
Qise feels relieved to know that the pheromone comforter is already under study.

Four years is fine. His host would turn five years old this coming month so the calculation of the pheromone comforter's release is when his host turns nine. Ten years old is the age of gender awakening, now that he's sure about the pheromone comforter then his worries could lessen.

"I could give the first batch to you but I have a request and I hope president Dhallian could consider it."

"Anything is fine as long as it's within my capability."

"It's not complicated. I just want president Nekriel to develop more technology that could help the science and technology academy. I also want to sign a contract to secure my institute and your company's connection."

Qise tilted his head.

That's it?

The technology that their company is studying is vast, currently, holographic devices are their focus and they could release it two months from now. The progress of their R&D department is fast because he's also taking part in the invention. Actually, he's behind every product of the Dhallian company, and researchers in his company are just following his instruction.

It is also the reason why his competitor, despite sending a spy couldn't grasp accurate information about their current study.

"It's not a problem to me..."

Selling technology to the S&T academy is a favor to him.

"...but are you sure that's enough?"

Conrad gave a meaningful smile, "Then, how about a cooperation of incubation capsule?"

Qise's eyes widen, isn't it a bit too fast? Would he witness this world enter an interstellar age? He didn't expect Conrad Nekriel to be this kind of madman who would research every possibility he could think of.

Besides, the incubation capsule is not a complicated structure for a system like him who came from the most advanced world.

He could finish creating an incubator in a month but that would arouse suspicion and confusion among the public. He doesn't want to invent high-level technology while he's still acting CEO because once his host takes over the company, wouldn't the public question his host's ability?

A matter of debate.

With his host recovered memory, his character is not sunny as people think.

His host is a gloomy person with a ruthless mind. Thinking about receiving the familiar cold eyes made him shiver in fear. He doesn't want to be dismembered and removed of function.

It's settled!

He must go back to the administration once his host recovered his sealed memories!

"I have-----"

[Bzzzt. Bzzzt]

Both Conrad and Qise stare at the phone that is vibrating in the pocket.

No one knows Qise's personal number other than his secretary and Butler Yul. Ren is just outside so he immediately thought of Butler Yul but why call? Did something happen at home?

"Excuse me can I take this call?"

"It's fine, take your time."

Qise didn't shy away and pulled his phone from his pocket and answer the phone call from Butler Yul. At a time like it, it's either some people who visit the castle or his host is in trouble. He ruled out the first guess since the delivery is already over, no outsider could enter the forest despite navigation due to the blockage system that is installed in the castle.

It must be his host who was in trouble or an accident.

"Hello mister Dhallian?"


Qise move his phone from his ear and look at the caller ID and found that it was from the kindergarten and started to feel nervous.

"Teacher Roana? did something happen?"

"It's like this mister Qise, please don't be surprised."

What happens? Did his host punch someone or threaten other children?

Serin: "..." Am I that kind of person in your eyes?

"I found that five of my students is missing so I checked the CCTV of the playground and found them sneaking. However, when we found the place where they go a man-made hole was found so It was either the kids run outside or were kidnapped. I hope mister Dhallian can go to school to check the situation since the police concluded that a kidnapping plan has long been implanted in the kindergarten and the five missing students might be taken."


Qise instantly loses his vitality and weakly leans on the couch.

"Is this a prank?"

"Ah? N-No! Mister Dhallian I know it's hard to accept but please come to the kindergarten quickly since parents need to coordinate with the police."

Qise's face turns pale.

"Yes, I'll go right away."

Hanging up the phone, he gritted his teeth. His ancestor would be the cause of his death!

"Can I go with you?"

Conrad heard the conversation and is curious about what happened.

"Aren't you busy?"

"Not really. You can tell your secretary to go back first, I'll take you in my car."

Qise didn't find it weird and just nodded. After all, Ren needs to handle things in the company while he's gone so he can't take him with him. Next time he'll hire another secretary for Ren so he won't bear all workload.

Leaving the private room, he saw two young men talking to each other and look at them in synchronization.

Qise told Ren about what happened in Madea and told him to go back to the company first.

Conrad also reminds his secretary.

And did not forget to tell him to keep the pheromone comforter's progress a secret using a low voice while peeking at Qise.

Both walk side by side downstairs and their good looks attracted many regular diners. They couldn't help but admire and thought that the two perfectly fit each other. The majority of the diners are alpha and omega, so it's natural that they can sense a strong pheromone wrapped around that beautiful person.

Alphas feel warned.

Omegas feel suppressed but that didn't prevent them to feel envious.

A dominant alpha loves you, who's omega didn't dream that? In the end, they could only admire from afar since the strong alpha has a love interest.

What they haven't thought is that the beautiful man they thought an omega is actually a beta who had no idea that he's carrying a strong pheromone that could make alphas back off. Conrad knew that its rude to mark someone using pheromones without consent but the other party is a beta who is not aware of his surroundings.

He won't be sued.

Driving the car, Conrad is in a good mood.

On the other hand, the five kids who sneak out to find treasure was really kidnapped because they feel hungry and lost their way. They don't know how to go back, so when two stranger approach them and asked them, instead of answering they demanded that they're hungry and want to go back to kindergarten.

The two strangers pretend to hear nothing.

They proposed to take them to a place to buy food and the five kids who are hungry with stomach growling could only reach out and held the hands of the two strangers who ushered them inside a white van.

"Mister I want chicken nuggets!"

"I want ice cream!"

"Can I get opera?"

"Me! I want a burger! I haven't tasted a burger yet!"

The five adults inside the van feel dizzy because of the hyperactive children. They don't know if they would feel thankful because the little one didn't make trouble other than creating noises or what. Anyways, they are lucky today and got five kids to sell, they would make a lot of money so their patience towards the five children is not limited.

"The shop is far away so children should wait."

Serin pursed his lips.

"But I'm hungry! My stomach already has monsters!" because it's growling and demanding food.

Baby always eats on time so the baby feels wronged.

Sion others are also angry and started to throw a tantrum while crying. They finally realize that the uncle and aunties lied to them because it's been a long time and there's still no food.

They demanded to go back to kindergarten and kick the seat as they can, irritating the kidnappers so they started to raise their voices and threaten the children to shut up.

Xanric is quiet in the corner because he finally remembers what his grandfather told him about coming with strangers. His face paled and his fingertips trembled. Being taken by bad people means they won't see their parents again!

How could it be?

He wanted to see his grandpa, so he also started to cry while calling "grandpa".

Serin who is crying hard stopped when he heard Xanric cry. His cute baby face wrinkled and thought that the bad guys scared his future wife so he got angry.

"You bad people make my wife cry!"

The kidnappers paused and look at Serin who shouted.

Serin raise his little legs and kick the man who is near him and said, "I beat you! I beat you!"

The man was caught off guard and Serin's little tiny feet hit the man's face.

Kidnappers: "!!!"

When Qise and Conrad arrived at the kindergarten, he saw a row of cars. The class is suspended so the school calls the parents to take their child while explaining what happen. Children are confused why they would go home early and keep asking their parents but the adults just lie and started to teach their kids basic knowledge to avoid kidnappers.

This is not the first time that Madea Kindergarten became the target of kidnapping. So they build a wall to protect the students, do patrols and build security. Everywhere, there's a CCTV but you can't avoid crimes especially if the criminals are good with technology.

They could hack, and manipulate CCTV.

The hole seems been made with a lot of consideration.

"Teacher Roana."

"Mister Qise!"

Teacher Roana looks at Qise with a teary eye, "Mister Qise, I-I'm sorry, I-It's because of my negligence that--- Ah?!" Teacher Roana paled when he sense a strong pheromone and immediately backed away from Qise.

"M-Mister Qise this is---"

"Hello." Conrad appear beside Qise and interrupted Teacher Roana's words.

"Since we're here can you guide us to where the police are?"

Teacher Roana shivered when he met a pair of deep eyes and said, "Y-Yes."

Conrad kept his signature smile and walk with Qise who is now asking Teacher Roana about the situation. Qise is calm unlike other parents so teacher Roana explains without getting interrupted. She's also worried and guilty so when talking about the children she has already forgotten about the man's pheromone that wrapped Qise.

The place is not far from the playground.

Qise saw familiar faces including president Strauss.

"President Dhallian."

Qise nodded at president Strauss, acknowledging his presence. He can see that president Strauss is worried about his illegitimate son which made him surprised.

He thought president Strauss is here because he was pressured by the old man.

"How's the progress of the investigation?"

"It getting there. Someone saw the children ten blocks away and came to report since Madea's logo is known to those who live and rent shop nearby so hearing that the Midea Kindergarten encounter an incident some police came and report the matter."

"So, the children sneak out?"

"High probability, but it couldn't be said that the children are safe because when the police visit the place where they were last seen, the children are already gone."

"Where's the chief police? I'll cooperate with him."

Qise already learned from the past danger so he invented a tracking device and give it to G-cosmic to put it in his host's customized clothes.

That's also the reason why you won't see a trace of worries on his face.

"They're talking to the dean."

Qise follow president Strauss and saw a bunch of armed police. The bushes are destroyed making the hole visible. It was mentioned that this is a man-made hole and kidnappers are already planning their goal by studying the layout of the kindergarten.

It's really dangerous.

"Excuse me."

Both dean and the captain turn their heads in their direction.

"Mister Qise?" the dean glanced at the police captain and pointed at Qise: "This is the guardian of one of the missing children."


Qise shook hands with the captain: "Dhallian."

"It's like this mister Dhallian, the children used the hole to sneak out of the kindergarten and some concerned citizens reported that they saw children from Madea but unfortunately the school was notified late. A quick interview was conducted and it said that the kids are picking up trash around, they don't know what happen after since they are all busy on their way and just reported to the nearby police station."

"So when the police came to pick up the children they're gone?"

"Yes. No one saw where they go and the CCTV around show a hint of manipulation. Probably they were really kidnapped while playing outside."

Qise lowered his gaze.

Conrad glance at him before looking back to the captain and said, "Do you have a list of some wanted organizations? both small and large."

"Yes, we have."

"Since the hole is man-made and the CCTV is deliberately destroyed, probably they are just waiting for children to take the bait."

"It's really planted." the dean sighed.