Serious Shopping

Tyson Morris, stood at 6 feet and 3 inches in height and looked like a retired body builder in a suit. His face was scared with across like cut on his face. It looked like an X on his face from some beast long ago. He was the man that could hold the power of the stars in his hands. Now standing in front of Cyrus with the presence that was more intimidating than Godfrey's. The I only thought in his mind was if he could ever get that strong. But right now, he wondered why he was there in the first place. That is when he turned his attention to Miles.

This just seemed to make Tyson smile more, "Well, if you wish to become stronger then you may leave. But I would like a special report directly to me of how strong you are becoming." Cyrus and all of the rest just stared at Tyson. Although he could guess as to why, for he had just let Cyrus go without asking for him to join the CCO or anything.

Darian stepped forward, "Sir, I think letting him leave without proper testing could lead to..." he was cut off by a hand being raised.

"I let him go cause he would be tied down by the regulations and strict rules that are part of the CCO. Which I would then have to force him to stay out of rifts, which is something I can't allow." Tyson placed his raised hand onto Cyrus' shoulder. "Do great things and train as hard as you can. If you ever get strong enough to fight me, I'll be waiting."

With that he walked past the group with Darian in toe. Lyra and Miles released their held breath as they looked at Cyrus who seemed to be slightly frozen in place. As Miles gave Cyrus a slap on the back causing him to stumble forward.

"Lucky man you are, getting to be a free bird instead of being caged here." Miles smiled, "Well since the boss wants you to keep him updated I'll give you his number, or he will cause he can just do that..." Miles sighed, "Man I wish I could go out and attend Rift raids. It's been so long since I stretched my powers." They all entered the elevator and returned to the surface, having been released by the Director himself. It had honestly surprised them as to how lenient the Director was being with Cyrus.

"You safe to go home? No injuries, no being hauled away, no..." Cyrus tapped her back l and pulled away.

"Everything is fine, I have been given permission to do as I please." He turned around to look at the very tall building, "Though I think I am going to be watched for a while before I can do what I want. So for now, home sounds like a good place to start."

Myra nodded then looked at Miles and Lyra, "Thank you for not taking my brother away from me." They both nodded while Miles smiled at her.

Miles bowed to Myra, "I didn't expect to meet a unique individual, nor one who managed to beat the Chaos Tear boss by himself." Miles stood upright and turned to go back into the building, "Cyrus, be careful out there. Now that you are not being watched by me, I can't guarantee your safety. So be mindful and watchful at all times, stay out of trouble." With that he gave an odd salute as his first two fingers were split apart and his thump was out. He watched as Miles covered himself in flames and vanished.

Lyra scoffed, "Showoff," before walking over to Cyrus. "Here is my contact information, since we are part of the same organization, I should be the one to keep watch over you if you get called for jobs. It's the best I can do cause I can't give favoritism. I would recommend getting stronger soon so you can come out with your full strength and power." Cyrus nodded, then took the little data chip. Lyra turned and walked away while Myra had leaned on his shoulder.

"She seems like a nice lady, you two a thing or something?" Myra teased, Cyrus blushed and looked at his sister.

"No way, we just met today!" He quietly shouted.

"My you work so fast!" She said placing both her hands on the sides of her face. She laughed as she walked to the car. Cyrus grumbling behind her as they drove away to his home. The drive was quiet, peaceful, and no threats around him could be felt or seen. He had finally gotten to relax after what felt like days in the castle.

Having returned to his home, Myra packed her things and gave Cyrus a goodbye hug. She had to leave and return to the Providence District in Washington D.C. As she left and Cyrus had the whole place to himself, he felt Thane appear from the shadows around him.

"So, this is your castle?" Thane looked around his robes touching the floor as he glided across it. "It's awfully small for my master." Cyrus sighed as he plopped into the couch.

"It's not a castle, it's called an apartment, a place for living when you are alone." Cyrus put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. While Thane glided from room to room, checking the place out. He found a small single bed, though he doubted his master could fit in such a small thing.

"Master, I think you may need to replace some thing in your apartment." Thane came out from his room and pointed inside. "Your bed seems too small for you now since you seem to have grown it out." Cyrus opened one eye and then closed it again.

"Just give me a few moments of rest before I have to do anything. I am tired and exhausted, got a lot on my mind." What he said was true, but he also just wanted some peace and quiet. Thane bowed his head and retreated into the darkness. With the room now silent it made Cyrus let out a quiet sigh.

A lot had happened to Cyrus since he left the hospital and woke up with the shackle on his wrist. He still didn't know what it's true purpose was, who the shadows served, or even how to stop them. It felt like the world was collapsing on his shoulders and he was struggling to hold it up. How was he supposed to help save the worlds of Chaos and Order from the Shadows corruption? Why him, was it because he is an Inheritor? He wondered if there were any others that could take his place.

Then he heard growling in his ear as Fenrir appeared next to him. Cyrus opened his eyes and looked at the snarling beast. He felt his mind being pushed on as he heard a voice speaking to him. It sounded gruff, old, and dangerous.

'You wish to hide away and become one of the masses? To slowly disappear into the world and let a catastrophe corrupt the worlds? Including your own home? I doubt you'll sit still knowing you wanted to give up.' Fenrir continued to growl which bothered Cyrus.

Sitting up, Cyrus looked Fenrir in the eyes and scowled at him. "What of you? You said you were weakened by the objects in your back and became bound to me. I think I have a right to want some peace once in a while." Cyrus was serious now, but Fenrir didn't agree.

'A young pup like yourself doesn't know power until it's just out of your reach. I felt what you felt when you talked to that old man. You felt anxious, scared, and hungry for more power to become stronger than he is.' Cyrus looked away, 'Why hide your strength when you can devour all before you and become a truly powerful being in the worlds of Chaos? Because humans are always afraid to take that step. Unless forced to make that choice.'

Cyrus stood and walked into the kitchen and looked for food to eat. Finding nothing he pulled out his phone.

"I don't want to run away, it's just a burden I don't wish to bare. I don't even understand my power, your power, or whatever an Inheritor even is. What am I in the grand scheme of fate?" Cyrus looked at Fenrir and stared at him with a slight bit of fear in his eyes.

Fenrir padded over and sat in front of Cyrus, 'You can become whatever you want, but you need the strength to take it. Get stronger and go see Fafnir, he said he would be waiting for us. Don't make that greedy dragon wait too long, or he might just kill you on the spot.' Fenrir was serious and determined to get stronger. Which in turn seemed to affect Cyrus a little bit, that itch to see how far he could push he limits. Though the thing that prevented him from doing so was another shackle.

The one thing Cyrus needed was another shackle. He didn't know if going to Fafnir would give him one but he didn't have much of a choice. Only a few more levels left to go and he would need to farm more from closing Rifts or completing random quests he needed to do. His first idea was to talk to Whisper to see what he could provide. Maybe he could help with some potential items or information.

He made an order for food to be delivered and then went to sit on the couch. Opening his stat menu and selecting the SHOP, Whisper's dark clouds began to appear on the ground in front of him. The cloaked figure with his skeletal hands bowed as he had once again been brought to the mortal world. He took a deep breath, the air feeling different since he had come here last. It didn't bother him but he could tell that it was dirtier than it should be.

"It's... not clean air... humans consumed much resource... what shame." He grinned at Cyrus, "What can I... provide for you... Inheritor? Though... stock is... restricted..." Whisper pulled out a small book and handed it to Cyrus. He opened it and suddenly his system updated the SHOP tab with actual items to purchase with the coins. He saw Skill Point crystals, Gamma to Delta Chaos Beast Crystals, a select amount of items, low rank spells, and even information books. It had more stuff but he couldn't go through it all at the moment. Though he was surprised that it was low quality items. Not even the unique stuff he had received in the castle.

"Whisper," Cyrus began to ask, "why is it mostly low tier items? I thought you could get me anything that was open to the amount of coins I gave." Whisper nodded, having explained that the shop in his system now had access to the types of items he had a available with only one Shackle. Whisper continued to say that more shackles he could obtain, the better items that he could unlock and acquire if he has the coin and material.

Whisper held up a bony finger, "Most items can... be bought with coins, however... some require materials... from the Worlds of Chaos. Nothing you have right now... requires the material cost, but... once you acquire... your next shackle... you will have these options." He bowed his head, "What would you... like to purchase?" Cyrus looked at the set of items, the most thing that could be of value was the skill crystals, but it seemed to have a quantity.

When he clicked it, it brought up how many he wanted to buy and when it would restock. Which said, '3 units per month,' which didn't disappoint Cyrus, just that it was unexpected. Cyrus backed out of the screen and looked at some of the other items. He chuckled as he found a section of furniture too, then saw how low cost they were. He looked up from his screen and scanned his apartment. He definitely needed new furniture to replace his old stuff as it was slowly falling apart.

He placed his hand on over a image of a nice brown couch, it only cost him 10 coins. But as he selected yes a pulse went from him and throughout his apartment. It highlighted the item he selected which sold for 2 coins and brought his total down to 8 coins. He continued with the purchase and saw the brown couch appear from black clouds from the ground. Rising to its full height to then nestle on the floor neatly. It smelled like brand new furniture as if it was made yesterday. He smiled and looked at all the empty space in his apartment. A massive grin appeared on his face as he replaced ever piece of furniture he had with new ones to fit in his apartment with still enough space. It only cost him another 54 coins to a total of 62 coins spent. Which wasn't much compared to his grand total he had stored away in his inventory.

With his apartment now smelling brand new he went to sit on the couch. Looking to Whisper, he bowed, "Thank you for this gift, I shall use it responsibly." Which made the wraith smile with that mischievous grin. He offered Whisper to sit, to which he declined, saying he dare not linger on Earth too long. His place was back in his shop, for which he must return.

"Other deals... to make... need to stay... on top of them." With that he sunk back into the ground and vanished. Cyrus smiled as he leaned into the couch flipping through the pages of the digital catalogue. Deciding on purchasing the three Skill Crystals, and hoping for the big pull of points for his system reminded him that it was a 1-4 roll. Popping one after another he ended up getting 10 points total, the first 2 were 3's while the last one was a 4.

"Alright, not a bad roll for all of them, way above the average chance." His pulled up more of his skills and that of the summons. He found that his skills were tied to his Skill Points, while some tied to the shackle that leveled up when Fenrir went to the next tier. He decided to increase his versatility in both Order and Chaos powers. He decided to buy the Weapons of Light skill. Using it, he felt his left hand glow a pure white color and then hovering in front of his hand was a simple longsword made of pure light. He went and grabbed the hilt and it felt warm to the touch, as well as it was weightless in his hand.

Swinging it about a couple of times he then dismissed it and began to meditate. Recovering his OEP he spend conjuring the weapon. After 10 minutes of meditation he felt his strength return and the weapon vanished. His guess is that he decided to relax and let the spells he was using go so that he could restore his stats. Once he had recovered he decided to keep perusing the pages as he would soon drift of to sleep. His body was finally ready to drift to the darkness of his mind for he had just done the craziest thing in his life. It was time for some much needed rest and he would take it gladly.

Fenrir returned to the shackle and rested himself, 'Tied to a human, not a bad one, but one who needs a push. If he continues to grow he will become the strongest Inheritor of my power. If he manages to get more Shackles, the more his power will grow.' Fenrir hummed peacefully, for this was the first time in a long time he felt calm. Sleep, the only thing that made him feel at ease. More so now that he wasn't the one in danger every day of his life.

Fenrir snorted, 'Fafnir, you better help this Inheritor or else we may not ever have a home left to go to. The shadows are growing, we must get stronger.' With that he drifted to the same darkness that claimed Cyrus. Sleep, the comforting darkness that all needed once in a while. A place of joy, horror, and mystery created the dreams of mortals and beings of Order and Chaos alike. The other summons were also resting, for they too had a long day.

The only one who didn't need sleep was Thane and Grimm, which the book kept researching its spells. While Thane materialized and walked about the apartment and looked out the window. His gaze watched as cars, people, and even the setting sun go by. Earth, a place his new master is from. A place his kind never were meant to set foot on again, but Cyrus was a bridge for them to do so. Turning to look at his master he sat down on the ground and started to keep watch. Ever vigilant in his duty to protect his master.