
Serin woke up late the next day.

Probably because of exhaustion, he woke up at midnight when his stomach couldn't take his hunger to eat and sleep for the second time after being coaxed by Butler Yul.

He didn't even bother to call out Qise like he usually does.

Butler Yul already knows what happen at the kindergarten and talk to Qise about letting Serin stays at home and just hired a tutor. Qise refused because he knew his host won't accept that. He reasons that a child when growing up needs to socialize so as not to be left out by his peers. If they keep Serin away from other children then the child will grow up withdrawn.

No one wants that to happen.

Butler Yul can only sigh and decided to teach Serin how to avoid danger.

Now Serin who is awake is being carried by Rachelle downstairs. He was in a good mood and keep humming a song while looking forward to his breakfast.

However, when he saw a familiar man beside Qise he was shocked.

Serin: "!!!"

Isn't this the man who acted disrespectfully to him?

"Why is he here?!" he shouted while motioning for Rachelle to put him down and stride forward.

With his little hand crossed, he raised his chin and looked disdainfully at the man who looked more domineering than him.

He couldn't accept it!

How could someone look more domineering than him?!


Qise feels complicated, probably knowing why his host hates Conrad. Serin never accepts that someone is better than him so Conrad's existence hit the young child's pride. Qise sighed and gave Conrad a look to avoid making his host angrier than this.

Conrad didn't understand but since he is in Serin's house he will have a restrained attitude, especially in front of Qise, he doesn't even mind acting nice for a day.

"Little master, have you forgotten what happen yesterday?"

Serin stiffens and his cute round eyes look at Qise. He knew his wronged so to avoid being scolded he doesn't mind acting adorable just for today!

Come Qise! You have permission to cuddle with the great him!

"I know what you're thinking and that won't work for me."

Qise sighed, "Little master this is the second time. Do you think you can get away if there's a third or fourth time? Besides, why did you escape kindergarten despite knowing the danger outside? The teacher always teaches children to always ask adults to accompany them if they wanted to go somewhere inside the school but what did you and your friends do?"

Serin pursed his lips.

"B-But Qise, m-my wife wanted to find treasure."


It was he who got attracted to the word "treasure" and it was Xanric who agreed because of him. Baby doesn't admit it! To become a qualified domineering CEO he must not make a single mistake in decision-making! This time he was just caught off guard because of his wife!

That's right, it's his wife! His wife wanted to go and as a qualified husband, he could only come along to protect him!

Conrad: "???" Wife? Did he hear it right?

Qise's eyes turn cold: "Little master, stop with your "wife" word. You're still a child, that kind of word is not suitable. Besides what would other people think of me whenever they heard you shout that? They will think that I'm not correcting you or disciplining you. So as your subordinate wouldn't that also reflect your image?"

Conrad: "???" Subordinate? What kind of relationship is this?

Serin fell into thoughts.

Qise is right, only a married couple is allowed to call that endearment because it represents their status as a legal partner.

He is a child now, not an adult.

Anyways, Xanric said that he would marry him once they have grown up so he could just wait. It's not long anyway. Looking at Qise with teary eyes, he trotted towards him and hugged his legs while sobbing.

"Q-Qise I'm sorry, I-I wouldn't do it again. I-I won't be a bad baby."

Conrad became more and more confused. The changes are too fast.

Qise lifted Serin, let him sit on his lap, and turn to look at Conrad who is looking at them. He couldn't help but feel embarrassed. He and Serin are always like this and everyone in the mansion is used to it but Conrad is a new meet acquaintance so letting him witness such a scene made him feel awkward.

"Doctor Nikriel, does your hospital have enough security?"

"Yes. After all, we do have a lot of VIP patients."

"That's good."

Conrad taps his fingers on his lap, "President Dhallian if you're worried about the child's gender awakening I can take him as my patient."

"Aren't you busy in your laboratory?"

"I don't have any other research than pheromone comforter."

Serin changes his gaze from Qise to Conrad with a confused expression. He doesn't understand what they're talking about so he could only suck the milk that Rachelle has given to him while watching both adults talk to each other.

In the end, Qise told him to go to Rachelle and have his breakfast.

With a puffed cheek, he could only walk away.

Rachelle told him that he had no classes so knowing that he won't be able to see Xanric and his friends, he is sad. The garden is too huge for him to play alone. He is the only baby in the castle so if he asked someone to play with him, they would do it but it's not fun to play with big brothers and sisters. They're so big and he is small, playing a tag game will exhaust him.

"Then little master you can ask them to visit you."

Serin widens his eyes, "Is that possible?!"

"Of course."

"T-Then I want to invite Xanric, Sion, Eins, and Mittel. Will they come?"

Rachelle comb her little master's hair gently and said, "We should let mister Qise know first. If he agrees then you can call your friends and send a car to fetch them."

Qise is having a fun conversation with Conrad when Rachelle came in and whisper his host's demand. He thought that it was good, at least the castle is safe, and the children could play wherever under the watchful eyes of the servants so he agreed and asked his secretary to get the number of the parents of his host friend from the school and call them.

Rachelle immediately shares the good news with her little master.

Serin jumped around and told every servant that his friends will come to the castle.

It was 8:30 in the morning inside the Strauss mansion.

When the old man heard what happen he scolded both father and son. President Strauss is tired and ignores his father's words. He went upstairs and check his second son before locking himself in his room to take a rest.

What happen yesterday tired him out so when he woke up in the morning, he scolded Xanric for being careless.

Xenon is aware of the incident and gloated over Xanric's unluckiness.

Meanwhile, Xeio called to check on this illegitimate little brother and comfort him before scolding Xenon for being insensitive. Xenon got angry and complain to his dad which made Xeric scold his eldest son.

It's a cycle.

Xanric who caused another fight in the mansion got cold eyes from the servants. Only butler Yul comforted him.

President Strauss is ready to go to the company but then his phone rang.

The caller ID is unfamiliar which made him frown. His personal number is only known to the Strauss family and the kindergarten, how come, someone, a stranger is calling him?

Gulping his coffee, he pressed the answer button.

"Hello? President Strauss?"

"Yes. May I know who is this?"

"Oh, I'm sorry. I'm Ren, secretary of President Dhallian. I got your personal number from the school and I'm sorry for calling so suddenly, it's just our young master wanted to see your son and played with him. Is it fine for you if we send someone to fetch him?"

"President Dhallian?"

Come to think of it, Xeric doubted that Serin is Qise's adopted son.

After all, how come a young unmarried and successful beta has a child without being in a relationship? Qise is not someone who looks like a playboy and would impregnate any woman he fancy. So his first thought when the dean mention that Qise is the guardian of the child is that Qise adopted a child or the child is Qise's nephew.

"It's fine but, may I know the address so I can rest assured?"

"It's good. President Dhallian lives at Seinara Forest."


"Um. Secretary Ren I haven't heard it wrong right? You said, Seinara Forest?"


What is Seinara Forest?

That forest is what the main family of Strauss couldn't move no matter what. He heard that the forest is privately owned by a single family but he didn't expect things to turn out like this.

The government couldn't even reclaim the land so they held a deep grudge against the owner of the Seinara Forest. But he didn't expect President Dhallian is the one who owned it and the reason why the government set aside their thoughts is that the Dhallian dominate the world's technology.

"Secretary Ren you can pick up the child, I'll inform the head butler."

Xeric hangs up the phone after courtesy and turns his head to look at his youngest son who is sulking and being coaxed by Butler Luice.

His eyes deepen.

Maybe this youngest son of his could help him to make a stable connection with the Dhallian.

"Butler Luice please change Xanric's clothes, someone will pick him up later."

Xanric was startled and asked, "Dad where would I go?"

"To your friend Serin."

"Dad he's my doll, not a friend."

Xeric paused and his face wrinkled, "Xanric you better behave yourself. Stop treating the person like he's your doll. Don't act crazy like your birth mother."

"B-But dad he---"

"Stop!" Xeric glared at his youngest son, "If you don't want me to get mad then fix your wording. You play with Serin so he's a friend, not a doll."

Xanric shrank himself on the couch and didn't speak, afraid of making his father angry. He already got himself into trouble yesterday, he needs to behave or his grandpa would also get disappointed.

"Butler Luice, drag him upstairs and change his clothes."

Butler Luice gently pull the child away and coaxed him again in a low voice.

Even though the patriarch didn't treat Xanric badly but when the child made a mistake he will become strict. It's really hard for such a small child since it's easy to be wronged. If his young master differentiates to omega then it would worsen the situation.

Omegas are delicate and have a weak mentality, you raise your voice and they will feel hated, you ignored them and they will feel aggrieved.

All you can do is be cautious.

"Young master don't be sad."

"Mmm. Butler Luice when the time comes I will introduce Serin to you. I promise to marry him so you will definitely see him."

Butler Luice sighed, "I'm happy that young master considers me."

But it's too young to talk about marriage.

Qise left the castle with Conrad since he still had a bunch of work to do. He called Ren in advance and exchange private numbers with Conrad.

The man is not bad as the rumors in the wealthy circle said.

After all, Conrad treat him gently and even helped him with some things. He even offers to be his host godfather and he agreed. It's good to build a connection with his host so that when his host encounters an accident, Conrad as the godfather could be a help.

Serin on the other hand had no idea that his system is slowly stepping on a trap laid by a hunter and he became the bait.

When Mittel, Eins, Sion, and Xanric arrived.

Everyone praises Serin's house making the child proud. He thought that his castle is not as bad as he thought. His future wife even said that he was envious that he live in such a big house.

"Hey! Hey! Serin do you have dragons?!"

"That's right, you live in a castle, you are a prince, so where's your dragon?"

"I want to see dragons too!"

Serin is shocked.

If you live in a castle you need to have a pet dragon? Why he hasn't heard of it?!

"Serin where's your dragon?!"

Serin fiddled with his hand and look around, he doesn't know if his house had any dragons, he only sees a white tiger, a black panther, a wolf, a fox, a lion, and a python. There are also small animals but he didn't bother to see them because a domineering president like him would only like wild animals that are tamed, it won't care about such a weak and delicate creature.