
"Everyone to your stations!" Urik called out as the Alarm bells were being rung. Grabbing his hammer and shield he ran towards the northern gate. Mages above were chanting and prepping a shield to be held up around the fort. Slowly a golden barrier began to rise around the fort in the shape of a bubble. Urik looked climbed up to the top of the wall and saw a horde of creatures running towards the barrier.

"Lord in Heaven," Urik started to say as he gazed upon the horde. It was like living plants had taken over dinosaurs with vines and thorns covering their bodies. The shrills and calls the creatures made sent shivers down everyone's spines. Urik turned to see Cyrus and Hilda climbing up to the top of the wall and also see the enemy they had at their doorstep.

Hilda held her hand over her mouth as Cyrus spoke, "Seems like the boss has initiated the attack first." Raising an eyebrow Urik looked at Cyrus.

"How do you know the boss sent them?" He asked, looking at one of the plant raptors.

"Call it a hunch as this place was a safe zone not too long ago. Beasts didn't pass through the area not because you built a wall, but because they couldn't come in as part of the Rift's deterrent." He clenched his fist, "Seems the boss fight is triggered and all safe zones are targetable."

Urik didn't understand what he was talking about as in safe zones. However, he guessed it would explain why no Chaos Beast came through the area for the last month. It was like they never dared to enter the area and always avoided it. If what Cyrus said was true, then seeing as how the creatures now were attacking made it clear. But now their fort is under attack by the Boss of the Rift. Urik yelled to get everyone's attention.

"Soldiers of the Radiant Dawn! We will stand our ground, fight back the enemy force and go home to our families!" He looked from side to side at his men, "Guided by the light of the Heavens we will prevail and conquer our foe. No matter if you loose your weapon, strike with your fist. If your fist is broken, use your teeth, anything you have we must bring to bare before our enemy. HOLD NOTHING BACK!" As he finished, the soldiers all cheered with a renewed vigor than when the attack started. Everyone had begun chanting and soon the barrier started to glow.

The plant dinosaurs retreated away from the barrier as some of them got impaled by spikes from the barrier itself. Others with melee weapons began singing prayers to their god and seeing their weapons shined with a brilliant light. Hilda conjured walls of ice to reinforce the walls and gates. Causing downward facing spikes to prevent the creatures from climbing the walls. As for Cyrus, he summoned Grimm to cause plants to cover the area in front of the walls with spikes. Then with that had Grimm send spears of light to pierce the monsters assaulting them. Then he would summon his knights and wolves to stand ready to attack.

Urik looked out towards the forest and saw trees rumbling. The sounds of large footsteps approaching as trees could be heard falling to the ground. Cyrus squinted as he activated his Wolf Senses and saw the aura of the boss coming their way. What worried him most was the other auras that accompanied it.

Just then four large triceratops looking creatures with plant tendrils wriggling about its body charged the barrier. "Brace!" Cyrus yelled as the creatures collided with the barrier. The casters holding the barrier together flinched as blood trickled down their noses and eyes. The Triceratops backed up and charged again hitting the barrier with another strong force. This caused the casters to wail in pain and collapse as they went unconscious. The barrier broke as the other raptor looking ones started to ascend the ice wall. But soon the sound of blood and body parts falling could be heard as Hilda controlled the ice spikes to spin rapidly. Chopping the dinos to pieces which made for a gross sound.

Cyrus looked toward Urik, "Get everyone down to the ground and prepare for close combat. Have all archers and mages support Hilda on the wall and keep those beasts occupied!" Urik nodded and ordered his soldiers to fall in a shield wall at the gate. Cyrus decided that he no longer needed to hold back any powers or anything in a situation like this. Summoning Thane who raised a skeletal battalion who reinforced the shield wall with their bodies and shields. Skeletal mages cast fire balls at the attacking dinos burning the plant tendrils causing some of the dinos to come to their sense before dying to the repeated attacks.

"My warriors will support you my master." Thane said, as he bowed. That's when they heard the Triceratops hit the ice wall at the gate. Cracking it, as more hits to the wall wasn't going to hold. Cyrus then summoned Visne to fly above and let loose her goo on the dinos to dissolve them. While Cyrus summoned Er'Delrune to his side as the blade hovered just of to his right. His knights and wolves grouped around him while the wolves supported Fenrir as the mighty wolf of Ragnarok came to the world.

Urik saw the amount of summons, powers and other things Cyrus was doing and was surprised someone was this strong here. He wondered why anyone would have this kind of power and be solo. The Renegade was only suspected to have summoning powers, but Urik saw many different abilities. Even what looked like death itself called Cyrus "Master". Urik couldn't take it all in as the ice barrier broke letting in several plant raptors along with a triceratops that looked injured from the spinning ice spikes.

"Take them out." Cyrus let out the order as the wolves and knights all charged forward and started cutting down and ripping apart the dinos. Fenrir increased in size and went for the Triceratops and started to toss it around like a chew toy. The knights went after dinos trying to climb to the mages above. While the wall of shields taunted the dinos to them.

"Soldiers, spears up!" Urik said as even the undead skeletons raised their spears under his order. He wondered if the reaper commanded them the same as Urik made the call. Just as the raptors leapt into the air, they skewered themselves on the spears. Soldiers that didn't have spears started stabbing, beating, and slashing with their weapons as they killed the creatures watching them dissolve into the air. While Cyrus started to swing Er'Delrune about cutting down the raptors targeting him with ease.

Devouring the crystals in the bodies of the raptors regained his CEP and OEP rather quickly. Including giving him a boost in his Chaos Meter. Although it wasn't enough to level him up, but he was sure killing the creatures was enough to get a level or two if he engaged more. He watched as his summons all were taking out the enemies around them and defeating their attackers one by one.

Urik with a small group followed Cyrus closely defending against dinos only to see them sliced in half and dissolve. The sword Cyrus wielded was a powerful summon that had an indestructible quality meaning it couldn't be broken. But could suffer too much damage if used to block attacks. Urik was amazed and concerned that if his order ever tried to take on the Renegade, they would lose more people than it would take to subdue him.

For they weren't an all powerful organization, just one of the many that can take jobs like these. But he was mainly surprised that they were still alive thanks to the Renegade's help. Smashing a raptor's skull in he approached Cyrus.

[Urik's opinion of you has improved, possible recruitment is nearly available.]

"Renegade, do you think the boss is on its way?" Cyrus just nodded, pointing out towards the forest.

"It knows we are resisting well," he said, lowering his arm, "meaning it will come out itself soon. We have to defeat as many of these creatures before it decides to move against us while our forces are occupied." Urik nodded, smashing another Dino's head into the ground.

"You heard him, take them out quickly! Those that can still fight after prepare for the boss! Those that are tired and need rest, keep pushing and protect your battle comrade next to you!" With a resounding holler, the soldiers all pushed on. It seemed like the dinos now were being pushed back. As more were dying to magic and blade much quicker and in greater numbers.

[You and your summons have been inspired, damage and resilience has been improved by 25%]

Cyrus smiled as he guessed it was something to do with Urik's role and powers. If he remembered, his abilities reminded him of an old table top game class. He couldn't recall what it was but it was something to do with big lizards and cave delving. Pulling out Wolf's Fang he fired some rounds into some of the dinos that were on the ramparts. Causing them to fall off the other side onto spikes.

Grimm was still unleashing wave after wave of magic. Ice shard rained down on the dinos that were still coming in from the forest. Killing a large sum of the force, while Hilda was next to the book and used her ice magic to separate them into groups for Grimm to eliminate easier. That was until a loud roar rang throughout the plains. The trees shook and toppled over as two Alpha tier creatures emerged from the forest. Tiny arms, large heads and body, as two Tyrannosaurus Rexes came out to greet them. Along with the boss itself, the Mutilamposaurus.

Cyrus and Urik looked upon the creature as it towered over their fort and even over the two T-Rexes. Cyrus smiled, "It is time to fight the boss, I will devour it."