
Cyrus, Urik, and Thane walked towards the entrance as the screams of beasts and the battle cries of warriors fighting them off. Fenrir and his wolves, only two remained as the rest dispersed from too much damage. His knights took care of any weaker chaos beast that approached while Grimm and Hilda provided cover for the three.

Urik looked at the Mutilamposaurus as its mouth opened in four places. The creature's limbs were strong, sturdy, and covered in plant growth. All the while it approached them slowly, it's four eyes all aimed right for them.

"You think we can beat it?" Urik asked, gripping his hammer tight. Cyrus stared at the boss and scoffed.

"If we don't a monster like that will only get loose and cause massive amounts of casualties." Cyrus dumped HP into Er'Delrune as the blade lit up with a red glow. The slender blade gained the essence of blood to become stronger as the divot filled with a red light. "We will and must take it down, or else we die here. Watch out for it can stretch its neck out and devour you whole."

The Mutilamposuarus hissed as the creatures head twisted. Cyrus shouted, "Move!" Just as the boss launched its head towards them. Cyrus was quick on his feet while Urik moved as quick as his body allowed. Thane vanished in a shadowy veil before reappearing a short distance away readying his scythe to strike its neck.

The Fenrir jumped back along with his pack and proceeded to howl as the wolves seemed to become lit on fire. Their fur coated in the purple flames just like on Fenrir's body. The wolves sprinted forward and attempted to bite the head of the boss. However, they couldn't get close as vine like tendrils sprouted from its face and repelled the attack. Their reach wasn't that far so the wolves managed to avoid much of the danger but the beast itself was already returning its head to its body.

Cyrus and Urik ran forward to attempt to get its attention while Visne flew up into the sky high above and beyond the reach of the boss. "Where is your summon going Renegade?" Urik asked, the wyvern vanishing beyond the cloud layer. While Cyrus conjured a ring of ice shards around his left hand and fired them at the boss. The Mutilamposaurus' body reacted just like the portion on its head. Tendrils came out and started defending the body from the ice shards. All broken from being struck by the vines.

"Don't worry about her, she knows what she is doing. Keep it distracted," he called out, not happy his spell went to waste. He needed to figure out how to get rid of those tendrils. He loaded his Wolf's Fang with Chaos Bullets. In his mind he was trying to remember if any of his skills could help him damage the Mutilamposaurus' body. He fired are round trying to distract it, while the bullet wasn't blocked by the vines the energy round just collided with the surface of its skin. However, nothing seemed to have happened other than one of its eyes look towards Cyrus.

Knowing that he got its attention a little as it didn't strike but would see its body mass shift. The tendrils got bigger and longer as more of the green moss covering moved from its head to the portion of its lower body. The snapped next to him as the ground was ripped apart by a tendril as he saw just a blur of motion.

"Get back!" Cyrus cried out, as Urik raised his shield in time to get hit by a tendril knocking him away. While Cyrus dodged narrowly by using his Enhance skill and using it on Dex. He could feel the power of the attack and now feeling on the backpedal of the situation. Cyrus needed to come up with something and fast, he fired a couple more rounds to try and aim for the now larger tendrils. A few shots managed to tear one off the body, but the moss like substance on the boss' body healed the wounded tendril.

'This boss is more difficult to deal with than I first thought. It seems to be regenerating thanks to that moss.' He wondered that fire would do the trick. Casting a Firebolt spell, he shot it at the Mutilamposaurus hopping the tendrils would retreat from the blazing orb. But no, the tendrils swiped through the firebolt and now the creature's head looked his way. 'Ah, so that did get its attention.'

Using his increased speed he managed to dodge the attacks of the tendrils and the spring loaded bite attack it had. Taking chunks of earth from the ground as its four jointed maw tried to eat him. Cyrus wanted to use more abilities including the Unshackled feature, but he knew doing so would get strange looks from Hilda and Urik.

Using every ability to avoid the boss' attacks kept it distract while he tried to figure out how to weaken it. While Urik and Thane attempted to hit it on the flank where the moss wasn't reinforcing the tendrils. Thane cut down the vines while Urik would strike the side of its body with his hammer. A loud crack and thunderous wave rippled up the creature's leg. Urik had used his Divine Smite ability to grant his hammer an extra kick that was like setting off a tiny nuke. The moss that was covering the Mutilamposaurus recoiled preventing the tendrils from healing as it was blasted away or obliterated by the strength of the attack.

The moss then started to move to cover the area but the vines never recovered. "The moss can't keep up the vines if they are completely destroyed!" He called out, the boss arched its head attempting to strike Urik. Cyrus saw this as Urik had to just too late tried to get out of the way. When Cyrus used his Shackles of Pain to slow the attack just enough for Urik to get back. The chains broke with a few seconds before striking the ground. He was happy Urik managed to get out of the way before he was likely killed.

Cyrus could then see that Visne used one of her skills. But what he knew was that she flew high in the air above the clouds. As he looked at the screen telling him what skill she used he knew he had to hurt it as much as he could before she came down.

"Urik keep hitting the vines and moss away! We need it to not have any of its defensive s in about 15 seconds!" Urik widened his eyes but knew that Cyrus wouldn't have said anything like that if it wasn't serious. So he concentrated on using his Divine Smite against the boss in several areas. While Cyrus himself was casting firebolts and even using the Holy Fire from Whisper to combine with his spell, as it turned them blue. The moss and vines recoiled a bit as they were being burned away. It was strange to see the moss recoil from the fire, but his system gave him a reason as to why.

[Shadow energy detected!]

[Devour the shadows that inhabit the boss.]

Rage seeped from Cyrus' body, as he now didn't care about those that would see whatever he could do. As he started to unload spell and ability into the creature. Radiant swords flew from behind him and began slashing at the creature's legs and underbelly. He equipped the Chained Blade and used its ability to swipe multiple times against the body of the creature. It started to bleed as its tough skin gave way to the blade in his hand.

Er'Delrune unleashed its skills and was duel-wielded by Cyrus in a horrifying display of vicious rage. He activated Bleeding Edge to start draining the boss' health as he noticed it was now slowly ticking away. It was all based off percentage and he was now able to see how much it had.

'12 million HP!?' He was shocked at the amount of health this boss had. But the Bleeding Edge ability was doing its work, sucking out a high chunk of HP over the duration of the ability. He needed more, so he kept using the skill and unleashing his hatred for the shadows upon the boss. That is when saw a notification appear but he ignored it as he kept swinging. But he did notice that it's HP was going down faster. Then there was whistling sound coming from overhead.

As Urik looked up he saw an object falling past the cloud layer and Cyrus knew what it was. He decided to call over towards Grimm who then began creating ice pillars to get towards the head of the boss. Cyrus used his chain to reach the top quickly. The Mutilamposaurus was about to look up when Cyrus got right in front of it.

"Right here you disgusting abomination!" As all its eyes turned to look at Cyrus he unleashed a blinding light to temporarily blind the boss. He then heard the sound of a hard object colliding with the boss and tear into its body as it hit the ground. The boss began to fall and collapsed to the ground as a wave of dirt and dust covered the area. Visne had broken the boss and caused it to collapse under her new hardened body.