
"Captain, my child had a tracking device, maybe we could use it."

President Strauss and Conrad look surprised. Put a tracking device on a child? Did something similar happen before?

"Then may I ask where is it connected?"

"It's here."

Qise raises his hand and shows them his watch, pressing the mini button on the side, a blue holographic panel appeared out of thin air causing people to gasp in surprise. Even the police captain feels dizzy and blinks his eyes numerous times thinking that he's dreaming but no!

Really? A hologram?!

"M-Mister Qise, t-this is?"

"This is the product of Dhallian company, the child of my family is wearing customized clothes with tracking devices connected to my watch. Of course, communication is possible but in order not to startle the snake, tracing is enough."

Conrad's eyes deepen and peered at the hologram panel.

Qise is clicking the panel like he's using a touchscreen tablet, the function of the hologram is simple: location, message, contact, map, and research bar.

When he click the map, he immediately saw a moving red dot leaving the city center. If the investigation takes time then the kidnapper could leave the capital, too bad they're not smart enough and actually took a child from Madea's Kindergarten.

Everyone is from a wealthy family and connection is there.

Qise shows it to the police captain and said, "Send enforcement to this location, make sure not to make the kidnappers notice their presence since the children are probably inside a car in order to avoid further accidents."

Qise turns off the watch: "I'll go with them."

Indeed. The captain police didn't refuse since Qise had the device that point out the location.

"I'll come," Conrad interjected.

"T-This?" The police captain is reluctant.

"I'm a doctor, I could be a help in case of accidents." Conrad pulls out his wallet and shows his license card to the police captain.

The police captain who was shocked by Qise, once again encounter another surprise. Who is Conrad Nikriel? With the logo of Science and Technology Academy and the title of Academic Dean, he who keeps up with the news is aware of such a figure.

Why he didn't recognize it sooner?

"I-I'm sorry." The police captain bows his head.

"It's fine, you hurry and inform your subordinate. Let's not waste time."

Qise looks at Conrad with a complicated expression. The police captain both looks at him and president Strauss with respect but when it comes to Conrad, he treats it like a king and even bows his head at 60 degrees.

As if afraid of offending him.

Looks like Nekriel family is more respected than the president of this country.


Inside a white van, a loud scream of pain resounds inside.

Five children kick and pull the hair of the kidnappers in anger for not giving them food. Yes, they care more about food because their tiny tummies are roaring in hunger!

Babies always eat on time!

Babies can't be wronged!

Bad guys! Actually wanted them to suffer from hunger. When they come back they will sue to them their parents so the bad guys could be punished for making the baby hungry!

"Ahhh! Let go! Let go!"

Serin opens his mouth and bites the man's arm that's hitting him.

How dare you make the baby hungry!

The baby wants to eat!

Baby's tummy has monsters already!

"Bad guy! Bad guy! You don't give me food, when Qise finds me I'll let him beat you!" who dares to say no to baby? Serin has been living his life being served like a prince so being hungry is enough to wrong him and make him angry.

"I get it! I get it! Let go! We will buy you food!"

The driver is nervous because of the fight so when he heard one of his brothers shout to stop the car, he did it after finding a nearby shop.

Serin snort when the car door opened while Xanric is sticking himself closer.

Sion, Mittel, and Eins kicked the bad guys for one last time and watch them leave to buy them some food. A sound of growl resound inside a quiet van and the five energetic kids cover their stomach in embarrassment while peeking at each other.

"The bad guys are not here, it's our chance!"

Sion picks the handle of the car door and pushed it with his little force.

Mittel and Eins who saw him having a hard time helped him. Probably the kidnappers underestimate the children they caught and leave the car unlock from the outside so five kids slipped out of the van and run away, hiding inside the nearby trash bins.

"It stinks!"

"Quiet! Endure it!" Sion hissed.

As an adventurous child, Sion is taught how to save himself from danger but he wasn't taught how to recognize one, in the end, he was still kidnaped.

Mr.&Mrs. Lorenz: "..."

It's forgotten.

When Mr. Dion, Mrs. Miller, and Mr. Lorenz arrived at the kindergarten, Qise, Xeric, and Conrad are already on their way to get back the children.

"They stop. The children escape."

President Strauss sighed in relief when he heard that the children escaped. Fortunately, the kids didn't forget to use their brains to recall what their parents taught them so when they knew they are in a situation where they won't see their parents again, instead of getting nervous, they were angry, especially with their empty stomach!

"How do you know?" Conrad asked and peek at the hologram.

"The red dot earlier is in this position meaning that the van stops, then the red dot move in a circular motion at a slow speed and this means that the children run out of the car." It's the difference in speed that he knew what happen. The speed of the car is fast but the speed of the foot is slower despite running.

"The dots stopped not too far from the car, it's still dangerous."

Qise zooms on the map to check the structure of the buildings and told the police to contact the police station near olisarez street.

"It's fine, they're probably hiding."

President Strauss frown: "It's still unsure if they won't be found."

"Don't underestimate children's minds, maybe in times of danger they're smarter than most adults."

Of course, they're really smart babies.

Sion who pushed his friends inside the trash bin also enter and close the lid. The trash can is full of papers so it doesn't stink too much but the smell that comes from the other trash can full of decayed garbage made the babies uncomfortable. However, with Sion's instruction, the four children could only aggrieve themselves inside a cramped space.

So the scene that the kidnappers encounter angers them.

Who said that children are stupid?!

Can a stupid child open a car?!

What didn't cross their mind is that children in Madea Kindergarten came from wealthy families so not to mention cars, they also know how to open a helicopter door.

"Fuck! You hurry and find them!"

The kidnappers scattered to look around. Nearby places were searched but saw no one, this made the leader of the group irritated, and couldn't help but scold his teammate.

They never bothered to open trashcans because the stinks could smell from afar, they won't think children from rich families could take that. But too bad because the children from rich families they think are sticking together inside big trash bins, enduring the bad smell just to hide from the bad guys who starve them.

"Mister Qise the police from olisarez called and they're already eyeing the kidnappers, ready to take action."

Qise raised an eyebrow: "Oh, that's too fast, as expected."

Conrad chuckled, "Olizares always experience cases and encounter crimes, so police there are attentive and sensitive."

"It's good since black organizations are rampant."

"Well, the world is pacing fast and everyone will do their best to survive." Conrad pursed his lips, "Look at the device you wear, if the black organization found out that such a device exist, wouldn't they go crazy? Your Dhallian needs to be more careful."

Qise's lip twitched.

"Well.." he knew it, but wouldn't that be fun?

Witnessing this world enter the interstellar age is interesting and once the holographic technology was publicized, he's sure there are more enemies.

Xeric: "Doctor Nekriel is right, not only the black organization but other tech companies will also keep an eye on you. Better screen your employees well to avoid spies."

"It would be impossible, my company has the highest security than some tech companies have. No one can steal data unless they could pass through numerous walls."

Especially since most important data are stored in his system memory.

"Mister Qise, we arrived."

The three men glance outside the police car.

Conrad opens the car door and reaches his hand to Qise, helping him step out causing president Strauss to raise an eyebrow.

"Doctor Nekriel, have you found your colors?"

"President Strauss is joking."

Xeric just threw a knowing look.

As a dominant alpha, Conrad's pheromone is nothing to him, unless it was directed at him aggressively. So when Qise arrived, he senses it from afar but didn't care too much since he is focused on the missing children.

Now that he saw Conrad's small move, he suddenly remember.

Isn't Qise a beta? Why wrapped him in pheromone like an omega?


Xeric lips twitched. Whatever both are still young and it's their business. An old man like him has no right to intervene with young people.

"Mister Qise let's just wait here. The police are done arresting the criminals and the children were found inside trash bins. They're already on their way here."

President Strauss: "!!!"

Qise: "!!!"

Conrad: "???"

Qise entered the police station, dazed.

Did he hear it right? Inside trash bins? How could his ancestor endure that? A little bad smell would make his face wrinkled and throw a tantrum and now out of many places you choose to hide inside a trash bin?

With your character wouldn't you refuse to wrong yourself?

Xeric is also lost in thought. Trash bin? He's afraid that if his grandfather found out that his precious grandson was wronged, he'll be resentful.

Conrad witnessed the two-person beside him become mute.

Well, is there something wrong? Isn't it a smart way to hide since children relatively have small bodies?

Why do look regretful?

Seems to be aware of his gaze, Qise and Xeric turn their head and look at Conrad with "You don't understand." expressions.

The five children started to cry when the police carry them outside the stinky trash bin.

"I stink! I stink!" Serin cried.

Xanric: "Huhuhu I'm dirty."

Mittel: "My body hurts!"

Eins: "Who? Who kicked me earlier?!"

Sion: "Uncle police, please clean the garbage, it smells bad."

The police started to lose their mind not knowing how to coax. They could only put them inside the car in a hurry so they could meet their parents.

It didn't take long for children to reunite with adults.

When Serin saw Qise, he stood still while crying.

"Qise I stink!"

"Yeah, you stink."

Serin's small eyes widen and look at Qise aggrievedly: "You are hating me?!"


Qise laughs and pokes his host's puffed cheek.

"Young master, you need a spanking."


Serin cried loudly when he heard that Qise would spank him. As a domineering president, this is not allowed to happen, it's his image at stake. Besides knowing that he was wrong, he still didn't want to admit it and blame Qise again for being incompetent.

He started to hit Qise but stooped when he realize that he was lifted away.

"This child has no manners."

Conrad's cold eyes landed on Serin's small figure.

"W-Who are you?! Let go! Don't touch this young master!"

"You stupid child sneak out of kindergarten and got kidnapped. Why blame your mistake on someone? Spanking is not enough to teach you a lesson."

Qise was startled and held Conrad's arm.

"Y-You, don't scold the child." it's him who will suffer to coax later.

Conrad ignores Qise and continues to bore his cold gaze on Serin who is now trembling in fear.

Who? who is this person who looks more domineering than him?

"Will still hit?"

Serin quickly shook his head.

"Who to blame?"

Serin lowered his gaze: "M-Me! It's my fault!"

Conrad was satisfied and put down Serin who instantly run towards Qise, hugging tights while crying. Seeing him start to hiccup, Qise felt distressed and hugged his host. Of course, this matter will be noted so he could slap this matter to his host once growing up.

In that way, he could take a long break whenever he want.

Conrad watches Qise coax the child gently and an unknown feeling emerged.