
It's another school day.

Serin who is sad yesterday finally regains his vitality and explains to Xanric why he's not poor and Xanric who is guilty is glad that he just misunderstood.

"It's nine days before my birthday~"

Xanric claps his hands.

"I told my father that I would go to your house and he said that I need an invitation. When will you give me an invitation so I could show it to dad?"

Serin patted his chest: "Don't worry I will ask Qise to give your dad the invitation."


Xanric stood beside Serin while looking around. Other kids are playing in the playground while both of them are standing under a tree. Probably because Serin doesn't want his future wife to feel lonely, no matter how he was called to play by other kids, he would just ignore them.


A loud shout surprised Serin and Xanric and both look in the direction where the voice came from and saw Sion who is angrily looking at them while stomping his feet.

"You promised to play ball with me today!"

Xanric frown at Sion and glance at Serin pitifully.

"Y-You already play with them yesterday, are you going with them again?"

Serin panicked, he also wants to play but he can't leave Xanric alone. However, he had fun yesterday and promise Sion to play ball again.

Sion knew that Serin care about Xanric the most so he stopped his anger and said helplessly, "Forget it, how about we walk around and find treasures? In that way, Xanric can also enjoy the play time."

"Find treasures?"

"Yeah! We will walk around and pick something that looks interesting!"

Xanric tilted his head.

What treasure can they find in school? But it sounds more interesting than playing with a ball, also he can do it with Serin so even if he doesn't know how to find treasure he still nods his head in agreement while pulling Serin's clothes and looking at him expectantly.

"Then it's settled, I'll call Eins and Mittel to come with us~"

Sion happily runs towards the Eins and Mittel who are waiting in the court and drags them away saying that they will play a game of finding treasure.

The two kids are happy and agreed.

As long as they can play with Serin then it's good.

Marching away, Five kids sneak out of the kindergarten to find treasures through the hole in the wall that Sion found yesterday when he was playing. They held hands while counting their steps and each of them hold sticks.

"Is it okay to leave without telling the teacher?"

Serin snorted: "It's okay, don't worry I'll protect you!"

"I'll protect you too!"

"Me too!"

"Everyone protect each other!"

Probably enjoying their little adventure. Five kids pick up the things that they find interesting while comparing each other's discoveries.

Stones, candy wrappers, and others.

Wearing an expensive uniform that cost six figures, the familiar school logo caught the eyes of people who are living and renting nearby. Eyes follow the five kids around and seeing them picking up trash makes them feel helpless and concerned.

Such a cute children, but where's the guardian?

"Look I found a toy!"

Five kids stood in front of the trash cans.

Serin feel proud and show them the toy he found inside the bin, though the toy lacked arms it didn't affect his achievement of finding the most valuable treasure.


Four children clap their hands, praising Serin who found the toy.

"I also found a piece of jewelry!"

It's a fake diamond necklace and it was also found in a trashcan. Although Serin's toy is great but what Xanric found is the most good-looking. The fake blue diamond in the necklace is sparkling which made the kids attracted.

"It's sparkling!"

"Wow. It's my favorite color!"

Xanric raises his chin.

Eins, Sion, and Mittel also show what they found in the trashcan and praise each other.

Five good-looking kids who look pampered and well care for is now reaching the bins and putting their head inside to look for treasures. The original clean school uniform is now full of dirt and their little pocket is now bulging, full of stuff they found and deem as a treasure.

They had no idea that their playtime is over and Teacher Roana who found her students missing is panicking around wondering who to call.

In the end, she could only beg the dean to help her.

The dean is also worried especially when they saw on the CCTV that the children sneak out but what made them alert is that they didn't know the existence of the mini hole in the wall, it is in a size where an adult could pass through.

The hole is hidden in the bush so if you look at the CCTV you won't see any damage to the wall. It is also the reason why the patrol who always checks the kindergarten didn't find it. So when the dean found him and question him, he could only shake his head in denial saying that he didn't know why there was a hole in the wall.

Now, the children are missing and an unusual hole was found.

They could only call the police to make a report.

La Dolce Restaurant

In a five-star restaurant in the city center. Qise who is waiting for the arrival of Conrad Nikriel is talking to his secretary about the business proposal that president Strauss offer to him.

"It's not bad."

"Yes, it's a big project and some foreign investor is also aiming for this."

Qise leans on the chair: "The project is good and we don't lack money to invest. If I have time I would like to have a talk with president Strauss about our cooperation."

"He said he's expecting you."

Of course, Qise won't let this opportunity slip into his hand. He knew the events that would unfold and this big project is what would make the Strauss family's status stronger in the capital. But the success of this project is also the root of president Strauss's grief when his second son encounters an intentional car accident.

Xenon Lhavien Strauss become a vegetative person.

The old patriarch despite his dislike still cares about this second grandson so he suffer a heart attack when he learned the news of the incident.

President Strauss would have no choice but to beg the main family to give back the eldest son to be his successor and the main family who learn about the misfortune of the third branch of the Strauss family solemnly agreed.

Xeio Lhatisieve Strauss came back and help his father.

He is also the one who found the person who tried to kill his little brother and send the lunatic mistress, Xanric's mother to prison.

Sighing, he couldn't help but pity Xanric.

Xanric is not abused to blacken as a villain, he became a villain because he inherited his mother's mental illness.

His deep love became the abyss that pulls him to destruction.

That's why Qise is worried about his host.

Because a villain and villain are destructive. So it would be better if his host could control Xanric but if Xanric couldn't be controlled then this vacation would mean nothing. He just hopes that his host...once recovered his memories would also control himself.

"I guess I'm late."

A deep husky voice interrupted Qise's thought.

"President, Doctor Nekriel is here."

Qise immediately stood up and turn his head, only to meet a pair of stormy dark obsidian eyes that could suck his soul away.

"Doctor Nikriel."

"You are President Dhallian?"

Both shake their hands as a greeting and Qise who motion the other party to sit replied, "Yes, Thank you for accepting my invitation despite your busy schedule."

"My pleasure, I also want to meet the rumored dragon of the business industry."

"That's exaggerated."

Doctor Nekriel chuckled: "I don't think so."

Conrad observed the person in front of him and deliberately releases his pheromones but the other party remains calm while the secretary behind him turns pale when sensing such heavy and strong pheromones that express dominance.

'It's a beta' Conrad concluded.

"Can President Strauss let his secretary wait outside? Don't worry my secretary is also there so they could have their time while we're talking."

Ren stiffen and lowered his gaze.


Qise gives Ren a side look and seeing him nodding and walking away, he turns back his gaze to Conrad who he found staring at him.

"President Dhallian is so beautiful."

Qise: "???" Umm, thank you?

Seeing his confused expression, Conrad let out a low laugh.

"I'm sorry if I'm rude but may I take the liberty to ask if you're a beta?"

Qise had no idea that he is wrapped with a strong pheromone and didn't find it strange that someone would ask about his gender after all almost each and every popular figure is an alpha and he a beta is the first successful figure in the technology industry which shook the people in the business industry.

If he's a famous idol in an entertainment company then nothing's wrong.

Because being good-looking is also a kind of strength.

"Yes. I'm a beta."

A smile appeared on Conrad's face.

"That's awesome, I didn't expect that a beta could have such an achievement."

Qise frown, he feels like Conrad's gaze is always sticking to him and it made him uncomfortable so he avoids making eye contact by looking at the menu as an excuse.

"A beta who is beautiful and successful. Your existence is unfair for them huh."

Conrad admits that the person in front of him is really attractive. The way he moves is elegant and those pair of slender fingers is also addicting.

He wonder, how could such a beautiful beta exist.

And the way his pheromone wrapped the person unnoticed raised a pleasure within him. It's really a beta. He's not even aware that such a strong pheromone is moving around him.

"Do you want to order?"

Conrad smiled softly and replied, "Do you have a recommendation? I'm not good at picking what to eat."

"Do you have taboos?"

"None but maybe I could get the same as yours."

Qise blushed, "Are you sure?"

He just wanted to eat pastries but the man before him didn't look like someone who like sweets. Qise feels embarrassed because of his sweet tooth and decided to order one dish together.

Conrad didn't speak and just watch Qise talk to a waiter.

He saw earlier that Qise is looking at the dessert but only order one pastry.

How cute.

He probably cares about his image and refuses to make it obvious that he like sweets since only omegas have sweet tooth.

It's really interesting.

He just found a new hobby.

"So what does president Dhallian want to discuss with me?"

"I want to ask about the pheromone comforter."

Conrad raises an eyebrow, "President Dhallian has an illegitimate child?"

Qise choked.

"Don't talk nonsense!"

How could a system like him have a child? aside from being a beta, he's not even qualified to be in a relationship despite being programmed with emotions!

"Oh, then who will you use pheromone comforter?"

"It's for my young master!"

"Your young master?! Is that what you call your lover?"

Qise gritted his teeth. Does he look like someone who is in a relationship? He couldn't even have a good sleep because of his host and the company, how could a system like him have time to have fun around like a human?!

Even if he wanted he couldn't do it!


Conrad is happy when the other party's eyes bore on him. He is just fooling around but the cat slowly revealed its claw and scratches him.

Ah, so cute.

"I have no lover!"

It's really good.

Conrad chuckled, "It's actually fine but I still haven't finished my research. How old is your young master now?"

"He's turning five years old this coming month."

"Oh, a little baby."

If his host heard what this man said then a slap is not enough as revenge.

What Danzel said about this man is not accurate. Are you sure you're not talking about other Nekriel? This person in front of him has time to tease him! Where is the serious and calm doctor that Danzel said?

If the man acted mad then it's fine but if it's like this then something is abnormal!

How come your outside image is different?!

"It's fine if it's just five years old. The pheromone comforter is in the middle of the study, it would probably take four years for production since a further test of an actual product is needed to make sure it's safe for children."

It's a lie.

He's done with the research and experiment.

If he wanted, the production of the pheromone comforter can start but why would he say that? People call him a madman for something true because he's really selfish.