadow creatures roam freely around the upper levels of the castle. Me, the two sons of Galihath, and Godfrey Wilhelm are attempting to reach the top to save Roland Galihath."

Victoria placed her delicate fingers on her chin, "So you're saying that you arrived from the future. Attempting to reach the castle throne room, and stop these shadows. But that still doesn't explain why you were in the cellar."

"You do know that the throne room is locked by 10 orbs that are meant to unlock it. Plus, the underground cellar was a lot deeper than seemed when I first arrived." He went to explain the events about his arrival. When walking through the shadows that encompassed the entire hotel. While finding everything tossed and turned like something went on a rampage. Blood was everywhere, and he remembered the footprints that were going to the cellar.

Victoria seemed taken aback, "How did the entire hotel get covered in shadows? I knew something was up with you, but not this." She walked over to him and looked him dead in the eyes. "If you are telling the truth we have to warn everyone and evacuate."

Though Cyrus had a feeling it wasn't going to be that easy. "Your hotel is trapped inside a special dimension where all the exits don't work properly. Trapping everyone inside, if we were to start a panic then it will possibly only make matters worse." Cyrus had to think of a way to identify who started the shadows outbreak. Who was the one with the bloody footprints.

He turned and asked her about anyone that could wear size 10 shoes. She just looked at him confused, "What are size 10 shoes?" He then pointed to his shoes and told her slightly bigger shoes than his. She thought about it, "The only way to find out who they belong to, would to mingle with the members of the party. Although," Victoria looked at Cyrus up and down, "you would probably be torn apart by the ladies of the hotel. Plus you don't look like a guest, more like a hunter. You sure you want to do this?"

Cyrus just looked up, hiding his blush in the light, "I have to, to save the people here, not only that, stop the events from happening." She gave Cyrus a serious look. Then nodding and walking over to a bench that had a set of clothes on it. Picking them up and handing them to Cyrus she smiled.

"Put these on, they are clothes that I thought would fit you." Cyrus noticed that they were a set of old gothic design. Black leather pants, cuffed brown boots, white string tie T-shirt, and a belt that would hold his weapons effectively. Looking at it then her, he couldn't help but get bright red.

"You're not going to be in here while I change or should I find a private room?" Victoria laughed, before placing her hand to her chest.

"Child, you may be attractive, but you're still fresh. To answer your question, I will be staying right here. No one else comes up here." She crossed her arms which seemed to press up her corset. "Now get to changing we don't have all day."

Cyrus' face just felt like his head was going to explode. Thankfully though for him he didn't need to change manually. Putting them in his inventory, he quickly changed into the garb. He had lost his defensive bonuses, but from the effect that he could change them again when needed. When looking at Victoria she had a face of disappointment.

"Took my viewing pleasure right out of the room and threw it away. Young man, you should please a lady more often, you'll be able to find someone interested in you." In truth, Cyrus was nervous and afraid to catch the eye of a vampire who took a fancy of him. He imagined being a slave or some kind of thrall that would only be used to... He shook the thought away before continuing that line.

"Apologize, but as you said, we don't have time." With a disappointed nod she turned around and opened the door a little. Looking back to Cyrus she seemed it would be right to tell him what the place was.

"Cyrus Reinhard, you are about to be engulfed by the Hotel Delights. A place of debauchery, alcohol, and folks who are clouded in their minds. You could call it a brothel, or a whorehouse. But it isn't any of those, for we of the lord's duchy participate in this party willingly. A way to blow off steam from our daily problems. So that is why I said, you may get torn apart by the ladies." She opened the door and left the room.

Cyrus was left all alone, his knees shaking, and his heart ringing in his ears. He didn't expect to wind up in a place like this. For now, he had to be aware of not getting dragged away by anyone. While trying to find the man or woman who starts the corruption of the shadows. He cautiously walked out the door to rejoin the party.