
Serin locks his gaze in the direction where the wild animals are located.

He pointed there and said, "I don't know if we had dragons but we can look there to see other animals."

Eins: "Really?!"

Mittel: "That's cool!"

Sion: "Let's go, let's go! I want to see animals!"

Xanric is standing beside Serin, holding each other's hand while looking in the direction where the wild animals are located expectantly. He also want to see animals because he had never been to a zoo. His grandpa is too old to travel and his father is always busy, he can only watch documentaries with his grandpa, admiring his favorite animal repeatedly.

A black panther.

His grandpa said that once he became an adult then he will develop an aura similar to that wild animal. Apparently, his grandpa is sure that he'll be an alpha because the Strauss family never had an omega born with their blood, and if ever an omega appears in their family, it's sure that that omega child will become everyone's favorite.

With Xanric's delicate body and squeamishness, the old patriarch hope that his little grandson would awaken as an omega.

Everyone in the Strauss family is looking forward to Xanric differentiation and even the main family Strauss is eying this illegitimate son from the third family branch.

"Serin I want to see a black panther, do you have one?"

Serin patted his chest, "Leave it to me! I have two of them and I'll give you one!"


Xanric happily clings to Serin.

Sion saw his two friends sticking to each other and pouted. Unlike Eins and Mittel who show envious expressions, Sion actually didn't care because he was told by his mother that if he sees someone so delicate and weak he must protect them and never bully them!

If he remembers it right, those weak and delicate types of people are called omega! His mother is a male omega and always teaches him how to treat an omega with care.

His father who is an alpha always teaches him how to be strong.

He loves both his parents so he always remembers their teaching. He only becomes disobedient if he really hates someone or something or encounters a situation he didn't like. Look at him, he was even praised by his father for being smart after the kidnapping case, only his daddy beat him and scolded him for being stupid.

Hmp, his daddy didn't understand him like his father.

Serin: "Let's go and see the animals!"

Xanric: "Yeah!"

Sion/Mittel: "Okay!"

Eins: "Start!"

Five kids walk together while chatting.

Rachelle is stalking behind far away from them, afraid of disturbing the children's fun so hearing that the little ones wanted to visit the exclusive zone, she orders her co-worker to inform the caretaker to avoid unwanted accidents.

After all, even if the animals in Seinarra are mostly tamed by them, there is still danger once you unconsciously provoked them. Only Qise and Serin can safely play with the wild animals around which is always a wonder to them. After all, Qise is a beta and had no aura like those alphas that could make animals similar to them submit.

And Serin is still a child who is excluded from the ABO gender.

It's really a rare thing.

"There are still eight days before my birthday!"

Serin on their way talked about his birthday and seeing that his friend forgot to remember how many days were left before his birthday, he couldn't help but get angry and told them for the second time.

"Wow, then are you going to have a birthday party in your castle?" Sion asked in astonishment while looking at the huge castle that is visible from their position.

"Yes! Before my birthday Qise said that he will send an invitation to your parents!"

Eins clapped his hands, "It's good. I want to play!"

Mittel nodded his head, "I also want to eat cake!"

Serin raised his chin proudly, "Don't worry I will have a big cake. Grandpa butler promise me that my birthday cake is big and delicious!"

Xanric smile happily when he thought about Serin's birthday.

Xanric: "I already told grandpa and he said he will buy you a gift!"


Children like the idea of gifts because whenever they had birthdays they will also receive gifts from adults so knowing that Serin will have a birthday they must prepare a gift too!

Sion: "I will tell my father later so he could buy a gift!"

Eins: "Me too!"

Mittel: "I'll ask daddy too!"

Serin is satisfied to see that his friends are looking forward to his birthday.

Seeing that they were already near the zone, Serin told his friends and pointed to the white tiger he saw which made his friends shout in amazement. This is the first time they saw a real tiger, not from textbook pictures, movies, or documentaries. It's really incredible that a white tiger is now walking in their direction with its tail swaying!

"Berius come!"

The white tiger smells his familiar human and upon hearing his name being called, he runs fast.


The children scream and ducked over when they saw the white tiger rushing.

Serin is not afraid and just opens his arms, ready to hug Berius and introduce him to his friends.

The white tiger is very friendly, he jumped on his owner causing Serin to be overwhelmed and thrown down: "Berius! Ah, stop licking!"

Don't destroy his hairstyle and clothes, he spends an hour getting ready!

The white tiger obediently stop his greetings and sat down.

"It's cool!"

Sion opens his mouth in astonishment.

Eins and Mittel opened their eyes when they heard Sion and look at the white tiger just one meter away from them. Sensing that the white tiger won't attack them, they immediately stood straight and squeal in amazement.

Eins: "Wow, Serin your white tiger looks cool!"

Mittel: "It's cool~"

Xanric took small steps and helped Serin fix his hair.

Serin had teary eyes fearing that his future wife will hate him for being ugly but when Xanric wipe the white tiger's saliva on him and helped him fix his clothes and hair, he abandoned that thought and confirm that Xanric really loves him and care about him the most.

"Wif--- No, X-Xanric thank you~"

He remembered what Qise said earlier and avoided calling his wife and just used Xanric's name.

"It's fine but you better be careful next time."


Serin purse his lips and blushed, letting Xanric hold his hand to see the white tiger.

Sion, Eins, and Mittel are already fawning over the white tiger, and seeing the wild animal ignoring them and just looking in Serin's direction, they started to touch the white tiger and compliment it nonstop.

The white tiger seems to sense their admiration and raised his head full of pride.

Hmp. Humans are really easy!

These human cubs are a bit annoying but since the owner is present, he must behave himself.

"This is Berius, the white tiger we raised."

Serin touches the white tiger and raises his chin to show off.

One tiger and one human cub. Both are prideful and elegant.

Xanric ignores the white tiger and looks around, wanting to see the black panther.

White Tiger: "!!!" This rude human cub!

Because of the white tiger's roar, some animals also revealed themselves and look in their direction. Even so, there is no black panther in sight. Xanric could only see a lion and tiger, there are even wolves and foxes. Above the tree not far from them there is also a huge python hanging around, hissing while looking toward them.

Sion: "Wow, I saw a tiger!"

Mittel: "There's also a lion!"

Eins: "The wolf looks beautiful!"

Xanric purses his lips and tugs Serin's clothes before asking, "Serin where is the black panther?" he really wanted to see a black panther.

"Huh?" Serin looks around.

That panther is probably hiding again! Annoying, his wife wanted to see it!

"Wait for me, I'll find it!"

Xanric was caught off guard when Serin's hand slipped away.

"Berius don't scare my friends. Play with them!"

The white tiger annoyingly roar and his big paw slap the head of Sion angrily, refusing the human cub who was hugging him.

Sion fell on his butt but he was not angry and just laugh, grabbing the white tiger's fur.

Eins is playing with the wolf while Mittel is playing a tag game with the lion. This scene surprises the caretaker because the animals here ignored people. They only show their energetic side to Qise and Serin, of course, omegas and alphas have different treatments.

Betas are having a hard time petting a pet because even cats choose their owner. After all, if animals sense an alpha or omega who has the same aura or breath as them they'll accept them.

In short, animals nowadays choose who they will get along with.

Just like the white tiger.

It's not a secret that people will use animals to guess their children's gender. The caretaker already had a hunch that the kid who is playing with the white tiger will probably differentiate as an alpha.

Sion actually doesn't care what is omega and alpha.

Even though the white tiger is using its big paw to push him, no matter how many times he fell on his butt, he would immediately stand and hug the arrogant white tiger while laughing.

The white tiger is irritated.

This human cub with weak breath is really annoying.

Xanric who was standing alone retracted his gaze and decided to find Serin but froze when his feet were wrapped by something.

Lowering his gaze, he saw the huge black python start to surround him.

But the strange thing is that Xanric didn't feel fear, instead, his obsidian eyes stare back at the python's dark vertical pupils.

Rachelle is just standing from afar and seeing the huge black python she couldn't help but tremble in fear.

Among wild animals in this forest what they can't handle the most is this black python. It won't attack people but when you are stared at by that pair of sharp vertical pupils, you will have this instinct to run away, afraid that you'll be caught by the hunter as prey.

She couldn't help but scream internally.

She's worried about the child.

Xanric's position is not far from others so when the white tiger, lion, and wolf saw the black panther, they immediately roar and grab the human cub near them away.

The servants around are dumbfounded.

The black python always stays in his nest or keeps himself above the huge tree, why does it suddenly associate with a kid?

The caretaker sweats and looks at the calm Xanric.

This child will probably become a dominant alpha in the future!

Not only the caretaker but almost all the servants who saw the black python surround the little child, gently moving have the same thoughts.

A dominant alpha!

Xanric had no idea what was happening but the huge black python whom he ignored earlier seems to be begging for his attention.

He was reluctant.

What he wanted to see is a black panther but this black huge python looks good too, especially with those shiny scaled. So though confused, his small hands still patted the black python which made the black python hiss louder and completely encircled him.

Xanric is dumbfounded.

In the end, he sat on the black python, planning to just wait for Serin.

Sion, Mittel, and Eins who were carried by the animals are ignorant. Sion's clothes were bitten by the white tiger, dragging him into a certain distance, away from the black python. It's the same with Mittel and Eins.

They didn't find it wrong and just thought that the animals are playing with them so they laugh happily while being dragged away.

How stupid.

The white tiger angrily slaps the human cub again.

Meanwhile, the wolf is licking Eins, wanting to make this human cub's breath, stronger.

Mittel on the other hand is being circled by the lion, sniffing his body and would sometimes peek at the black python, staying on guard to protect the human cub who had the same breath as him but was weak.

Other than Sion, the two children are treated gently.

Sion: "!!!" You don't know love?!

The white tiger hit Sion for the sixth time.


This human cub is really stupid!!!

Sion who don't know he was hated by his favorite white tiger sneezed.

Sion: "???" As far as he remembers he's not allergic to fur.

Xanric watch his friends play with other animals and saw Sion fall on his butt numerous times, his lips couldn't help but twitch.

White Tiger: Foolish human cub!