
Qise and others go back to kindergarten.

When the dean saw the children he was relieved and told the parents that there would be no classes tomorrow because the school will fix the hole in the wall and the police will still conduct an investigation around the kindergarten tomorrow to make sure that there would be no problem.

Is it also to reassure the parents that something similar like this won't happen again.

"I'll take you home, give me your address."

Qise shook his head, "No, I bother you enough, I can call a driver to pick me up."

"It's fine. If you wait then it'll be dawn, and the kid is already fast asleep."

Thinking of Serin, Qise agreed and get inside Conrad's car.

"I'm sorry for today. If there's a chance I'll invite you for another dinner."

Conrad smirk: "Oh sure. I'll expect that."

He also witnessed some interesting things so he's not really bothered. The young master from Qises's mouth is also what he didn't expect. He was partly surprised and confused. Why call the child young master? Do they have blood relationships or none?

The way the child treats Qise is like how an ill-mannered young master treats their servants. How could Qise tolerate that?

And also...

"This address..."

Qise knew what he was going to ask so he immediately answered, "Ah yes, don't worry it's the right way. Our house is located in Seinara Forest."

"Do you own this land?"


"As far as I know the government has been eying this forest. I thought there was something valuable found in Seinara so they're reluctant to move it but I never thought that a huge land was owned by a single family. Are your ancestors' royalty?"

"Are you forgetting the Strauss family? If we are descendants of a royal then what about the Strauss family's hundred of years of history?"

Conrad raised an eyebrow.

"Perhaps a noble?"

Qise shrugged.

This land is given by the main system so of course, no matter how much the government wants to reclaim it, they have no ability. Force is also not possible because Qise has a connection with the military as he provides technologies, even the president ignores whatever he does but those people below keep blabbing.

Greedy people will always be stupid.

Conrad keep driving until he reached the middle of the forest and saw a huge castle erected, his expression cracked.

"You said a house right?"

Qise tilted his head, "Yeah, a house is where people live, exactly a home."

Conrad raised his gaze and saw a dazzling gold gate.

Did he teleport?

As a proud son of the Nekriel family even if he had everything given in his palm (golden spoon), living in a castle is impossible. So...how wealthy is Qise?...no...it should be, how wealthy is the Dhallian family?

The child in Qises's arms is definitely a prince.

"It's late, how about spending your night here?"

Conrad: "..."

Who is he to refuse?

He also wanted to see the castle so he agreed and entered after giving his car keys to a servant to park his car.

It's just an entrance but every yellow color you see is gold.

You will even feel reluctant to walk on the red carpet.

"Grandpa Yul, this is Doctor Nikriel."

Butler Yul's eyes glow when he heard the word 'doctor' and said, "Is he the one you find to help our little master?"

"Yes, he will stay here for a night so please tell a servant to clean the guest room."

"Okay. Okay."

Butler Yul happily walks away.

Qise felt his arms numb so he put Serin on the big couch while talking to Conrad about the pheromone comforter. With Qise's explanation, Conrad finally knew why Qise wanted a pheromone comforter. It's always like this, without a parent's pheromone comfort when a child enters the state of gender differentiation they will experience extreme pain.

The pain is tolerable to adults but if a child experiences a scale of eight to nine pain both mentally and physically then self-harm during the differentiation will happen.

Also, the reason why abandoned children die.

You can even count the number of orphanages in this country, enough to make people realize the severity of having no pheromone comforter.

That's why the government demanded research of an alternative, enough to make children survive the differentiation stage.

Seeing Qise picking the child again, Conrad stood up and said, "Let me."

Qise look surprised but didn't refuse because his arms really hurt. His host really needs a diet, it's too heavy.

"Where's his room?"

"I'll come."

Both Conrad and Qise walk upstairs under the gossiping eyes of the servants near the main hall. The maids squeal while looking at each other and talk about Conrad whom they assumed Qise's suitor.

Why wouldn't they? Some maids are omegas and they could smell Conrad's pheromone 10 meters away.

Besides, the man is too handsome, enough to stand side by side with Qise.

"They suit each other."

"That man is so handsome, but I'm still into our beautiful mister Qise."

One maid slapped her co-worker's shoulder and said playfully, "Give up, you have no chance. Look at that man that mister Qise brought home. Do you still think you have a chance?"

The girl rolled her eyes, "Do you think I'm stupid enough to fight with alpha?!"

"Yeah, you look like that."

"How rude of you!"

The maids laugh and continue to gossip.

Surly, news travel fast and almost all the servants around the castle heard the news that Qise brought a man for the first time which aroused their interest.

Butler Yul is old and had no interest in gossip so he had no idea about the rumor.

Meanwhile, Rachelle thought that Conrad is Qise's lover because the man's strong pheromone is wrapping Qise, and any alpha with impure intentions would be scared away once they smell it.

Rachelle is a female alpha she feels warned and could only back away, intending not to get close.

Qise who's not aware he had a scandal of bringing back a lover is serving his little ancestor. Conrad on the other hand stood aside, watching Qise clean the child's body, and only moved if he was asked to get some things.

Now, standing in a huge wardrobe similar size to his penthouse, he is bewildered.

Too many clothes, is raising a child this troublesome?

Picking what he thought was nightwear, he left the room and show Qise what he picked. Qise immediately grabs the small nightgown and put it on his host body before straightening his body.

"Does your back hurts?"

Conrad's large hands touched Qise's back which made Qise startled.


"I thought you would need a massage. Do you mind?"

Qise wrinkled his face, his body is really aching because he did nothing but work in the company and work in the castle.

He could only rest once his host fall asleep.

Now that his host got into trouble again, his tiredness tripled which made him hate the human body he possess.

"But it's dinner time."

"Then I'll do it later. Where's your room?"

Qise is oblivious to Conrad's intentional skin contact and pointed the door across Serin's room.

Even if the system is programmed with emotion and now possesses a human body, he still couldn't consider himself a human.

He doesn't care about other people as long as he didn't sense danger from them.

That's why even if there are a bunch of people who would flirt with Qise...they would just be ignored because, in his eyes, his host is the most important.

His emotion would only work normally if he is dealing with his host.


"Qise, dinner is ready."

Butler Yul opened the door after knocking and saw the two-man, almost sticking to each other.

Butler Yul: "..."

Closing it again, he stood dumbfoundedly while staring at the door.

It didn't take long for Qise to go out with Conrad and saw butler Yul standing outside.

"Grandpa Yul, the little master is sleeping, just prepare midnight food for him. I'll tell you what happens later."

Butler Yul nodded in dazed.

"T-Then Qise takes Doctor Nekriel with you downstairs, the food is ready, it'll be bad if turns cold."

Conrad smile at Bulter Yul and walked downstairs with Qise.

Now he finally notices various inquiring stares roaming toward him and his eyes turn sharp in exchange. He lowered his gaze and look at the servants using his peripheral vision and finally understand the reason.

He lifted his head and bore his sight on Qise's back.

Finally remembering that he uses his pheromones to test Qise's gender.

It's no wonder people will misunderstand.

He prevented others from mentioning this matter earlier and now an excuse is needed. It will be bad if Qise raised his guard against him just because of his rude actions.

"Qise, my pheromones seem to linger on you."

Qise stops, "Ah?"

Frowning, he raised his arm to sniff but couldn't smell something.

But in just a minute his face turn red when he realized that he was a beta and Conrad's strong pheromone unintentionally coated him.

"I'm sorry, I'm in a susceptible period so even if I can control my pheromones, some of it will leak, and because I'm dominant the amount of pheromones is enough to make people misunderstand."

Qise's eyes widen, "You're in a rut?!"


Qise immediately wandered his gaze and his eyes sank when he saw some omegas workers. Since alpha is in a susceptible period then it will be easily affected by the opposite gender (omega). No wonder Conrad immediately explain.

"Go! Betas will stay."

The omega servants shuddered, this is not the first time Qise raised his voice but he rarely does so they're still not used to it.

They immediately leave leaving beta maids around.

"I'm sorry."

Conrad grinned, "It's fine. I'm dominant so no matter what, I have absolute control to not let myself go crazy."

"Since your rut is near then we should reschedule our dinner meeting, I'll just let my secretary contact your secretary for the appointment."


After all, even if alpha and omega have full control of their pheromones once the rut and heat cycle arrived then they would have no choice.

Omegas will be vulnerable and Alphas will become aggressive.

Alphas are dangerous so in their susceptible period, they must find a comfortable place to lock themselves, if they have a lover then they will keep their lover in their nest and make love until the rut ends.

The process is crazy and the animal instinct is in power.

Disturbing an alpha in a rut will cause trouble because an alpha in a rut will become very possessive, they'll think that the people near them would snatch their partner so they would have no choice but to eliminate or hurt that person to avoid them from stealing their mate.

Arriving at the dining hall, Conrad suddenly thought of something.

Then look at Serin, seemingly in trouble, and said, "Come to think of it, I haven't found a nest."

Qise choked.

Isn't that too personal? Why tell him?

Of course, Conrad won't talk to others like that but it seems fun to tease Qise so he couldn't control it. Talking about nests is sensitive because alphas find nests in a secretive way to avoid unexpected attacks from others, it is also to avoid danger while they're with their partner.

Usually, some alphas would build nests in a forest, underground their house, or just simply buy a penthouse. Almost 95% of alphas are rich and have successful careers so money is not a problem for them.

"You want a new nest?"

Conrad shook his head: "I never had a nest, I just stay in my penthouse."

"Isn't that also good?"

"Not for me, if I have a lover then a penthouse is fine because my lover can comfort me. Dominant alphas are not the same as those sub-alphas who can stay in their room or house during the rut. Dominant alphas are more aggressive and territorial so usually, our nest is equipped with security that could lock us inside our nest to avoid harming others."

Qise suddenly got worried.

If his host became a dominant alpha then the rut cycle is maniacal.

Should he build a nest before the gender awakening?

"T-Then what are you gonna do?"

Conrad shrugged.

Whenever his rut arrived he will stay in his penthouse and his father would assign a security that would monitor him. There is a time he couldn't control himself so his father would lock him in an enclosed observation room in the Nekriel family's laboratory.

Now his father developed medicine to calm a maniacal dominant alpha so he's not really worried.

"You should look for it quickly or you'll be in trouble."