Unique Situation

Panic started to rise in Cyrus, his unknown fate and the look Lyra was giving him made him worry. He quickly explained that his power only worked when he had sustained enough damage that this would happen. He tried to make it as audibly truthful as he could make it. For even when one speaks the truth, it may not always sound like it. Cyrus told her that he wasn't a Crisis Beast for he still had his mind intact and his body his own.

Miles was the one who stepped in before Lyra said anything, "I don't think he is lying to us about his ability. Though I doubt that it is all he can do, I bet this is a unique power he received. The energy he is giving off is on par with a low Alpha Tier Fenrir Soldier." Miles reached out his hand to Cyrus, "I understand you wish to hide your ability from the world in fear of getting surprised or attacked suddenly by other factions. Heck even the normal populous could be a crazy adversary for their words are more impactful than most realize." He helped Cyrus up and looked him in the eye, "I can't back you up unless I know what you can do."

Cyrus just blinked and he really felt he had no choice. But Lyra interjected, "But do you see his form? It looks like he has turned into a Crisis Beast before our very eyes. I do see and hear that he has retained himself even when he looks like this. But not even the Chairman of the CCO will approve of his existence. He may even attempt to get rid of Cyrus." Mikes sighed and started to argue with his sister about how it wasn't likely for the head member of the CCO to act so rashly.

Cyrus on the other hand has been kind of stuck in place. He didn't want to move or say anything without setting them off. He even looked through his abilities while they were arguing to see if there was anything to calm them down. He had no such luck. Though he did manage to see some abilities that were accessible now on the Order set of skills. Checking them out he decided to purchase them using his skill points.

He purchased the Barrier, Meditation, and Radiant Light skills, upgrading the Barrier skill to level 2. He didn't know exactly what would happen when he unlocked them. As he did, Cyrus saw in his left arm symbols were unlocked up his forearm. White glowing symbols before going dormant into black tattoos of odd symbols. Each of them corresponding to his Order Powers.

Lyra turned back to Cyrus seeing him distracted snapped her fingers, "Cyrus, no more secrets, it's imperative you show us what you can do. Or else we would have to report your current state as a possible Crisis Beast situation." He didn't like hearing that or the thought of being locked away and whatever nightmares people that lost control would go through. She didn't sound like she was joking so he caved. It was better than thinking he was going to get taken away from his Myra.

"Fine, I will show you what I can do, but first let me turn this form off." He silently casted Heal as the green chains wrapped around him. The impact on his chest reverted back to normal and no bruising or damage was seen on his person. He then summoned Visne in the room. They looked about and chirped before nudging Cyrus in the back. He smiled and pet Visne's head, Cyrus still wasn't sure if they were male or female so he just kind of left in the air.

Both Lyra and Miles stared at the large wooden dragon behind Cyrus. They couldn't believe he gained a summoning ability, for most Standards had trouble getting another ability other than just their Enhance skill. Cyrus didn't stop with just Visne, he also summoned Er'Delrune, Grimm, and Thane. He didn't wish to show Fenrir cause he thought it would be weird to summon the name sake of the corporation he worked for. They watched as Cyrus also conjured Ice Shards around his hand and let them all Fire into the ground. Each one slamming into the metal ground and leaving holes behind as they turned to blue dust.

"How do you have so many different abilities?" Lyra asked, but she then looked to his Shackle, "Is it because of that item there? Is that the basis of your power?" She watched as all the summons had vanished in clouds of purple flames. Cyrus adjusted the shackle a little as the chain link on it rattled.

"Yes, it is both my limiter and power. I am pretty sure I can't become an actual Crisis Beast because of it." Cyrus then looked at Miles who stopped typing to just have his mouth agape, "I'm sure you are going to report me to your superiors." Miles shook his head and managed to regain some serious composure.

"W-well I mean, if I were to report this, you'd be stuck with us and watched 24/7, every second of every day." Miles set his phone down, "However, I am still unsure as to how you acquired this, but I am guessing it was before the Tear?" Cyrus nodded, "Alright, well you're power is hard to actually judge in the current scaling system. Your power is well beyond the A tier in terms of versatility, capability, and potency." Miles tapped his chin and then stood, "If I am to judge, I see your power in the process of becoming a Superior Tier or even one of the Unique Tier abilities."

Lyra piped in, "I would say the Unique Tier for there is no one else with his kind of ability we have ever come across. Right?" She asked, unsure if that was even true. For Unique Tier individuals had their own levels of strength. For some don't even have combat capabilities as her brother told her. But what she didn't understand was how he had so many summons.

Miles asked Cyrus, "How many summons can you manifest at once?" Cyrus pulled up his Status Screen and checked his current total of summon. Cyrus told him he could summon 7 while shackled, 15 while unshackled. "So it impacts all your abilities and not just your body's attributes?" Cyrus nodded, while Miles took a deep breath and thought for a moment.

Cyrus looked at them before stepping out of the circle. Lyra bowed, "Apologies for striking you like I did. I tried to hold it back as much as I could." Cyrus swallowed hard, for what she just said made him shiver.

'If she was holding back a lot of her power, if she had hit me with a full on strike. I would be dead right then.' He thought to himself, before actually speaking. "I still have a long way to go before I can really face more challenging beings. I barely survived my encounter with the..." He bit his tongue as he saw them look at him intently.

"Lyra, you said in your text to me that you saw someone flee from the Fenrir's building window before seeing Cyrus right?" She nodded, "and I am to now assume that this young man killed the boss of the Chaos Tear by himself?" Again she nodded, but slow and methodically. Miles slapped his knee and smiled, "Well take my hair and color it pink, I never knew someone could defeat a Chaos Tear boss by themselves."

Cyrus shook his head, "I didn't do it alone, I had help." Miles and Lyra asked who helped him but he refused to say their names or who they were. "I would prefer to keep that a secret for now, it's not something bad, just I don't think you could handle what I would have to say." This caused Lyra to scrunch her eyebrows.

"You mean you refuse to tell us who helped you? Why?" She asked with a little agitation by his choice.

"The world of us humans is not prepared for a truth that would possible cause more harm than good." Cyrus replied, "I do not hide this information selfishly, but for the safety of those that go into rifts and tears." With that Lyra sat back down as well as Miles who resumed writing his report.

Miles then stopped typing on his phone and put it in his pocket, "Well, my report is done and I will allow you to return home with no issues. Just that," he paused and looked at his sister, "whatever you do, report to Lyra and myself whenever you need to go into a Chaos Rift. I would like to make sure you grow to help protect us from the creatures of Chaos that threaten our world."

Cyrus looked at them both wondering if he could still trust them. "So you aren't going to report me to your superiors?" Miles shook his head in response while finishing up his typing. Lyra stood shouldering her rifle walking over to door.

"You better follow me as we now have to get you out of here. Since you have been tested and cleared by the CCO, you are free to go, which means we need to leave." Cyrus followed and turned to Miles wondering if he was going with them. His thought was dismissed as he saw Miles stand and walk over to the door. They lead Cyrus back to the elevator as nothing seemed out of the ordinary for them as they reached the doors.

As the doors opened, standing in the elevator almost as if they had just arrived was Darian Smith and some older man that looked to be in his mid 50's. Miles froze in place as did Lyra, while Cyrus felt like his senses were being overwhelmed by the energy he was sensing. Raising his hand to his head Cyrus grunted in pain. The old man stepped out of the elevator with Darian. His gaze traveled across the group and then locked onto Cyrus who was still holding his head.

"So, you must be Cyrus Reinhard, the survivor of the subway Chaos Rift." His voice was gruff but gentle as if not wanting to sound threatening on purpose. He took a step forward causing Miles and Lyra to part away from the old man. "My name is Tyson Morris, Director of the Chaos Control Organization." Cyrus now understood why his senses were on fire, it was because the man standing in front of him was one of the strongest Uniques on Earth.

Tyson Morris, the man who could hold the power of a star in his hand. His unique ability allows him to create small stars in his hands, and detonate them. Neutron Collapse.